凛々堂 新利府店

1.3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact 凛々堂 新利府店

Rifu, Miyagi District, 〒981-0112 Miyagi,Japan
あきら on Google

10ぶる on Google

いちごは完売でまた販売時間に再チャレンジして購入出来ました!4、5人並んでました。 色んなフルーツ大福食べましたが、ここのは粉っぽくてあんまり美味しくなかったです… リピートはなしです。
Strawberries were sold out and I was able to re-challenge the sales time and purchase! Four or five people lined up. I ate various fruits Daifuku, but it was powdery and not very delicious ... There is no repeat.
みんみん on Google

3種(みかん、キウイ、いちご)のフルーツ大福を購入しました。 白餡ですが、あんこはほとんど入っていません。求肥は薄くて固め。フルーツそのものを味わう感じですね。フルーツはまるごと入ってて、糸で切って食べると断面が映えるので、みんなでワイワイ食べるなら盛り上がりそうです。若い人には受けるのかもしれません。お値段がもう少し手頃ならリピートもしますが、1つ約600円でこれはリピートはしにくいかな。 店員さんは親切でした!
I bought 3 kinds of fruit Daifuku (mandarin orange, kiwi, strawberry). It's white bean paste, but it doesn't contain much bean paste. Gyuhi is thin and firm. It's like tasting the fruit itself. The whole fruit is in it, and if you cut it with a thread and eat it, the cross section will look good, so if you eat it together, it will be exciting. It may be received by young people. If the price is a little more reasonable, I will repeat it, but I think it's difficult to repeat for about 600 yen each. The clerk was kind!
KA CK on Google

It was just a fruit wrapped in powdery and dry Kapikapi fertilizer, with almost no bean paste and no sense of luck. I didn't think it was so delicious. I will never buy it again.

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