Restaurant - Ibaraki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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住所 :

竹島マンション 1 Chome-3-1 Masago, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0851, Japan

Postal code : 567-0851

竹島マンション 1 Chome-3-1 Masago, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0851, Japan
なご on Google

Lunch lunch is perfect! The white cat sleeps on your knees.
k m on Google

プロレスラーが来店する街の洋食店 味よし、居心地よし? マスターの人柄もヨシ?
Western-style restaurant in the city where professional wrestlers visit Good taste, good cozy ? The personality of the master is also Yoshi ?
佐々木拓哉 on Google

何を食べても美味しいお店です。 他には無い黒胡麻のピザ最高です\(^o^)/
It's a delicious restaurant no matter what you eat. The best black sesame pizza like no other \ (^ o ^) /
プローレ鈴木 on Google

店長さんがプロレス大好きでプロレスラーの方もよく来店する名店 昼のランチは量も味も最高! 大日本プロレス等一部のプロレス興行の会場でも買える卵サンドはまさに絶品 ここの店を知れただけでもプロレスファンでよかったな、と思える店
A well-known store that the manager loves professional wrestling and is often visited by professional wrestlers The amount and taste of lunch is the best! Egg sandwiches that can be bought at some professional wrestling venues such as Big Japan Wrestling are truly exquisite A store that makes me happy to be a professional wrestling fan just to know this store
月見の真治 on Google

皆さんの口コミを拝見して 行ってきました。 その日のランチは、ハンバーグ、エビフライ、ポークカツの3種で、その中から2種盛り3種盛りが選べるとのこと。 3種って多いですか?って訪ねると、ウチはそのまま増える感じなんで、結構 量ありますよって、優しそうなマスター。 いつもなら 突っ走るけど、ここはプロレスラーさんもいらっしゃるってことなので、これは大変かも?と思い、素直に2種盛りをお願いしまた。 "その分ライス大盛りにしときますよっ"て、お気遣いいただいた頃、ちょうど常連さんが来店されてマスターとお話されている間。 ホントに自分は旨くて箸が止まりませんでした。夢中で食べた。本当に美味しかった。そして思ったより満腹でした。やっぱりお皿の大盛りは、お茶碗とは違うかもです。 本当に美味しく頂けました。次は3種食べにまた行きたいです。
I went to see everyone's reviews. For lunch on that day, there are 3 types of hamburger steak, fried shrimp, and pork cutlet, and you can choose from 2 types and 3 types. Are there many 3 types? When I visited, I felt that my number would increase as it was, so there are quite a lot, so a gentle master. I usually run, but there are also professional wrestlers here, so this may be difficult. I thought, please obediently ask for two kinds. "I'll make a large serving of rice by that amount," and when I was concerned, just while the regulars came to the store and talked to the master. I was really good and my chopsticks didn't stop. I ate it crazy. It was really delicious. And I was fuller than I expected. After all, a large serving of plates may be different from a bowl. It was really delicious. Next time I want to go to eat 3 kinds again.
shuji matsuzaki on Google

味、ボリューム満天☆ プロレスワールド全開の 店内いい感じ‼️
Taste and volume are full ☆ Pro-wrestling world fully open Good feeling in the store! ️
勢力誠(vigorous action) on Google

The shopkeeper makes a noise with his friends even though he has customers. Correspondence is the worst, such as forcing a friend's business to a customer. It's a pity that the taste is good.
momen mae on Google

The entrance was a professional wrestling poster that was a little difficult to enter, but when I entered it, I ordered a nice atmosphere, fried shrimp, but the clothes were thin and crispy, and the tartar sauce was sweet and delicious. This is a hit.

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