ナカジマ靴店・REGAL SHOES 姫路店 - Himeji

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ナカジマ靴店・REGAL SHOES 姫路店

住所 :

Konyamachi, Himeji, 〒670-0924 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 670-0924
Webサイト : https://www.kk-nakajima.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Konyamachi, Himeji, 〒670-0924 Hyogo,Japan
ダッフィーダッフィー on Google

There are many types of sneakers, and it is a fashionable store in Himeji. If you buy shoes, this may be the best!
Japan Music to america great on Google

I had you polish your shoes with a very polite commentary
みゆ on Google

There are fewer ladies than men, but you can always find good shoes.
taka kazu on Google

2階にあるので勇気を出して店内に入ると広さにビックリ。 ビジネスシューズも豊富にあり色々試して悩んでるところ店員さんにそれぞれの靴の特徴を丁寧にアドバイスしてもらい購入しました。 普段大きめのサイズを買っているとの指摘を受けてジャストサイズを勧めてくれました。 快適に履いています。
Because I am on the second floor, I was surprised at the size when I entered the store with courage. There were plenty of business shoes and I was troubled trying variously, and I asked the clerk to carefully advise the characteristics of each shoe and purchased it. Following the suggestion that we usually buy a large size, we recommended the snug size. I am wearing it comfortably.
やんはるはる on Google

He suggested the selection of shoes very carefully.
ゆー on Google

いつも丁寧に応対して下さいます。季節ごとのアドバイスもありがたいです。 ここで買った靴は間違いがない!
Please always respond politely. I also appreciate seasonal advice. There is no mistake in the shoes I bought here!
Babička potkan (ねずみ) on Google

I'm always in trouble because my legs are small and I don't have shoes that fit well, but there are very good shoes here. The kangaroo leather sneakers fit my feet very well and feel good. I would really like to buy it, but can I wear my friend's skin and meet my friend? (Mr. Kangaroo.) I gave up, but if you don't think about it, I would like you to buy it so that you don't waste it. I thought that it was a very good shoe store because I was able to consult with them in various ways.
Tsubasa Channel on Google

大人のON・OFFでプライベートから仕事まで,,, 『ナカジマ靴店』×『REGAL SHOES 姫路店』 紳士靴とユニセックスのスニーカーを中心とした こだわりの靴を揃えたセレクトショップ??✨ 姫路でココしか手に出来ない商品もご紹介します? ⁡ 歴史も長く小売の世界に入って90年以上、 靴業界では80年以上続く老舗【ナカジマ靴店】と、 姫路唯一の「リーガルシューズ」専門店が併設?‍♂️ ⁡ ⁡ オーナーの中島 由晴さんに、靴の知識から商品の ことまで1つずつご紹介いただき知らなかった事が 多くて驚きや発見がたくさんありました٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ ⁡ 日本製の紳士靴や皮がしっかりしてるMen'sシューズなどは、姫路の皮革を使用した製品が多いそうです? ちなみに、たつの市の皮革は皮が柔らかいものが 多い為、Ready'sシューズやバックや財布や服などの製造で使用される事などが多いんだってぇ??? ⁡ おぉ!!とっても勉強になりますっ(๑>◡<๑)♪♪ ⁡ ⁡ ◆取扱い正規店は姫路で唯一【REGAL SHOES専門店】 50年以上変わらない、ものづくりへの こだわりと歴史とともに進化を重ねてきたREGAL。 長年愛され続けてきた定番から、現代風のアレンジを施したカジュアルシューズまで幅広い商品が並ぶ? ⁡ 特に、私が注目したのはコチラ(*⁰▿⁰*) 雨の日だって怖くない☔︎これぞ理想の仕事靴。 ドレスシューズからウォーキングシューズまで、 バリエーション豊富な『リーガル×GORE-TEX』 ⁡ 防水性とムレに強い自信を持つGORE-TEX最強説 価格も平均3万円台と耐久性などみてもリーズナブル♡ ⁡ ⁡ ◆フランス生まれ⇔HIMEJI MADE 【PATRICK パトリック】 なんと姫路市飾磨で製造してるんだって!? えぇ〜、知らなかったです(´⊙ω⊙`)ww サッカーシューズ⚽️として有名で、スポーツ少年 達も学生時代に履いてたよ!って人も多いシューズ。 価格帯も、1万円台とお求めやすく人気商品❣️ ⁡ さらに、毎年2月にカラーオーダーしているそうで、 自分だけのオリジナルジュースが作成できる♥︎♡♥︎ 個性派の貴方やプレゼントにピッタリかもっ(๑>◡<๑) ⁡ ⁡ ◆ 【カンガルーレザー SPINGLE MOVE】 熟練職人がハンドメイドにこだわり作る広島ブランド コチラの商品も姫路で取扱い店舗はココだけ!! 個人的に気になってたシューズだったので、 試着させていただきぐるりと歩いてみました٩( ᐛ )و ⁡ 『おぉ〜!あぁ〜!いい感じ〜??』 まず、フィット感がナチュラルで足の形にフィット? する感じで新しい靴なのに初めから馴染んでる!! ⁡ 歩いてみると、土踏まずの足の裏が押し上げられるようでクッションが良くて疲れにくい構造に(*´꒳`*) 次買う靴は、SPINGLE MOVEに決定だねっ?? ⁡ ちなみに雑誌 Safari(サファリ) 2021年6月号にも 「SPINGLE MOVE」が紹介されていましたね?? ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ◆革靴はお手入れすることで、買ったときより さらに質感など良くなるので定期的なケアを(●´ω`●) 【シューズケア】??✨ ・アッパーからソールまでのフルケア ・スエード・ヌバックのお手入れ ・アッパーのお手入れ その他オプション多数あり。 ⁡ ⁡ すべては、「はじめてお客様にお求め頂いたあの 1足の靴、そのご満足の様子が忘れられなくて・・・」 という創業者の精神を受け継ぎ、100年・150年へ と向かってみなさまに感動を共有できることを 信じてお客様お一人お一人様との時間を大切に??が、モットーのナカジマ靴店へ???? ⁡ ⁡ ●Instagram @nakajima_shoes ⁡ リーガルシューズ姫路店・ナカジマ靴店で 3,240円(税込)以上お買い上げ頂きますと 契約駐車場の駐車サービス券をお渡し (1時間以内の駐車は無料でご利用可能)
From private to work with adult ON / OFF ,,, "Nakajima shoe store" x "REGAL SHOES Himeji store" Focusing on men's shoes and unisex sneakers Select shop with discerning shoes ??✨ We will also introduce products that can only be obtained here in Himeji ? ⁡ It has a long history and has been in the retail world for over 90 years. A long-established store [Nakajima shoe store] that has been in the shoe industry for over 80 years, Himeji's only "legal shoes" specialty store is attached ?‍♂️ ⁡ ⁡ To the owner, Yoshiharu Nakajima, from the knowledge of shoes, the product What I didn't know about you introduced one by one There were many surprises and discoveries ٩ (๑❛ᴗ❛๑) ۶ ⁡ Many Japanese-made men's shoes and Men's shoes with solid leather are made from Himeji leather ? By the way, the leather in Tatsuno is soft. Because there are so many, they are often used in the manufacture of Ready's shoes, bags, wallets, clothes, etc. ??? ⁡ Oh! !! It will be very studying (๑> ◡ <๑) ♪♪ ⁡ ⁡ ◆ The only regular store in Himeji [REGAL SHOES specialty store] To manufacturing that has not changed for more than 50 years REGAL has evolved with commitment and history. A wide range of products are lined up, from classics that have been loved for many years to casual shoes with modern arrangements ? ⁡ In particular, I paid attention to this (* ⁰▿⁰ *) I'm not scared even on rainy days ☔︎ This is the ideal work shoes. From dress shoes to walking shoes "Regal x GORE-TEX" with abundant variations ⁡ GORE-TEX strongest theory with strong confidence in waterproofness and stuffiness The average price is in the 30,000 yen range, which is reasonable in terms of durability ♡ ⁡ ⁡ ◆ Born in France ⇔ HIMEJI MADE [PATRICK Patrick] It's manufactured in Shikama, Himeji City! ?? Yeah, I didn't know (´⊙ω⊙`) ww Famous as soccer shoes ⚽️, sports boy We also wore it when we were students! Shoes with many people. The price range is also in the 10,000 yen range, which is an affordable and popular product ❣️ ⁡ In addition, it seems that they order colors every February. You can make your own original juice ♥ ︎ ♡ ♥ ︎ It may be perfect for you and gifts of individuality (๑> ◡ <๑) ⁡ ⁡ ◆ [Kangaroo leather SPINGLE MOVE] Hiroshima brand made by skilled craftsmen with a focus on handmade products This item is also available in Himeji, and this is the only store that handles it! !! It was a shoe that I was personally interested in, so I tried it on and walked around ٩ (ᐛ) و ⁡ "Oh ~! Ahh~! Good feeling ~ ?? ” First of all, the fit is natural and fits the shape of the foot ? Even though it's a new pair of shoes, I'm familiar with it from the beginning! !! ⁡ When I walked, the soles of my feet on the arch seemed to be pushed up, and the cushions were good so I didn't get tired (* ´꒳` *) The next shoe to buy is SPINGLE MOVE ?? ⁡ By the way, in the June 2021 issue of the magazine Safari "SPING LE MOVE" was introduced ? ? ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ◆ By caring for leather shoes, than when you bought them Furthermore, the texture will improve, so take regular care (● ´ω ` ●) [Shoe care] ??✨ ・ Full care from upper to sole ・ Care for suede nubuck ・ Upper care There are many other options. ⁡ ⁡ Everything is "that customer's first request I can't forget a pair of shoes and how satisfied they are ... " Inheriting the founder's spirit, to 100 years and 150 years To be able to share the excitement with everyone Believe and cherish the time with each customer ??, but to the motto Nakajima shoe store ???? ⁡ ⁡ ● Instagram @nakajima_shoes ⁡ At Regal Shoes Himeji Store / Nakajima Shoe Store If you purchase over 3,240 yen (tax included) Hand over the parking service ticket of the contract parking lot (Parking within 1 hour is available free of charge)

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