Rcafe at marina(アールカフェ アット マリーナ) - Otsu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Rcafe at marina(大津/カフェ) - Retty - Retty.me

[カフェ好き人気店☆☆]こちらは『Rcafe at marina(大津/カフェ)』のお店ページです。実名でのオススメが23件集まっています。Rettyで食が好きなグルメな人たちからお店を探そう!

Contact Rcafe at marina(アールカフェ アット マリーナ)

住所 :

1 Chome−2−20 レークウエストヨットクラブ, Imakatata, Otsu, 〒520-0241 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 520-0241
Webサイト : https://retty.me/area/PRE25/ARE119/SUB11901/100001255359/
街 : Shiga

1 Chome−2−20 レークウエストヨットクラブ, Imakatata, Otsu, 〒520-0241 Shiga,Japan
Phúc Lưu on Google

Mình tới đây vào một buổi chiều sớm cuối hạ đầu thu. Ngồi bàn cạnh cửa sổ có thể ngắm hồ Biwa và cảnh thì cực chill. Quán có bán những em đồ nhỏ xinh làm từ vỏ ốc, vỏ sò. Nhà vệ sinh bày trí cute, hợp để các bạn nữ selfie. Món ăn, như ảnh, bố cục vô cùng bắt mắt. Theo mình đánh giá là ngon, vì thực ra mình cũng không sành ăn lắm, chỉ biết là thịt và cơm thôi, haha. Với lại lúc đấy bị bỏ đói gần chết nên ăn gì cũng ngon ấy. Mình thì nghĩ nên đến vào hè để ngắm hồ. Bên dưới quán cảnh cũng rất mê ly, các con thuyền xếp trên bờ, khung cảnh sống động, cũng tha hồ để mọi người sống ảo. Có lẽ giá khá cao đối với một bữa trưa. Mà thôi, thỉnh thoảng mới đi chơi nên đầu tư nhé.
I came here on an early afternoon late summer early autumn. Sitting at the table next to the window can watch Lake Biwa and the scene is very chill. The shop sells cute little things made from snail shells and seashells. The toilet is cutely decorated, suitable for selfie girls. The food, like the photo, is very eye-catching. In my opinion, it's delicious, because I'm not really gourmet, I only know meat and rice, haha. Besides, he was starving to death at that time, so whatever he ate was delicious. I think I should come in the summer to see the lake. Beneath the restaurant is also very enchanting, the boats are lined up on the shore, the scene is lively, it is also free for people to live virtual. Maybe the price is quite high for a lunch. Well, once in a while, it's better to invest.
きたむらひさみ on Google

予約なしで行ったので、待ち時間が30分くらいありましたが、天気も良く、ポカポカした中で気持ち良く待てました。 お料理は、コース料理をいただきました。 前菜、スープ、メイン料理、どれも凄く美味しかったし、期間限定のデザートがまた格別に美味しかった?
Since I went without a reservation, I had to wait about 30 minutes, but the weather was good and I was able to wait comfortably in a warm atmosphere. As for the food, I had a course meal. The appetizer, soup, and main dish were all very delicious, and the dessert for a limited time was exceptionally delicious ?
ren gky on Google

地元食材を使用したフレンチとハワイアン料理をいただけます。 ハワイアンな雰囲気のおかげで手軽にフレンチを楽しめるコンセプトが良かったです。 今回はカフェ利用でマスカルポーネと苺のパンケーキを注文。 オーソドックスなパンケーキに甘さ控えめで滑らかなクリームがトッピングがされてあるので、最後まで美味しくいただけました。 駐車場がとても広いのが嬉しいです。 港に停まる船は個人所有物なので撮影禁止です。
French and Hawaiian dishes made with local ingredients are served. Thanks to the Hawaiian atmosphere, the concept of enjoying French easily was good. This time I ordered mascarpone and strawberry pancakes at the cafe. The orthodox pancakes are topped with a low-sweetness, smooth cream, so it was delicious until the end. I am glad that the parking lot is very large. The ship that stops at the port is privately owned, so photography is prohibited.
塚越康生 on Google

正月に雪が降ったので、琵琶湖湖畔にあるマリーナのカフェでスイーツを頂きながら琵琶湖に浮かぶカイツブリ、修復の為に造船所に入庫の外来船ミシガン見学とゆっくり出来るカフェ。 新型コロナ対策もバッチリされていて味、安全管理とも大満足
Since it snowed on New Year's Day, a little grebe floating on Lake Biwa while having sweets at the marina cafe on the shore of Lake Biwa, and a cafe where you can relax and visit the foreign ship Michigan, which is in the shipyard for restoration. The new corona measures are perfect, and I am very satisfied with the taste and safety management.
lakeside blue on Google

マリーナ内にあるアールカフェさんに行ってきました。天気も良くマリーナが映えます。個人の船なので画像は禁止なのでお見せ出来ませんが、セレブになった気分が味わえました。 大きな港でちょうどドック入りしてるミシガンも止まってました。 港の中に公園があるのですが、湖に白鷺や鴨が沢山いました。とても良い環境で湖に光が反射してキラキラする景色も最高でした。 さてお店ですがマリーナの建物の2階です。こだわった内装にどの席からも大きな窓から琵琶湖が見えて、とても居心地が良い。 外窓向きのカウンターが12席、4人がけのテーブルが4つ程のおみせです。検温消毒後に席を案内して頂きました。フランス料理のシェフがいらっしゃるようでランチメニューもなかなかです。 私はランチのBコースを頼みました、その日のオードブルにスープ、魚料理、肉料理が着いてます。 オードブルは海鮮でした。海老とホタテと新鮮な野菜のマリネ、グレーピーソースかな、スープは牡蠣のクリームスープ、しっかり牡蠣の味が出ていて美味しかった。 魚は鯛の塩焼きに蒸し野菜が添えてあります、お肉はポークでした少し固めでした、トロトロを想像していたので少し外れたかな、パンも付いていてなかなかの食べ応えでした。 デザートにリンゴのタルトを頂きましたが、これも美味しかった。 普通のパスタランチやオムレツ、ビーフシチューなども食べられてましたが、どれも美味しそうでしたよ。 また、行きたいお店です
I went to Earl Cafe in the marina. The weather is good and the marina shines. Since it is a private ship, images are prohibited so I can not show it, but I felt like a celebrity. Michigan, who was just docked in a big harbor, also stopped. There is a park in the harbor, but there were many egrets and ducks in the lake. The scenery where the light reflected on the lake and glittered was the best in a very good environment. Well, it's a shop, but it's on the second floor of the marina building. The interior is very comfortable with the view of Lake Biwa from the large windows from every seat. There are 12 counters facing the outside window and 4 tables for 4 people. I was guided to the seat after temperature measurement and disinfection. There seems to be a French chef, and the lunch menu is quite good. I ordered the B course for lunch, soup, fish and meat dishes are on the hors d'oeuvre that day. The hors d'oeuvre was seafood. Marinated shrimp, scallops and fresh vegetables, grapey sauce, the soup was oyster cream soup, and the oyster taste was delicious. The fish was grilled with sea bream and steamed vegetables, the meat was pork, it was a little hard, I imagined it toro toro, so it was a little off, and it was quite satisfying with bread. I had an apple tart for dessert, which was also delicious. I was able to eat regular pasta lunch, omelets, beef stew, etc., but they all looked delicious. Also, this is the shop I want to go to
みき on Google

琵琶湖が一望できるハーバーカフェ。 ロケーションだけでなく、フランスや京都の有名店で料理長を務めてきたシェフが滋賀の食材にこだわった料理を展開しています。 こだわりの料理だけでなく、パンケーキなどのハワイアンメニューやスイーツも。 店内の小物も可愛くてテンション上がります。 カウンター席で琵琶湖を眺めながら美味しいスイーツをいただく時間はとても心地よかったです。 ヨットオーナーさんたちがくつろぐ姿もみられました。
A harbor cafe with a panoramic view of Lake Biwa. Not only the location, but the chef who has served as the chef at famous restaurants in France and Kyoto develops dishes that are particular about the ingredients of Shiga. Not only special dishes, but also Hawaiian menus such as pancakes and sweets. The small items in the store are also cute and give you a lot of tension. It was very comfortable to have delicious sweets while looking at Lake Biwa at the counter seats. Yacht owners were also seen relaxing.
Yuyala Iwatani on Google

Lucinda Lee on Google

Had a great lunch and enjoyed the beautiful scenery here. The plating and the drinks are all very pretty. I love the soup of a la carte. The smile of the staffs are wonderful! Definitely will wanna come here again!

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