Ramen Kubota - Suginami City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen Kubota

住所 :

1 Chome-4-3 Kamiogi, Suginami City, Tokyo 167-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89887
Postal code : 167-0043

1 Chome-4-3 Kamiogi, Suginami City, Tokyo 167-0043, Japan
Carたっちー(たっちーCar) on Google

とても美味しいラーメンです。 天下一品よりの味 ラーメン通ではないです。 ま、ラーメン素人にはそっちよりということ。
It's a very delicious ramen. Taste from Tenkaippin I'm not a ramen enthusiast. Well, for ramen amateurs, that's better.
はっさく on Google

不定休過ぎる。お客様のためという気持ちや、少しでも稼ごうという気持ちは微塵も無い。基本的にはワンオペでの平日営業の様な形になり、そこからコロナで更に閉店が増えている。 土日に行くと閉店になっている事が多いので事前に電話で営業しているか問合わせてから行くと、丁度昼のラストオーダー前に店に着いたが、客足が途切れた所で既に閉められており、更に店が開いてるかどうか店を見ようとしたらカーテンロールをガラガラと思いっきり閉められた。 ラーメンは所詮食事であり、何回もある内の一度の食事である。ここで食べられなくても良いと思う様になった。
It's too irregular holidays. The feelings for the sake of our customers and the feelings of earning even a little are not insignificant. Basically, it is like a one-operated weekday business, and from there, the number of stores closing in Corona is increasing. When I go on Saturdays and Sundays, the store is often closed, so when I asked if it was open by phone in advance, I arrived at the store just before the last order at noon, but it was already closed when the customer's foot was cut off. When I tried to see if the store was open, the curtain roll was closed as much as I could. Ramen is, after all, a meal, one of many meals. I came to think that I don't have to eat here.
岡部直晃 on Google

It felt different from Harukiya, but it was a decent ramen. The char siu seems to melt, but it's a little thin. It was delicious.
河田美奈 on Google

美味しかったです‼️ 若いご夫妻で営んでいます。店内は清潔感バッチリですよ。 濃厚豚骨?私は余りラーメンスープに詳しい者ではありません?‍♀️が、美味しくて細麺大好き人間には嬉しいラーメン店です。 トッピングに合わせてご主人がスープの濃さ変えてくれでまして気配りしてくださいました。 因みに私はモヤシ大トッピングてした?
It was delicious! ️ It is run by a young couple. The inside of the store is clean. Rich pork bones? I'm not very familiar with ramen soup ?‍♀️, but it's a delicious ramen shop for people who love thin noodles. My husband changed the strength of the soup according to the toppings, and he took care of me. By the way, I had a big bean sprout topping ?
Y N on Google

久しぶりの久保田さん 10周年とのこと 土曜日12時前で先客4名 残り席は一つ 席数は6席 チャーシューメン1000円を注文 途中で唐辛子を入れると美味しい
Mr. Kubota after a long absence 10th anniversary 4 guests before 12:00 on Saturday One seat left The number of seats is 6 Order 1000 yen for char siu noodles It's delicious if you add chili peppers on the way
T M on Google

Visited alone after 12:00 on Saturday. I put it in without lining up. Only the counter seats are 6-7 seats in the store. The exterior and interior are beautiful. There are two menus, Chinese noodles and char siu noodles. I tried topping with half bean sprouts and eggs. I couldn't imagine the taste that wasn't good until I tried it, but it was easy to eat and delicious with the impression that it was a family with a light eye. Even if the bean sprouts are half, they are voluminous and satisfying. Eggs are boiled. I thought it would be nice to have a soft-boiled egg. The clerk was very nice and friendly.
A Yoshi on Google

近くのなないろってラーメン屋に初食いに行くも14時で終了してたためこちらの久保田へ こちらも初食い 食べる前にGoogleレビューを拝見 すると家系ラーメンみたいらしいが… いざ食べると…これを家系って言ってる人は普段どんな家系ラーメン喰ってんだ!!と呆れてしまった。 この店久保田のラーメンはまさにホープ軒本舗系まんまのインスパイアじゃん ちなみに千駄ヶ谷のホープ軒とはラーメンは別物で俺は千駄ヶ谷のはアク臭くて喰えない…それが好きな人もいるらしいが…。 ホープ軒本舗もかつては高円寺南(20年以上前に閉店)や環7沿いにあって(5年ほど前に閉店)家の近所でもあってたまに利用してた 気持ちは10代のまんまでも実際は40代のオッサンにはとても懐かしの味 飲んだ〆のラーメンだったよホープ軒本舗 麺こそ本家より細いが食感とラーメンの風味はまさにこれこれ!っといった感じ 卓上唐辛子はまさにホープ軒の「唐華」そのものw ラーメンのお味そのままにチャーシューは明らかに本家のよりうまいぞ ってかホープ軒のチャーシューはロースを薄切りしたハムみたいな奴でぶっちゃけ嫌いだったし この手のラーメンって原価そんなにかかってないからあんまり値上げされると…だけどね ホープ軒も当時安いラーメンの部類だったような記憶はある、トッピングで値段割り増しするようなラーメン屋だったかと 後で調べるともうホープ軒残ってるのは吉祥寺のみらしいね もやしは普通でいいけどトッピングのニンニクはお勧めです。 他人のレビューで「不定休すぎる」との書き込みを見ましたが意識して見ると確かにこの店不定休ですね この時間やってるハズなのにやってないとかを見ました ホームページ作るかかTwitterなどで営業時間や休みをリアルタイムで発信した方がよいでしょう。 地元民だけじゃなくてわざわざ遠くから電車乗って食べに来てる人もいるでしょうから わざわざ電車使ってきたのに…やってるハズなのにやってねぇぞ? 仏の顔も2~3度まで…ってなるわな。
I went to a nearby ramen shop for the first time, but it ended at 14:00, so I went to Kubota here. This is also my first meal See Google reviews before eating Then it seems like Iekei Ramen ... When I eat it ... What kind of family ramen do people who call this family usually eat! !! I was amazed. This shop Kubota's ramen is exactly the inspiration for Hopeken Honpo Manma. By the way, the ramen is different from the Hope-ken in Sendagaya, and I can't eat it because it smells so bad ... I heard that some people like it ... Hopeken Honpo used to be in Koenji Minami (closed more than 20 years ago) and along Kannana 7 (closed about 5 years ago), and was also used occasionally in the neighborhood of my house. Feelings are very nostalgic for teenagers, but actually forty-somethings It was the ramen I drank. Hopeken Honpo The noodles are thinner than the original one, but the texture and flavor of the ramen are exactly this! Feeling like The tabletop pepper is exactly the "Chili" of Hope eaves w The char siu is obviously better than the original one, just like the taste of ramen. I mean, Hope's char siu was like ham with sliced ​​loin and I hated it. This kind of ramen doesn't cost so much, so if the price is raised too much ... I remember that Hope eaves were also in the category of cheap ramen at that time, and I wondered if it was a ramen shop that would increase the price with toppings. It seems that only Kichijoji has the Hope eaves left when I look it up later. Bean sprouts are normal, but garlic toppings are recommended. I saw a comment saying "too irregular holidays" in other people's reviews, but when I consciously look at it, this store is certainly irregular holidays. I saw that I wasn't doing it even though I was doing it this time It is better to make a homepage or send out business hours and holidays in real time on Twitter etc. Not only the locals but also people who come all the way to eat by train from afar. I've been using the train all the way ... I'm doing it, but I can't do it ? The face of the Buddha is up to 2-3 times ...
Robert Alexander on Google

This was the best ramen i have ever had in my life.

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