Raiden Shrine - Kiryu

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Raiden Shrine

住所 :

1 Chome-3-6 Nishikicho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 376-0023
Webサイト :

1 Chome-3-6 Nishikicho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-0023, Japan
NightWalker wayo on Google

桐生駅前に鎮座する、雷の多い地区ならではの『雷電神社』さん。 雷シール付きの御朱印を頂こうとしたが、時間切れで拝領出来ませんでした(T ^ T) ●社名:雷電神社 ●住所:群馬県桐生市錦町1-3-6 ●御祭神: ・火雷神 (日本神話で、伊邪那美命の体に生じた8柱の雷神の1柱) ●由来: ・1559年、雷除け、雨乞い、五穀豊穣の神として荒戸五ヶ村が雷電山に祀り創建。 ※ 雷が多い地方などで雷神はよく信仰され、落雷から身を守ってくれる神様として、雨をもたらす稲作の守護神として雨乞いなどで祭られる事が多い。 ●御朱印: ・社務所にて、初穂料500園で直書きの御朱印を拝領。(雷シール付き) ・受付時間 09:00-12:00/13:00-16:00
"Raiden Shrine" is located in front of Kiryu Station and can only be found in areas with a lot of thunder. I tried to get a red stamp with a thunder sticker, but I couldn't complain because of the time limit (T ^ T) ●Company name: Raiden Shrine Address: 1-3-6 Nishikicho, Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture ● Shrine: ・Fire thunder god (In Japanese mythology, one pillar of the eight pillars of Raijin that occurred in the body of Ijnamimei) ● Origin: ・In 1559, Arato Gokamura was enshrined on Raidenzan as a god of thunder protection, rain beggars, and fertility of five grains. *Thunder gods are often worshiped in regions with a lot of thunder, and as a god who protects themselves from lightning strikes, they are often worshiped as a guardian deity of rice cultivation that brings rain. ● Red stamp: ・At the shrine office, you will receive a handwritten red stamp at the first 500 charges. (With lightning sticker) ・Reception hours 09:00-12:00/13:00-16:00
中村誠司 on Google

It's a shrine with no special features, why? Many worshipers are lining up to receive the red stamp. The mark may be good.
Hahamichi “osho” Tomino on Google

群馬は車社会なのはわかるけど、 車で境内の内部まで入れる仕組みはどうかと思います。 御朱印はステキです。 シールもいただきました^ ^
I understand that Gunma is a car society, but I wonder how you can drive inside the precincts. The red stamp is wonderful. I also got a sticker ^ ^
Kimura Tadahisaきむら ただひさ on Google

You can choose from two colors, gold and vermilion. They will respond except from 12:00 to 13:00. You can also get a sticker for 500 yen. It's nice to be quiet ??
Posaune Driver on Google

桐生市へ用事があり、たまたま通った商店街に立派な大鳥居があったので寄ってみました。 通りから少し中に入った所にあるため、車の騒音も無く静かで落ち着く場所と思いきや、商店街で井戸端会議中のおババ様達の声がとても良く入って来ておりました。 御祭神は火雷神(ほのいかづちのかみ)で、雷の猛威に対する畏れと、雷雨による雨の恵みと五穀豊穣を願う農耕民族日本人の信仰から生まれた神です。
I had a business trip to Kiryu City, and I happened to have a magnificent Otorii in the shopping district, so I stopped by. Since it is located a little inside from the street, I thought it was a quiet and calm place without the noise of cars, and the voices of Baba-sama during the well-end meeting in the shopping district came in very well. The god of worship is the god of fire and thunder, a god born from the fear of the violence of thunder, the blessings of rain caused by thunderstorms, and the belief of the Japanese agricultural people who wish for a good harvest.
用瀬善枝 on Google

Inside the main shrine, there was a large picture of the god of thunder and the god of wind. The red stamp was written directly at the office. He attached a sticker with a picture of Raijin.
ねこねこ on Google

新しい雰囲気の神社です。車は境内に停められますが、狭いです。何回か参拝していますが、ご縁が無いのか?宮司さんが居たことがありません。電話をかけてもfaxに繋がり、いつになっても御朱印が頂けません。他にいる参拝者も、私と同じように社務所を覗きこんで、『いつもいないねぇ』と言っています。 追記。やっと御朱印頂けました。 赤いスタンプと金色のスタンプがあります。メインがスタンプ。 ご縁がありますように。と言いたいところですが、こちらの神社、私とご縁がないのか?神様がいらっしゃらないようで。
It is a shrine with a new atmosphere. Cars can be parked in the precincts, but they are small. I've been worshiping several times, but haven't you had a connection? Mr. Miyaji has never been there. Even if I make a phone call, I will be connected to the fax and I will never receive a red stamp. Other worshipers, like me, look into the office and say, "I'm not always there." postscript. I finally got the red stamp. There are red stamps and golden stamps. The main is a stamp. I hope you have an edge. I'd like to say, but isn't this shrine related to me? It seems that God isn't here.
大川原由行 on Google

桐生駅南口から約10分位、県道沿いにある神社。 境内の桜がとても綺麗でした。 御朱印をお願いしたら、丁寧に対応して頂けました。 御朱印は赤色と金色の2種あります。 初穂料は500円。
A shrine along the prefectural road, about 10 minutes from the south exit of Kiryu Station. The cherry blossoms in the precincts were very beautiful. When I asked for a red stamp, I was able to respond politely. There are two types of red stamps, red and gold. The initial charge is 500 yen.

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