Pralientje Pâtisserie - Izumi

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pralientje Pâtisserie

住所 :

1 Chome-44-4 Hatsugano, Izumi, Osaka 594-1106, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Postal code : 594-1106
Webサイト :

1 Chome-44-4 Hatsugano, Izumi, Osaka 594-1106, Japan
SA on Google

クチコミも良かったので、ホールケーキを予約して取りに行きました。他のホールケーキを作っていて急いでいたのか、めちゃくちゃ感じ悪かったです。店に入っても誰も出てこず、何の反応もなく、こちらからは丸見えのガラス越しの作業場でケーキを作っていて、『すいませ〜ん』と言っても何の返事もなく、2回目の『すいません』で無言で動き出し、ケーキを冷蔵庫から出してきて、ケーキを見せられ『これで大丈夫ですか?』と1言、、 あとはお金を請求され(当たり前ですが)終わり、、別に特別なことは求めていませんが、とにかく、はよ帰れとばかりにせかされ、追い出されるようでした…とても感じ悪かったです。見た目は可愛らしい小柄な女性でしたが…ホールケーキを買うということは大抵の場合特別な日であることをわかってほしい。そんな日に嫌な気分にされて最悪でした。ケーキは美味しかったですが、フルーツがとても少なく、透けて向こうが見えそうなぐらいペラペラ…スーパーでフルーツを買って足しました…これでこの値段?…という感じです、、 もぉ行きません。
The word of mouth was good, so I booked a whole cake and went to get it. Maybe I was in a hurry to make another whole cake, it was awful. Nobody came out when I entered the store, there was no reaction, and from here I was making cakes in the workshop through the glass with full view, and even if I said "I'm sorry", there was no reply, 2 At the second "I'm sorry", I started to move silently, took the cake out of the refrigerator, showed me the cake, and said, "Is this okay? One word ... After that, I was charged money (obviously), and I didn't ask for anything special, but anyway, I was urged to go home and was kicked out ... It was very unpleasant. She looked pretty and petite, but ... know that buying a whole cake is usually a special day. It was the worst that made me feel uncomfortable on that day. The cake was delicious, but there were so few fruits that I could see through it ... I bought some fruits at the supermarket and added them ... Is this the price? It's like ... I won't go.
エリ小梅 on Google

He made it very carefully and cute ?✨ And it's very delicious ♡ I'm very satisfied ٩̋ (ˊ • ͈ω • ͈ˋ) و
オデノオディハドゥコン on Google

Bitter chocolate is delicious for chocolate that looks beautiful. I always buy it at chocolate main, but this time I also got hojicha pudding. It ’s sweet, but it ’s light, and then I ’m going to eat the second one with my mouth.
シンイチ on Google

I wanted to make a reservation for the decoration cake on my birthday, but I didn't know that I had to make a reservation for the decoration cake two weeks in advance, and it was about two days past, and even though I asked for various things, , Made a cake that fulfilled almost all the requests. The children were happy to see the cake and said it was so cute, and it was delicious.
akane kochi on Google

ベルギーで経験を積まれた女性の方が一人で経営されてるお店と聞いて行ってきました。店内はピンクな感じで可愛らしく、ギフトラッピングなどもとてもおしゃれでした。品揃えはチョコレートが売りということでチョコレート系が多かったように思います。 プリン、紅茶プリン、ロールケーキがとっても美味しかったです。 とってもまろやかなトロトロ系のプリンでした。ロールケーキは、日によっては予約しないと買えないこともあるそうです。 個人的にチョコレートはあまり好きではないのですが、このお店の自慢ということでホームページのトップに掲載されているツルツルのケーキ「ショコ」を試しに食べてみました。とっても美味しかったです。チョコレート好きの方は絶対好きな味だなと思います。 色々質問させていただきたにも関わらず、本当に丁寧にお答えくださって感じの良い方でした。またすぐに再訪させて頂だこうと思います。
I heard that a woman who had gained experience in Belgium heard that it was run alone. The inside of the shop was pretty pink and gift wrapping was very fashionable. As for the product line, I think that there were many chocolates because chocolate was sold. Pudding, tea pudding and roll cake were very delicious. It was a very mellow pudding. It seems that roll cakes can only be purchased on certain days without reservation. I personally don't like chocolate, but as a pride of this shop, I tried a smooth chocolate cake "Choco" posted on the top of the website. It was very delicious. I think chocolate lovers will definitely love it. Despite being asked various questions, he was really nice to answer carefully. I will return again soon.
E on Google

数年前にお店に訪れて以来、毎年誕生日ケーキはここでお願いしています。 どんな無茶ぶりでも親身に相談にのって下さり、毎回期待以上の可愛いケーキに仕上げてくださいます。特にマジパンで作るキャラクターのクオリティが高いです。 誕生日会ではとても高評判でした! また誕生日ケーキ以外のケーキもとても美味しいです。中でもショコという可愛らしいチョコレートのケーキがとても美味しく私の一番のお気に入りです! その他にはストロベリースムージーもオススメです。苺本来の甘さがしっかりとしていてスタバのストロベリーフラペチーノよりも断然に美味しかったです。
Since I visited the shop a few years ago, I have a birthday cake here every year. Even if it's unreasonable, please consult personally and make a cute cake that exceeds expectations every time. Especially the quality of the character made with marzipan is high. It was very well received at the birthday party! Cakes other than birthday cakes are also very delicious. Above all, the cute chocolate cake called chocolate is so delicious and my favorite! We also recommend the strawberry smoothie. The original sweetness of the strawberry was solid and it was definitely better than the strawberry frappuccino of Starbucks.
Koji Ono on Google

お祝い事の時はいつもここでお願いしています。悪い口コミを書いてる人もいるみたいですが、全然そんなことありません。カワイイお姉さんがいつも明るく出迎えてくれますし(※今はマスクをしているので表情が分からなかったのかもしれません)、ホールケーキは完全にオーダーメイドなので、僕はいつも「フルーツ多め」や「マジパンのキャラクターの表情」まで注文通りに作ってもらってます(※街のケーキ屋さんならではできる技!笑 いつも無理難題すみません。笑)。何より受け取りの時間に合わせて作ってくれるので、受け取りの時にできたてが食べられるのが最高です。僕自身帰国子女なので、ベルギーで修行されてた話を少し聞いたことがあるのですが、ドラマ「東京グランメゾン」のように誇りをもって仕事されてるのが伝わってきました。 ここまで来るとこのお店の回し者のように見えてしまいますね。笑 違いますよ。笑 いつか自分に子供ができた時に連れて行きたいと思えるずっとこの街にあってほしい素敵なケーキ屋さんなんですよ。 僕のイチオシは期間限定の「ストロベリースムージー」!! アメリカでも日本でもこれに勝るスムージーはなかったです。^^
I always ask here for celebrations. Some people write bad reviews, but that's not the case at all. My cute sister always welcomes me brightly (*I may not know the expression because I am wearing a mask now), and since the whole cake is completely made to order, I always say "a lot of fruit" and Even the "expression of the character of Marzipan" is made according to the order (* Techniques that can only be done by a cake shop in the town! Above all, it's prepared according to the time of receipt, so it's best to eat freshly made at the time of receipt. Since I am a returnee, I have heard a little about training in Belgium, but I can tell that I am proud of my work, as in the drama "Tokyo Grand Maison". If you come to this point, you will look like a person turning around in this store. Lol It's wrong. Lol It's a wonderful cake shop that I want to be in this town for a long time, when I have a child I want to take with me. My favorite is the "strawberry smoothie" for a limited time! ! There was no better smoothie in America or Japan. ^^
N F on Google

こちらのチョコが好きで、よくチョコレートケーキを購入するのですが、実は焼菓子も美味しいことを発見! 特に「おかめちゃん」が他にない味わいで、最近ハマってます。手土産にもおすすめ。 毎日のおやつ…となると手が出ませんが、ちょっと特別な日に選びたいお店。 どれも繊細で手の込んだお菓子なので、全然高く感じません。いつも大満足です。
I like this chocolate and often buy chocolate cakes, but I found that baked sweets are also delicious! Especially, "Okame-chan" has a unique taste, and I'm addicted to it recently. Recommended for souvenirs. When it comes to daily snacks, it's hard to come by, but it's a shop you want to choose on a special day. All of them are delicate and elaborate sweets, so they don't feel expensive at all. I am always very satisfied.

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