PONT CHAT - Kitakami

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

18 Chiwari-152 Wagacho Iwasaki, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0321, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89779
Postal code : 024-0321
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–5:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–5:30PM

18 Chiwari-152 Wagacho Iwasaki, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0321, Japan
My life with cat on Google

Shirako pasta exquisite in winter only! Dessert is also the best, healing in the space of the cat who spends anything at will, a space where you can spend time slowly, a cafe with a feeling of air that can not be said.
Takeo Mino on Google

The second generation signboard cat, Guri, welcomes you. The food is delicious and the volume is great. After a meal, every cup of coffee is hand-ground and you can spend an elegant time. There is also a sign of the bicycle player “Yukiya Shinjo” on the wall. If you head by navigator, you won't know where you are, but let's look for it at the bottom of the bridge where you got down several steps.
時を戻そう on Google

料理はとても美味しかったです。 マイナスポイントとして 場所が分かりづらくナビを見て行ったのですが2回程スルーしてしまいました。 店内が薄暗く営業しているのかわかりませんでした。 入口近くにあるテーブル席のソファーが壊れていて座ったときに沈みました。 トイレが和式。以上です。
The food was very good. As a minus point I went to the navigation because it was hard to understand the location, but I passed through it twice. I didn't know if the store was open in the dark. The sofa at the table near the entrance was broken and sank when I sat down. The toilet is Japanese style. that's all.
A S on Google

念願のぐりちゃんに会いに行った。 ぐりちゃん横の特等席を予約してくれていた店長さん。 朝帰りだったらしく(笑)ぐりちゃんはずっと寝てたけど、ご飯おねだり“ニャーン”は聞けた!(*^^*) 特製ハンバーグカレーを頂いた。 特製だけあって特徴的な美味しさ? 辛いのは苦手な私でも平気な、辛過ぎないお味も良かった。 もともと食後に出してもらうものだったのかな?一緒に頼んだ特製レモンソーダを食事中に出してもらった。 めちゃくちゃ美味しかった!! もっとレモンの酸っぱさがあっても平気なくらいだったが、友人はちょうどいいと? サンドイッチもあったし、人気のパスタもスイーツもあった。 これからもリピート確定な貴重なお店✨ 昼時には混んでて座れないこともあるかも。 それはそれで隠れ家的に利用したい者からすると複雑ではあるけど…?
I went to see my long-cherished Guri-chan. The store manager who reserved a special seat next to Guri-chan. It seems that it was a morning trip (laughs) Guri-chan slept all the time, but I could hear "Nyan" begging for rice! (* ^^ *) I got a special hamburger curry. There is only a special product and it has a characteristic taste ? Even though I'm not good at spicy food, the taste was good, not too spicy. Was it originally intended to be served after meals? I had the special lemon soda I ordered with me served during the meal. It was insanely delicious! !! It was okay to have more lemon sour, but my friend said it was just right ? There were sandwiches, and there were also popular pasta and sweets. A valuable shop that will continue to be repeated ✨ It may be crowded at noon and you may not be able to sit down. It's complicated for those who want to use it as a hideaway, but ... ?
sato kimio on Google

看板猫のグリさんがいるカフェです。 チキンカレーは他で食べた事のない味で美味しいです。他のお料理も素晴らしいと思います。 ゆっくりしに行くところです。
It is a cafe with a signboard cat, Mr. Guri. Chicken curry is delicious with a taste that I have never eaten elsewhere. I think other dishes are great. I'm going slowly.
shamy shamy on Google

お料理はとても美味しいです。 混んでいるときは 入店を待たされたり 食事が来るまでかなり待たされますので 急いでいる時は 電話してから行くことをオススメします。 薪ストーブの前でくつろぐ 看板猫には、とても癒やされます。 古いお店ではありますが 店内にもう少し清潔感があれば さらに良いお店になると思います。
The food is very delicious. When it's crowded Waiting to enter the store I have to wait a long time for food to come When you are in a hurry We recommend that you call before you go. Relax in front of a wood stove The signboard cat is very healing. Although it is an old shop If there is a little more cleanliness in the store I think it will be a better store.
あさみ on Google

隠れ家的で、巻きストーブの匂いと看板猫?が可愛い素敵なお店でした。 スタッフの方もフレンドリーで気持ちよく食事が出来ました。 食事の量は少なめでしたが、デザートまで頼んだり、一休みするためであれば良いと思いました?
It was a hideaway, and the smell of the stove and the signboard cat ? were cute and lovely. The staff were also friendly and I was able to eat comfortably. The amount of food was small, but I thought it would be good if I ordered dessert or had a rest ?
みそぱん on Google

チキンカツカレーとスイーツのセットをいただきました。 メニューの黒板が掠れていてクセのある字だったので読みにくく、紙に書いてあるおすすめメニューから選びました? 最初にサラダとスープが運ばれてきてそれぞれ小さな器で可愛らしかったです。 お皿の底が見える量のサラダは物足りなさを感じました。 スープは野菜のポタージュです、優しいお味でとても美味しく、もっと飲みたかったです? チキンカツカレーのカツはお店で作られているようでサクサクとしていて美味しかったですがこれももっといただきたかったです。 普段人より食べるのが遅い私でしたが友人と同じくらいに食べ終わったので全体的に量が少なかったと感じました。 デザートのチーズケーキと生チョコケーキはそれぞれ濃厚で満足感ありました。 空間は静かな感じで料理を待っている間は友人との会話も気を使うほどです。ワイワイしたい方には向いてないです、冬場は道路が分かりにくくてスルーしちゃいます。 あとはトイレが段差のある昔ながらの和式トイレで私は苦手でした? 一見さんにはちょっとハードル高いと思いますが値段は妥当で味はとっても美味しいです??
I had a set of chicken cutlet curry and sweets. The blackboard of the menu was blurred and it was a quirky character, so it was difficult to read, so I chose from the recommended menu written on paper ? First, the salad and soup were brought in and they were cute in small bowls. I felt that the amount of salad that I could see the bottom of the plate was not enough. The soup is a vegetable pottage, it has a gentle taste and is very delicious and I wanted to drink more ? The chicken cutlet curry cutlet seemed to be made in the shop and was crispy and delicious, but I also wanted more. I usually eat slower than people, but I finished eating as much as my friends, so I felt that the amount was small overall. The dessert cheesecake and raw chocolate cake were rich and satisfying. The space is so quiet that you can even have a conversation with your friends while you wait for food. It is not suitable for those who want to hang out, the road is difficult to understand in winter and it goes through. Also, I was not good at old-fashioned Japanese style toilets with steps ? At first glance, it seems a little hurdle, but the price is reasonable and the taste is very delicious ??

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