Pizzeria e Trattoria まるみ食堂 - Minamiawaji

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pizzeria e Trattoria まるみ食堂

住所 :

Anaga, Minamiawaji, 〒656-0661 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 656-0661
Webサイト : http://pizzamarumi.com/
街 : Hyogo

Anaga, Minamiawaji, 〒656-0661 Hyogo,Japan
猿写 on Google

ランチするなら前菜盛り合わせはマストです! ピッツァもかなり美味しい!! サービスもよく全てが◎です?
Assorted appetizers are a must for lunch! Pizza is also quite delicious! !! The service is also good and everything is ◎ ?
島崎英行 on Google

漁港のすぐそばに出来たピッツェリアです。 地元の食材を生かしたお料理が楽しめます。
It is a pizzeria made right next to the fishing port. You can enjoy dishes made with local ingredients.
うぐいす on Google

InstagramのDMで予約して来店しました! オシャレな店内の雰囲気と絶品のピザを味わいました! 食べるのに夢中になってしまい写真を撮り損ねました! パスタも非常に美味しかったです! 店員さんも大変気さくで温かい雰囲気が 嬉しかったです? お世話になりました! また行かせていただきたいと思います?
I made a reservation on Instagram DM and came to the store! We enjoyed the stylish atmosphere of the restaurant and the exquisite pizza! I was so absorbed in eating that I failed to take a picture! The pasta was also very good! The clerk also has a very friendly and warm atmosphere I was happy ? thank you for helping me! I would like to go again ?
濱田洋平 on Google

お店の見た目としては『昔ながらの風景が広がる小さな漁港に突然現れたお洒落なお店』っていう感じです! 今回は前菜に『せせりの窯焼きレモン風味』、メインのピザに『ビスマルク』、デザートに『ティラミス』をチョイス! 前菜のせせりは皮までパリパリ!一緒に盛られているフライドポテトもボリューム満点でこれ1品でも十分満足できる一品でした! メインの『ビスマルク』は自家製ソーセージの旨味と淡路島玉ねぎの甘みと食感がクセになる1枚です!自家製窯で焼かれたピザは耳までカリカリで最後の一口まで美味しく頂けます! デザートの『ティラミス』は程よい甘みとケーキ部分に染み込んだエスプレッソの苦味がベストマッチの1品です! 店内の雰囲気も落ち着いた感じでゆっくりするのに最適のお店です!
The shop looks like "a fashionable shop that suddenly appeared in a small fishing port with an old-fashioned landscape"! This time, we chose "Seseri kiln-grilled lemon flavor" as an appetizer, "Bismarck" as the main pizza, and "Tiramisu" as a dessert! The appetizer is crispy to the skin! The french fries served together were also full of volume, and even this one was a satisfying dish! The main "Bismarck" is one that makes the taste of homemade sausage and the sweetness and texture of Awajishima onions addictive! The pizza baked in the homemade kiln is crispy to the ears and you can enjoy it until the last bite! The dessert "Tiramisu" is one of the best matches with the moderate sweetness and the bitterness of espresso soaked in the cake part! The atmosphere inside the store is also calm and it is the best place to relax!
Bryan Moross on Google

自家製ソーセージがおすすめ!(ピザ) 料理はどれも大変美味しく、量もちょうど良く、提供タイミングも一流レストランに負けないサービスでした。 季節と時間的に貸し切り状態でしたので満席でも同じサービスを、難しいとは思いますが、頑張って欲しいですね。
Homemade sausages are recommended! (pizza) All the dishes were very delicious, the quantity was just right, and the timing of serving was as good as the first-class restaurants. It was reserved for the season and time, so I think it would be difficult to provide the same service even if it is full, but I hope you will do your best.
南收 on Google

A pizza shop in front of Maruyama Fishing Port in Minamiawaji City. It is run by a family with a boy who trained in Italy. The staff is also kind. Anyway, you can enjoy delicious Italian food with volume. Reservations are required for lunch. Pets are allowed on the terrace.
minoru obayashi on Google

鄙びた漁港のお洒落なピッツェリア。「お一人では大きすぎるかも」と言われて二人で一つ注文して正解でした。高齢者に優しいアドバイスでした。味もバッチリ。 デザートも美味しかった。絶品です。 お勧めできるお店です。
Fashionable Pizzeria in a fishing port. I was told that "it may be too big for one person" and ordered one by two people and the answer was correct. It was kind advice for the elderly. The taste is perfect. The dessert was also delicious. It is excellent. It is a recommended shop.
Rp Niure on Google

Fast service with great food

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