Petit Bonheur - Hatsukaichi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Petit Bonheur

住所 :

428-3 Kamihera, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 738-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899979
Postal code : 738-0026
Webサイト :

428-3 Kamihera, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 738-0026, Japan
kumi on Google

I had lunch. I chose vongole and my friend chose grilled eggplant pasta, but when I shared it, both were salty to us. The cold soup was very delicious. There is a mini dessert for an additional 150 yen. It's handmade and fun.
Uりんりん on Google

前菜もパスタも、とても美味しいです? 我が家から20キロありますが、来る価値のあるお店です!
Appetizers and pasta are very delicious ? It's 20 kilometers from my house, but it's worth a visit!
Beautiful Japan (Superb Play 2) on Google

速谷神社直ぐ手前のイタリアン&フレンチレストラン。 一番人気のズワイガニのパスタを頂きました(^-^) 濃厚な味が全てをくるんでくれました(^-^)
An Italian and French restaurant just in front of Hayatani Shrine. I got the most popular snow crab pasta (^-^) The rich taste wrapped everything (^-^)
胡桃沢くるみ on Google

It's sober, but it's an Italian restaurant that anyone can enjoy. Considering the ingredients that are soaked for lunch, it may be a good bargain.
MIZU on Google

前菜もパスタもおいしかったです。 人気No. 1のズワイガニと白ネギのトマトクリームソースパスタが好みでした!また食べたいとおもいます!
The appetizer and pasta were delicious. I liked the most popular snow crab and white onion tomato cream sauce pasta! I want to eat again!
電気うに on Google

A homely cafe restaurant in front of Otorii at the entrance of Hayatani Shrine. The Bonnur lunch for lunch is full of soup, appetizers, pasta, and drinks, giving the impression that it is quite elaborate. You can choose various pasta. Seafood Peperoncino is delicious. Thick or scallop scallops are good. It seems that various wines are also available.
ma M on Google

ランチコースで訪店しました。 店内はコロナ対策がしっかりしてあり、お客様も静かに楽しんでいました。 前菜、メインのパスタ、アフタードリンクで¥1.350 どれも美味しくて満足でした。
I visited the store on the lunch course. The inside of the store has good measures against corona, and customers enjoyed it quietly. Appetizer, main pasta, after drink ¥ 1.350 Everything was delicious and I was satisfied.
s995068 on Google

はじめまして、プチボヌールさん。参りました、おまかせディナーコース。税込3500円でここまで手の込んだものが出てくるとは。郊外だから、こじんまりしたお店だから、地元民しか来ないから、という理由で少しお高いんじゃないの?みたいなレビューも目にしましたが、いやいやそんなことはありませんよ。今やグーグルさんの時代です。おいしいお店なら、車でぴゅーっと行っちゃいます。バイパス降りてちょっと上がったところですから、2号線沿いにお住まいの方なら流れに乗って30分もしたらもうお店です。曲がりくねった細い道なんてありません。ノーストレスだから運転嫌いの人にもやさしいはず。お店の前に駐車スペースがあるのも分かりやすくてうれしいですね。 料理に満足したらあとは、コーヒーを頂きながらの談笑。周りを見渡せばなかなか味のある空間が広がっています。落ち着いた電球色、たくさんの置物、インテリアにもなっている本の数々、そして眺めてて飽きない厨房の様子。この居心地、私は好きです。まさに小さな幸せ(プチボヌール)が詰まったお店でした。 支払いにペイペイが使えるのも地味にうれしい。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Petit Bonnur. I'm here, Omakase dinner course. It is said that such elaborate things will come out for 3500 yen including tax. Isn't it a little expensive because it's a suburb, it's a small shop, and only locals come? I've seen reviews like this, but no, that's not the case. It's Google's time now. If it's a delicious restaurant, I'll drive there. It's just a little up after getting off the bypass, so if you live along Route 2, it's already 30 minutes after you get on the flow. There are no winding narrow roads. Since it is stress-free, it should be easy for people who dislike driving. It's nice to see that there is a parking space in front of the store. After you are satisfied with the food, chat over coffee. If you look around, you will find a space with a great taste. The calm light bulb color, many figurines, many books that are also interiors, and the state of the kitchen that you will not get tired of looking at. I like this comfort. It was a shop full of little happiness (petit bonur). It's also nice to be able to use pay-pay for payment.

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