PARIS 美容室 北野田店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact PARIS 美容室 北野田店

住所 :

Joroku, Higashi Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8122 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Joroku, Higashi Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8122 Osaka,Japan
358 Ks (‪kazuyuki358‬) on Google

以前はよかったが先日カット行った際に店員のレベルの低さにがっかりだ、客よりも自分達の会話ばかりでこちらがこうしてほしいと伝えにくい空気を作る。まあ安いお店に高いクオリティーを求める私が悪いのかもしれないけどここの店長さんは本当に愛想もいいし腕もいいけど他の店員には残念だ。 一番ひどいと思ったのはカットが終わってからセットもしてもらえず小声でごいょごにょと何か言われただけ 新人ぽかったがこんな対応はないんじゃない? せめて何か付けますか?位はあってもいいと思うけど面倒くさかったのかな? 残念でならない
It used to be good, but I was disappointed with the low level of the store clerk when I went off the other day, creating an air that is hard to tell that this is what I want because it is just our own conversations than customers. I may be bad for asking high quality from cheap shops, but the manager here is really friendly and good, but it is a pity to other clerks. The only thing I thought was the most awful was that after the end of the cut I was not able to set it, and I was told something with a low voice. The newcomer was poked, but isn't there such correspondence? Do you want to add anything? I think it would be nice to have a place, but was it bothersome? Sorry
にゃんぽこ on Google

I was confused because of the bad evaluation, but I went to cut the hair I couldn't help because it is a shop I often go to. As usual, the response was good and the impression was good, and the finish was wonderful. I don't know why it gets a bad rating. I recommend it to everyone, it's cheap.
mi i (mi) on Google

他の方も言ってますが、値段が安いが接客態度悪いです。 仕事柄、全国の美容室を高頻度で利用しています。利用したお店は3桁越えてると思います…が、その中でワースト1位。別の意味で、良い経験になりました。接客業の方なら、反面教師で勉強になるかも?安いから星2コにします。 初心忘れるべからずですね。
As others have said, the price is low but the customer service is not good. I frequently use beauty salons nationwide for my work. I think the number of shops used is over 3 digits... In another sense, it was a good experience. If you are in the hospitality business, on the other hand, maybe you can study with a teacher? It's cheap, so I'll use 2 stars. Don't forget the original intention.
稗田由美子 on Google

You don't need to make a reservation, so it's nice to be able to go when you come up with it, but it's quite crowded even on weekdays. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are incredible waiting times. It may not be recommended for those in a hurry. I think the cutting technology is high. There is no parking lot for this store itself. You will be parked at a nearby coin parking lot. Walk a little from Kitanoda station and bus stop.
りんご on Google

予約無く気軽に髪を切れるのでオープンからずっと通っていました。オープン時の店長さんですかね?がとても良かったのですが……変わって以降、この様な対応受けるのが2回目なんですが、こっちを見るにもいらっしゃいませ無く受け付けも無く、待ってていいの?って状態で放置されます。 いつもは、自分が髪を切って頂いてる時も失礼しますと受け付けに行ったり来てくれたりとしてくれてたので日によるんでしょうが二度と行きません。
I've been going since the opening because I can easily cut my hair without reservation. Is it the store manager at the time of opening? It was very good, but ... It's the second time I've received this kind of response since the change, but can I wait because there is no reception and no one to come to see this? It is left in that state. Usually, even when I have my hair cut, if I'm sorry, he will come and go to the reception desk, so it depends on the day, but I will never go again.
R C on Google

厚底、ロングヘアーのお姉さん。 あなたの接客態度は最悪です。物は投げるように扱う、かなりガサツ。 髪の毛何回かきあげるの? 邪魔ならたばねて仕事してくださいね。 厚底コツコツコツコツと床鳴らして歩くほどみっともない事はありません。 美容関係の仕事に携わるのなら もっと意識あげて仕事してほしいものです。 予約無しでいけるので飛び込みで行かせてもらいましまが、二度と行かないです。
An older sister with thick soles and long hair. Your customer service is the worst. Treat things like throwing, it's pretty rough. How many times do you brush your hair? If you get in the way, please work with spring. There is nothing more ugly than walking with a slamming floor. If you are involved in beauty-related work, I would like you to be more conscious of your work. I can go without a reservation, so I will jump in, but I will never go again.
由美子 on Google

初めて寄らせていただきました。 髪の毛が長い女の子がすぐ受付に来てくれました 待ち時間は30〜40分ほどと、「予約制」ではないのでその日によって違うらしいです。 切ってくれたのは金髪の男の人 自分の悩みの髪の毛の生え方形理解してくれて自分に合う髪型を提供してくれて嬉しかったです。 女の子も男の子も凄く優しい言い方で感じいいので待ち時間が出ていても待った甲斐がありました。 ありがとうございました。
I stopped by for the first time. A girl with long hair came to the reception immediately The waiting time is about 30 to 40 minutes, which is not a "reservation system", so it seems to vary depending on the day. It was a blonde man who cut it I was glad that he understood the hair growth pattern that I was worried about and provided me with a hairstyle that suits me. Both girls and boys are very kind and feel good, so it was worth the wait even if there was a waiting time. Thank you very much.
HIRO NIShI on Google

手頃な値段でオシャレにカットしてくれます。 普段は大衆理容に行ってたので、違いを感じました。 逆に言えばこれで理容も出来れば完璧だとも思います。
It cuts fashionably at a reasonable price. I usually went to mass barber, so I felt a difference. To put it the other way around, I think it would be perfect if I could make a bargain with this.

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