トンガリアーノ 大曽根駅前店 - Nagoya

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact トンガリアーノ 大曽根駅前店

住所 :

Ozone, Kita Ward, Nagoya, 〒462-0825 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 462-0825
Webサイト : https://tongalliano-ozone.owst.jp/
街 : Aichi

Ozone, Kita Ward, Nagoya, 〒462-0825 Aichi,Japan
ひろもとてつし(てつてつ) on Google

素敵な佇まいのお店で、一目惚れで入店しました 連れ合いと二人で、アンチョビのマルゲリータ、リッチポテト、人参のマリネ、ゴルゴンゾーラペンネといただきましたが、どれもとても美味しかった! ピザは全粒粉を使っているそうですが、薄いのにモチモチで、小麦の味が強くて、とても美味しいピザでした ワインも、赤、白一杯ずついただきましたが、どちらも美味しかったです。産地にこだわらず、色々仕入れてらっしゃるようで、おまかせで美味しいのを出してもらえると幸せな気持ちになります。 あと、嬉しかったのが、頼まなくてもチェイサーを出していただいたこと。 酔わせるのでわなくて、お酒も食事も味わってほしいと考えてくれてるのかなととてもほっこりとした気持ちになりました 実は直前にちょっと問題のある店に入って嫌な気持ちになっていたので、とても救われた気持ちになりました 今後も通わせていただきたいと思います
It's a nice-looking shop, and I fell in love with it at first sight. My spouse and I had anchovy margherita, rich potatoes, carrot marinade, and gorgonzola penne, all of which were very delicious! It seems that the pizza uses whole grain flour, but it was thin but chewy, and the taste of wheat was strong, so it was a very delicious pizza. I had a glass of red and a glass of white wine, both of which were delicious. It seems that you are purchasing various products regardless of the place of origin, and it makes me happy if you leave it to me to serve delicious food. Also, I was happy that the chaser was issued without asking. It made me feel very relaxed, wondering if he wanted me to taste alcohol and food instead of getting drunk. Actually, just before I entered the store with a little problem, I felt unpleasant, so I felt very saved. I would like to continue to attend
ホーリーさん on Google

料理は全部おいしかったですが、 特に「マルゲリータ」がおいしかったです♪ ↑お値打ちなので、コスト大丈夫かな?と心配になりましたw またいきます!
All the food was delicious, Especially "Margherita" was delicious ♪ ↑ It's a good value, so is the cost okay? I was worried I will go again!
ya ta on Google

平日のオープンと同時に入店。予約無しなので断られるかな~と思ったら、カウンターなら大丈夫、とのこと。美味しいワインとお料理に大満足しました(^-^) 長居しましたが、大切なお友達とゆっくり話も出来て良かったです。
Entered at the same time as opening on weekdays. If there is no reservation and you can't accept it, the counter is okay. We were very satisfied with delicious wine and food (^-^) I stayed for a long time, but it was nice to talk with my important friends.
Takumi Saito on Google

I asked a friend. The food and wine were delicious, the staff were very polite, the inside was lively, and it was a really pleasant place. It is a shop that we are proud of as a person living in the neighborhood.
ちりとま1 on Google

I had you go at the timing of the 6th anniversary festival, but on that day I was surprised that even if I ate as much as this at 600 yen per pizza, it was a reasonable price. It is recommended because the original price is also reasonable. The level was also high and I liked it well. The shop clerk was also bright and the interior was beautiful and fashionable and I was able to do a good correspondence not to match the price. I'd like to visit again when I am going to have dinner around Osone.
Kaoru Trip on Google

接客がとても爽やかで、丁寧です。 ピザやパスタは美味しく、良い感じのイタリアンレストラン。 ボトルワインの種類も多く、気軽に楽しめます。 カウンターもあるので、一人でも立ち寄れそう。 飲んで食べて楽しみたい方には良いお店だと思います。 ご馳走さまでした!
The service is very refreshing and polite. Pizza and pasta are delicious and good Italian restaurant. There are many types of bottled wine and you can enjoy it casually. There is also a counter so you can drop in alone. I think that it is a good shop for those who want to drink, eat and enjoy. It was a feast!
E P on Google

「料理を間違えて出されたのに、確認もせず間違いを認めない」 カイノミのステーキを頼みましたが、まずレアどころか生肉だったので焼き直しもらいましま。数分後焼き直したものが来て、一口食べたら、明らかに鹿肉でした。メニューに鹿肉のローストがあったのでそちらと間違えたのかな?ソースも明らかにそちらにかかれているソース。ただ、焼き直したものが来た時にはラストオーダーは過ぎていたので、こちらもまた新しいものを作ってもらうのも申し訳ないと思い、苦手なので残してお会計の時に間違っている旨をお伝えしました。すると、バイトの子が確認してきますと言い厨房のスタッフに確認後戻ってくると、「間違えてませんよ」の一言。料理を見もせず、スタッフ間のやり取りだけでどうやって確認ができるのでしょうか。自分の目で見もせず、あまりに適当で責任感のない対応だと思いました。店長とかいないのかな?あと、あれが牛だとしたら腐ってますよ。ジビエ独特の味と匂いですし、こちらも職業柄牛肉はたくさん食べてるので牛肉と鹿肉の違いくらいこっちもわかります。笑顔の接客はいいとおもいますが、それ以前にもっと改善すべき点があるんじゃないですか。 たまに行くお店でしたが、だいぶ気分悪かったです。 追記 お返事ありがとうございます。このことは全スタッフに共有していただき、2度とこのようなことが起こらないように努めてください。
"I made a mistake in cooking, but I didn't confirm it and didn't admit it." I ordered Kainomi's steak, but first of all it was raw meat rather than rare, so I asked him to re-cook it. A few minutes later, a re-baked one came, and when I ate a bite, it was clearly venison. There was roasted venison on the menu, so I wonder if I made a mistake there. The source is also clearly written there. However, when the reprinted item came, the last order had passed, so I'm sorry to have you make a new item as well, so I'm not good at it, so I left it and told you that it was wrong at the time of accounting. .. Then, the child of the part-time job said that he would confirm it, and when he returned after confirming with the kitchen staff, he said, "I'm not mistaken." How can you check by just interacting with the staff without looking at the food? I didn't even see it with my own eyes, and I thought it was an appropriate and irresponsible response. Isn't there a store manager? Also, if it's a cow, it's rotten. It has a unique taste and smell of Jibie, and I also eat a lot of professional beef, so I can understand the difference between beef and venison. I think it's good to serve customers with a smile, but I think there are some points that need to be improved before that. It was a shop I went to once in a while, but I felt very sick. postscript thank you for your reply. Please share this with all staff and try to prevent this from happening again.
Usagiro “Usagiro” on Google

Really disappointed. Staff were not good! We came here tonight 10/26/2019 for our wedding anniversary and they put us in a small corner with small table and small chairs that were painful to sit on. We asked to move to bench seat and they let us sit there until a family showed up they asked us to move so we left without finishing our meal. I’m so angry they ruined our anniversary dinner that we made reservations for. Will never go here again. 結婚記念日を台無しにしました! ひどい!!

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