
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フルカワ食堂

住所 :

Otsukimachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0201 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Otsukimachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0201 Fukushima,Japan
KA WA on Google

いつも混んでるので避けていたのですが、 久しぶりに行ってみました。 ハーフ&ハーフ 唐揚げと焼肉にご飯大盛り、 久しぶりに見るとやっぱり豪快。 美味しくいただきました。 並んでる時から隣の店舗のベンチで酒飲んでたおじいさんグループの1人、足元もおぼつかず、 マスクを上手く耳にかけられず、 結局マスクしていないで入店、 会計時もマスクなしで同行者に大声で何かを伝えながら会計してて、 レジをしていた若い可愛らしい女の子が可哀想に見えたし、 客もみんな二度見してました。 向かいの席の低学年の男の子もマスクをしてトイレに行ってる横で。 みんなが守ってる事を守れないなら店主が気付いて追い出してもいいかと
I avoided it because it's always crowded, I went there for the first time in a long time. Half & half Fried chicken and grilled meat with a large serving of rice, After a long time, it's exciting. It was delicious. One of the grandfathers' group who had been drinking on the bench of the next store since they were lined up, my feet were uncertain, I couldn't put the mask on my ears well After all, I entered the store without masking Even at the time of accounting, I was accounting while telling the companion something loudly without a mask, The young pretty girl who was at the cash register looked pitiful and All the customers saw it twice. The boy in the lower grades in the opposite seat also wears a mask and goes to the bathroom next to him. If you can't keep what everyone is protecting, the shopkeeper may notice and kick you out.
だぁいしです on Google

The taste, cost performance and quantity were the best. I will visit you again the next time I come to Koriyama. It was a treat. By the way, I had Butakim cheese and Tentori.
Yuka on Google

ハーフハーフ定食を食べました。 1人前のはずが、2人前弱くらいの量出てきます。 スノボ終わりに最高でした。
I ate a half-half set meal. It should be one serving, but it comes out in a little less than two servings. It was great at the end of snowboarding.
根本守 on Google

フルカワ食堂さんで定番のハーフ&ハーフ定食をから揚げ&焼肉で頂きました。 味付け濃い目、ボリュームも有り大満足! 大変美味しく頂きました??? ごちそうさまでした??
At Furukawa Shokudo, we had a classic half-and-half set meal with fried chicken and yakiniku. Very satisfied with the strong seasoning and volume! It was very delicious ??? Thank you for your feast ??
Takashi I on Google

美味しかったですねー! モツ、とり天のハーフハーフ定食を頂きました。 コスパ、量、味と素晴らしい仕事をされていると思います。 ハーフハーフと言うものの単品単品くらいの量なので女性やお子様には少し多いと思いますが、訪れていた女性客の方もハーフハーフ定食を注文なさっていましたね。 店内はバーのような雰囲気ですがとても清潔感がありドライブインのような食堂とは少し違う感じですが私はこちらの雰囲気も好きですね。 座席はカウンターに3席、座敷席が2席、テーブル席が2席あります。 カウンターは座席間隔が広めで体の大きな人でも問題無く食事が出来ると思います。 座敷席も掘りごたつタイプで4人〜5人でゆったり出来る広さです。 テーブル席も広めで4人~5人で余裕があります。 駐車場はお店の前に3台、隣のお店を挟んでその隣に広めの第2駐車場があります。 郡山中央インター付近で食事を摂りたい方にはオススメです。 リピート確定です(*^^*)
It was delicious! I had a half-half set meal of offal and toriten. Cospa, quantity, taste and I think you are doing a great job. Although it is called half-half, it is about the amount of a single item, so I think that it is a little more for women and children, but the female customers who visited also ordered half-half set meals. The atmosphere inside the restaurant is like a bar, but it's very clean and a little different from a restaurant like a drive-in, but I like this atmosphere as well. There are 3 seats at the counter, 2 tatami mat seats, and 2 table seats. The counter has a wide space between seats, so even large people can eat without problems. The tatami mat seats are also digging type and are large enough to accommodate 4 to 5 people. The table seats are also wide enough for 4 to 5 people. There are 3 parking lots in front of the store, and there is a large second parking lot next to the store next to it. Recommended for those who want to eat near the Koriyama Chuo Interchange. Repeat confirmed (* ^^ *)
梁瀬健太郎 on Google

店員さんオススメのハーフ&ハーフ定食でのモツと天とり、オススメだけあって美味しかった? 天とりについてはタルタル系とポン酢系で味変可能。 ご飯は、大盛りでも値段は一緒。 ただ、予想以上の量で出てくるので、普通盛りで十分かなと。 メニュー豊富なので迷いも生じるけど、何回か通ってあれこれ食べてみたいと思った。
The clerk's recommended half-and-half set meal of offal and heaven was delicious because it was only recommended ? You can change the taste of the heavens with tartar sauce and ponzu sauce. Even if the rice is large, the price is the same. However, since it comes out in a larger amount than expected, I wonder if a normal serving is enough. The menu is abundant, so I'm at a loss, but I wanted to go there several times and try this and that.
photographs jashika on Google

It's very big size.However very low price.
Maitree Chalattham on Google


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