ボディメイクストレッチ - Nagoya

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ボディメイクストレッチ

住所 :

Otobashi, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, 〒454-0012 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 454-0012
Webサイト : https://bodeimeikusutoretchi.hp.gogo.jp/sp/
街 : Aichi

Otobashi, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, 〒454-0012 Aichi,Japan
Atsuko Sugiura on Google

I found a malfunction that I didn't notice and found the cause of the pain! I continue to stretch after being given treatment and feel that I am gradually improving. Experienced and accurate. Recommended!
k k on Google

I heard that my back hurts. It feels like the back is stretched out, and it feels crisp. The pain was eased and it became easier. I will ask you if you become anxious again. Thank you very much.
froide salon on Google

仕事上負荷がかかる姿勢が多く肩と腰が痛くなり、最近は朝布団から起き上がる時に固まった感じて辛かったので、お邪魔しました。他に整体とかマッサージにも通いましたが、良くならなかったので、半信半疑でしたが、伺って大変良かったです。 症状が出ている理由の説明をしっかりしていただき、生活での注意事項もわかりやすくしていただきました。改善できる見込みがたてて大変嬉しいです。 しばらく通います。 よろしくお願いします。
I had a lot of work-intensive postures and my shoulders and my back hurt. Recently, I felt awkward when I got up from the morning futon, so I was in trouble. I also went to manipulative treatment and massage, but it didn't improve, so I was half-trusted. I had you explain the reason why the symptom was appearing, and made it easy to understand the precautions in life. I am very happy to see the prospect of improvement. I will go for a while. Thank you.
Y tomo on Google

I had a head massage because I had a headache from my neck and shoulders. After I finished, I was refreshed and my headaches eased. The strength was just right, so it was very comfortable. I want to ask again!
w kei on Google

ストレッチ+筋トレのメニューで伺いました。 ストレッチは手加減がちょうど良くとても上手です!! 筋トレも楽しかったです。 またトレーニングの後にストレッチが受けられて、 体が軽くなるのを実感しました。 基礎代謝アップの為にも定期的に通いたいと思います。
I asked about the menu of stretch + muscle training. Stretching is just right and very good! The muscle training was also fun. Also, after training, I received a stretch I felt my body lightened. I would like to go regularly to improve my basal metabolism.
近藤敏矢 on Google

ストレッチ整体でお世話になりました。知識、技術は確かです。 マッサージのように、一時的にコリやツラい症状を緩和するのではなく、症状の根本を改善し、改善された状態の維持について、アドバイスを頂けます。 私の場合、指導いただいたストレッチを、一日最低2回。 守り続けることができたら、コリの症状改善だけでなく、年齢に似つかわしくないほどの開脚が実現できそうです。
Thank you for stretching and manipulating. Knowledge and technology are certain. Rather than temporarily relieving stiffness and rough symptoms like a massage, we can advise you to improve the root of the symptoms and maintain the improved condition. In my case, I'd like to do the stretching at least twice a day. If we can continue to protect ourselves, not only will we be able to improve the symptoms of stiffness, but we will also be able to achieve legs that are not suitable for age.
サイトウサナエ on Google

I wanted to relieve tired eyes and stiff shoulders, so I asked head massage. I was nervous at first because of my first experience, but I fell asleep because I was very polite and very comfortable. After the treatment, I felt very refreshed whether blood flow in my head improved. I wish I could go regularly ~~
新實浩祐 on Google

I was worried because I had a backache, but stretching made my body easier and I was taught how to stretch at home, so my anxiety disappeared. I also had stiff shoulders. Thank you again next time.

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