アーキ ホームライフ

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アーキ ホームライフ

Otemachi, Toyooka, 〒668-0031 Hyogo,Japan
かわいせいや on Google

他社と比べ、価格、提案力に魅力を感じてホームライフさんに家を建ててもらいました。 大きな買い物なので終始不安はありましたが営業さんは何でも質問に答えて下さり、設計士さんは良い提案をして下さり、現場監督さんは家について細かく説明をしてくれました。 新築を考えている方にはオススメしたいと思います。
Compared to other companies, I was attracted to the price and proposal power, so I asked Home Life to build a house. It was a big purchase, so I was worried from beginning to end, but the salesman answered any questions, the designer made good suggestions, and the site director explained the house in detail. I would like to recommend it to those who are thinking of building a new building.
中野実夏 on Google

今回、新築をお世話になりました。 現在住み始めて2週間が経とうとしていますが、住み心地は最高より上でなんと言葉で表したら良いか分からないほどの最高の住み心地です。大変大大満足しております。 豊岡店のスタッフの方々も大変親切に親身になって打ち合わせを進めてくださり、何も申し分ありません。何より1歳になる前の子どもを連れての打ち合わせでしたが、キッズスペースもあり長時間の打ち合わせでもとてもスムーズに進めさせていただくことができました。 本当にありがとうございました。
Thank you for taking care of the new construction this time. It's been almost two weeks since I started living, but it's so comfortable that I don't know what to say. I am very satisfied. The staff at the Toyooka store are also very kind and friendly and have a meeting, and everything is perfect. Above all, we had a meeting with a child before the age of one, but there was a kids' space, so we were able to proceed very smoothly even with a long meeting. I'm really thankful to you.
芦田裕子 on Google

Thank you for taking care of my home. We had a lot of friendly consultations and it became a very satisfying house within our budget. All the employees were easy to talk to and I was looking forward to the meeting. The children are happy to finally have their own room. Thank you very much.
ma- ko on Google

It's been a year since I built a house with Home Life, and I'm very satisfied. I look forward to working with you.
越野理恵 on Google

I am grateful that I visited the person in charge, who feels very good during the one-year inspection after the purchase, and asked me in detail about the anxiety factors.
しほ on Google

Making your own home. At first, I was worried because I didn't know right or left, but he warmly welcomed me and taught me carefully from the financial plan. I want to make a house like this! We carefully accepted each of our requests and reflected them in the design, and it became a very satisfying home. It was always a homely atmosphere and every meeting was a lot of fun. It was really nice to build a house in my home life. Thank you very much.
がてら1314 on Google

マイホームを購入しました。店舗の雰囲気も良く、何度訪れても落ち着きます。担当の方も丁寧で親切に対応してくださました。分からないことがあってもすぐに聞けるので、解決が早かったです。細かな疑問も解決しました。 また現場にも何度か訪れたのですが、綺麗にされていて工事の方も親切で安心しました。 新居をとても気に入っています。ここでのこれからの生活が楽しみです!
I bought my home. The atmosphere of the store is good, and you will feel calm no matter how many times you visit. The person in charge was also polite and kind. Even if I didn't understand something, I could ask it immediately, so the solution was quick. I also solved small questions. I also visited the site several times, but it was clean and the construction work was kind and reassuring. I like my new house very much. I'm looking forward to my future life here!
seed weed on Google

r4.1/29日に京丹後市で引き渡しさせてもらった者です 色んな工務店ハウスメーカーを見させてもらってましたが、自分が見て来た中でダントツで良かったです 何が良かったかは後から書きます 普段意見が合わない妻も何も言わずに2人してホームライフが良いねと即決でした? まずは営業の方の笑顔が素敵過ぎてイケおじさんでした笑 そして意見を伝えると「ここはこうした方が良い、ここはこっちにした方が良くないですか?」と こちら側の意見も聞いてもらいつつ営業さんの豊富な知識の中から"自分達に合った"家作りが出来ました!! 他のハウスメーカーだとこちら側の意見を言っても出来る、出来ない、の2択でしたが ホームライフさんは工夫しつつ色んな施工された家の画像も見させてもらい 営業さんのアイディアも入れて本当に納得の出来る可愛いお家が出来ました!! 子供を連れてお邪魔させてもらった時もスタッフ全員の方が暖かくお出迎えしてもらいまたキッズスペースもあるのでゆっくりと相談させて貰いました 家を建てればお終いじゃなくて 家を建ててからが本当の付き合いと言ってもらい 幸せな気持ちで新居スタートが出来ると思います 本当にホームライフ豊岡店さんで家を建てれて本当に良かったと思います? またこれから建てられる方は一度行く事をお勧めします
r4.1 This is the person who was handed over in Kyotango City on January 29th. I was allowed to see various construction shop house makers, but I'm glad I've seen it by far. I will write later what was good My wife, who usually disagrees, didn't say anything and decided that the home life was good ? First of all, the smile of the sales person was so nice that he was a cool uncle lol And when he gave his opinion, he said, "This is better here, isn't it better here?" While listening to the opinions of this side, we were able to build a house that "fits ourselves" from the abundant knowledge of the sales staff !! With other house makers, I could or couldn't do it even if I said my opinion. Home Life is also able to see images of various constructed houses while devising. We have created a cute house that you can really understand, including the ideas of the sales staff! Even when I was allowed to bother with my children, all the staff warmly welcomed me and there was also a kids space so I was allowed to consult slowly. If you build a house, it ’s not over. Have them say that they have a real relationship after building a house I think you can start a new house with a happy feeling I'm really glad that I was able to build a house at Home Life Toyooka store ? Also, if you are going to build it, we recommend you to go there once.

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