
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 木定楽器店

住所 :

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://kisada.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan
ichi yo_ ET on Google

Strong repair habit ?
井上亨 on Google

Affordable instruments for beginners are also properly inspected, adjusted and placed. It is a reliable musical instrument store that you can spend a long time with.
キングKAZU on Google

I think there are many kinds of general goods and musical instruments at major famous musical instrument stores, but you can really think about musical instruments one-on-one. I have been admitted to my vintage guitar today for 30 years. I am looking forward to leaving the hospital one week later.
ken mix on Google

予算内でギター一式を揃えるのに相談にのって頂き、勧めて頂いた中古のストラトを今でもずっと使用しています。 専門店で入りにくい雰囲気はありましたが、長くお付き合いできる楽器屋さんなのでここで購入してよかったです。
I've been consulting with him to get a complete set of guitars within my budget, and I'm still using the used Strats that I recommended. It was difficult to enter at a specialty store, but I'm glad I bought it here because it's a musical instrument store that I can spend a long time with.
38 srkw on Google

今日初めて行かせてもらいました 何もわからないしギターも触ったこともないけど やってみたいと思い、それでも初めだからと思って メルカリで中古を購入しました 買ったわいいもののチューニングもいまいち良くわからず弾ける状態のギターなのかも分からないので ギターショップで悪いところがあれば修理しようと思って寄りました ギターの修理できますか?と聞くとギターを持ってきてと言われたのでギターを持って行きました 初めに修理できますか?と 聞いた自分も悪いのかもしれないですが 修理はお客さんが具体的にどこを修理したいか言ってもらわないと出来ないと言われました それは理解したうえで それが分からないから悪いところはないかと尋ねると その一点張り 同じ事を呆れたように言ってくる 挙げ句の果てには分からないのにメルカリで買って という言い方をされました 悪いところがあれば修理に出すつもりでした 修理に出して治らなければそれでもいいし そもそも文句は言ってません ところがメルカリでこんなものを買ったあなたに責任があるので 悪いところがあるか見れないし修理もできないと それだけしか言わず 過去に何があったか知りませんが とにかく対応が悪すぎる 対応というか態度が 最終的に 私がここで買ったギターしか修理できないって事なんですかと尋ねると 基本的にはそうですねと じゃあ初めからギター持ってくる前に言ってくれ ギターが好きで売ってるし働いてるのだと思うけど 初めてで何も分からず聞いているのに そんな対応をするのだとビックリしました 私も接客業を何年もやっていたので 言葉態度で何を思ってるのかすぐわかります もう少し心に余裕を持って 尋ねて頼ってきた人に対応できる店員さんであってほしいですね めちゃくちゃガッカリしたし 子供な対応で気分を害しました チューナー買わなければよったと心から思う程です 中々ここまで腹立つ事はないです ほんとここの店を選んだ事を後悔しました
I went for the first time today I don't know anything and I've never touched the guitar I want to try it, but I still think it's the beginning I bought a used one at Mercari I don't know if the guitar is in a state where I can play it because I don't know how to tune the good one I bought. If there was something wrong with the guitar shop, I decided to repair it. Can you repair the guitar? I was told to bring a guitar, so I brought a guitar Can you repair it first? When I may have heard that I am also bad I was told that repairs cannot be done unless the customer specifically tells me where they want to repair. After understanding it I don't know that, so when I ask if there is something wrong That one point He says the same thing as if he was amazed I don't know at the end of the phrase, but I bought it at Mercari Was said I was going to send it for repair if there was something wrong If you send it out for repair and it doesn't heal, that's fine I'm not complaining in the first place However, you are responsible for buying something like this at Mercari. I can't see if there's something wrong and I can't repair it Only say that I don't know what happened in the past Anyway, the correspondence is too bad Correspondence or attitude Finally When I asked if I could only repair the guitar I bought here Basically that's right Then tell me before you bring your guitar from the beginning I like guitars and I think they sell and work I'm listening for the first time without knowing anything I was surprised to do such a response I've been in the hospitality business for years You can immediately understand what you are thinking with your language attitude With a little more leeway I want you to be a clerk who can respond to the person who asked and asked I was really disappointed I was offended by the childish response I really think I shouldn't have bought a tuner I'm not so angry I really regret choosing this store
H T on Google

15年ぐらい前に、ギター(ギブソンの某セミアコ)のメンテナンスをしてもらいました。依頼した仕事はきっちりされていましたが、普段からもうちょっとメンテナンスせないかんよとのお叱りをいただきました。当たってる部分もあるのですが。。。もうちょっと言い方あるやろと思いました。 都市圏の有名楽器店だと、もう少し親切にどうすればよいのか教えてくれる店が多いですが、いかんせん地方都市で接客が下手な店員さんが多いのだろうなと当時感じました。
About 15 years ago, I had a guitar (a certain Gibson semi-aco) maintained. The work I requested was done exactly, but I was scolded that I couldn't do any more maintenance. There is a part that hits. .. .. I thought there was a little more way to say it. Many famous musical instrument stores in the metropolitan area will kindly tell you what to do, but at that time I felt that there were many clerk who were not good at serving customers in local cities.
杉本とし on Google

数年前にこちらでGibson CSのJ-45を新品で購入しました。Certificateが全く違うものが入っておりました。社長はこちらが言うまで一切謝罪をしませんでした。最後の最後まで誠心誠意が全く感じられない謝罪と対応でした。 広島が誇る老舗楽器店と思っておりましたが、残念ながら殿様商売なそんな会社です。現在詳細をブログに執筆中で後日載せます。
I bought a new Gibson CS J-45 here a few years ago. There was a completely different Certificate. The president did not apologize at all until I said. Until the very end, it was an apology and response that I could not feel sincerity at all. I thought it was a long-established musical instrument store that Hiroshima is proud of, but unfortunately it is such a company that is a business of the lord. Details are currently being written on the blog and will be posted at a later date.
W TF on Google

Overpriced from what you can easily get online.

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