北海道 炉端 えぞ羅

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北海道 炉端 えぞ羅

住所 :

Ōtemachi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://gezz302.gorp.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Ōtemachi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0004 Tokyo,Japan
ヤマシタシンスケ on Google

The atka mackerel, fried shrimp, and fried octopus were delicious.
n k on Google

北海道の羅臼の食材が堪能できる お店 すぐに予約困難になりますので コロナ禍の今のうちに行っておくべし
You can enjoy the ingredients of Rausu in Hokkaido shop It will be difficult to make a reservation soon You should go now in the corona
宮森宏和 on Google

冷凍品なのでしょうか?お魚も固くコスパも良くない、、、 しかも、ランチして終わって数人で話していたら、『お客様が並んでいるから早く帰っください!』 座って45分程度だっのに、、、 ガッカリなお店でした(-_-)
Is it a frozen product? The fish are hard and the cost performance is not good ... What's more, when I was talking with a few people after lunch, I said, "Customers are lined up, so please go home early! 』\ It took about 45 minutes to sit down, but ... It was a disappointing shop (-_-)
Nyanco Cool on Google

Sashimi set. I had the tuna that failed to thaw for the first time eating out. Failure is the source of success. Please do its best.
Y A on Google

ランチで利用。 1280円の海鮮丼、まんなかにのってる塩辛が美味かったが少々コスパが…
Used for lunch. The 1280 yen seafood bowl and the salted fish in the middle were delicious, but a little cospa ...
AKEMI on Google

Deep-fried Nanban shrimp ☆ The size of a baby's fist! You can enjoy it from the head to the tail ♪ Sudachi sour poured into a thin glass is also palatable and easy to drink. Thin from the edge to the bottom! There are also terrace seats ~
progreko kstyle on Google

写真は本日の煮魚定食(エゾメバル)1,200円です。 TOKYOTORCH 常盤橋タワーの北側角にあり、テラス席からは常盤橋の下をギリギリで通る船の行き来も見られたりします。(まあ、そっち系のマニアにはコアな場所かもしれませんが(´┐`)) お料理は丁寧に作られているのかな?ちょっと見た目寄りかもしれませんが、魚の旨味が出てて美味しく頂けました。帰り際に羅臼昆布を頂いたので☆プラスしときます(゚∀゚)/
The photo shows today's boiled fish set meal (Ezomebaru) for 1,200 yen. Located on the north corner of TOKYOTORCH Tokiwabashi Tower, you can see the traffic of ships passing under Tokiwabashi from the terrace seats. (Well, it may be a core place for those enthusiasts (´┐ `)) Is the food carefully prepared? It may look a little closer, but the umami of the fish came out and it was delicious. I got Rausu kelp on my way home, so I will add it ☆ (゜ ∀ ゜) /
小川弘美 on Google

東京トーチ2階の和食店、えぞ羅。外のテラス席が掘りごたつでユニーク。ランチは定食や丼ものなどあり、日替わりは1000円から。結構ボリュームあるので満足です。ご飯はおかわりを頼めばすぐに持ってきてくれます。(無料のようです) 緑に囲まれて素敵なランチタイムでした。 帰りに、おまけの羅臼昆布いただきました。
Ezora, a Japanese restaurant on the 2nd floor of Tokyo Torch. The outside terrace seats are digging and unique. Lunch includes set meals and rice bowls, and the daily change starts from 1000 yen. I am satisfied because it has a lot of volume. If you ask for a refill, the rice will be brought to you immediately. (It seems to be free) It was a wonderful lunch time surrounded by greenery. On the way back, I had an extra Rausu kelp.

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