Otanihachiman Shrine - Togane

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Otanihachiman Shrine

住所 :

Togane, Chiba 283-0802, Japan

Postal code : 283-0802

Togane, Chiba 283-0802, Japan
吉谷孝義 on Google

秋本. on Google

Hissori is in the back of the place.
幕府陸軍 on Google

由緒正しい神社の様だが、社殿が控えめ。 受験を控える諸君等が合格祈願で参拝する際は、特に注意が必要である。何故ならそれは、足元が〇〇〇から。
It looks like a venerable shrine, but the shrine is modest. Special care should be taken when those who are refraining from taking the examination worship in prayer for success. Because it's from 000 feet.
生城山勇司 on Google

It seems that volunteers are kindly caring for it, but ... I think there is a limit ... It's a good way to compliment ...
高橋まさ on Google

入り口の鳥居から少し歩きます。 鳥居からちょっと離れているので少し不安になりますが、一本道を歩けば必ず辿り着けます。 道は土がむき出しで苔が生えてますので雨の日などは注意が必要。 当たり前ですが、虫も多く出ます。 静かで落ち着いた場所ですのでゆっくりと参拝できます。
Walk a little from the entrance to the torii. It is a bit uneasy because it is a little away from the torii, but if you walk on a straight road you can always reach it. Roads are exposed to dirt and moss, so be careful on rainy days. It is natural, but many insects come out. It is a quiet and calm place so you can worship slowly.
Ak Taki on Google

日吉神社の杉林の中にある小さい神社です。 昨年の台風の被害でまだ倒木している木がたくさんありました。小さい社殿には昨年の台風倒木除去した人の名前が書いてありました。
It is a small shrine in the cedar forest of Hiyoshi Shrine. There were many trees that had fallen due to the damage from the typhoon last year. The name of the person who removed the typhoon windthrow last year was written on the small shrine.
岡ちゃん on Google

It is a shrine separated from the Shirahata Hachiman Shrine (Sanmu City), which has three shrines, the Shrine of Honor Tetsubetsu, Amaterasu Okami, and Kasuga Okami. It is said that in 1985, Minoru Yorinobu welcomed the shrine of Kyoto Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine and prayed for the fulfillment of a national guardian's office, and was promoted to the land of Hongo, Shirahata Village, Kazusa, Kunibashi, Boso Province. .. In the same year, Myouka Saint opened the foundation of Mt. Due to the typhoon in 2019, the access road can be damaged by falling trees etc.
PokaQ on Google

quiet & peaceful

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