遊漁船 ことぶき丸

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 遊漁船 ことぶき丸

住所 :

Osecho, Hitachi, 〒317-0076 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://kotobuki-maru.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5AM–1PM
Sunday 5AM–1PM
Monday 5AM–1PM
Tuesday 5AM–1PM
Wednesday 5AM–1PM
Thursday 5AM–1PM
Friday 5AM–1PM
街 : Ibaraki

Osecho, Hitachi, 〒317-0076 Ibaraki,Japan
永沼和彦 on Google

No plan on Google

釣り座は先着順ときいていたので最初から居たはずなのに、取材があるからと釣り座は真ん中、かつ雑誌の釣り師含め14~16名と混雑。 隣人との距離は50cm程度しかなく、時化た海でまともに釣りにならなかった。二度と乗船しない。
高橋由之 on Google

It's popular.
大貫鐵男 on Google

There were too many roots and the gimmicks were exhausted so much that I couldn't fish, but the pain in the boatman's throat was good.
A家食堂 on Google

女性も、安心して乗れる設備です。 大変親切で、楽しい釣りが出来ることマチガイナシ☝✨
It is a facility that women can ride with confidence. Very kind and fun fishing
K Sapom on Google

I am a beginner, but I answered questions carefully and taught me how to fish. When I caught a fish, I was able to catch Tamo immediately. It is a kind and calm captain.
Nag Aki on Google

テンヤマダイの乗り合いを利用しました。 まず、港から釣り場が近いのがとても良かった。 時期的なものなのかはちょっとわからないですが、全体的にサイズは小さめ、その分アタリは多く楽しめました。 船長、おかみさんの対応も良く、また利用したいと思える船宿です。
I used the ride of Tenyamadai. First of all, it was very good that the fishing spot was close to the port. I don't know if it's timely, but overall the size is small and I enjoyed a lot of Atari. It is a boat inn that the captain and mother are very friendly with and want to use again.
ももじろう on Google

It is a conscientious ship that may extend the time when eating is astringent or when you start fishing just before the end time. There is also a gentle and gentle captain and kind regulars, so you can ride with confidence.

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