
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丸光亭

住所 :

Orihata, Katori, 〒289-0348 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Orihata, Katori, 〒289-0348 Chiba,Japan
hirashi umo on Google

It was vacant even when I entered the store around 13:00 on Saturday. I was at a loss because I had a lot of recommendations, but I received a raw horse mackerel fried set with pork soup for 935 yen. There were two big horse mackerels and a lot of pork soup, and it was voluminous. The fries are crispy and very tasty, but they are big so it would have been great if I could share them. The pork soup was light in taste.
もりげんさん on Google

ランチタイムに行きました。 メニューの中から フライ盛り定食     950円(税込1045円) エビフライ、アジフライ、カニクリームコロッケ、ヒレカツ、からあげ を注文しました。 エビフライは普通、アジフライは結構美味しかった、カニクリームコロッケは美味しかった、当たりでした。ヒレカツとからあげは他店で食べるのとそれほど変わらなかったですね。周囲の客で刺身を注文している人がいて美味しそうに見えたので次回行く機会があれば頼んでみたいと思います。詳しくは「丸光亭」+「気ままに外食三昧」で検索してみてください。
I went to lunch time. From the menu Fried set meal 950 yen (1045 yen including tax) Fried shrimp, Aji fry, crab cream croquette, pork cutlet, fried chicken I ordered. The fried shrimp was usually delicious, the fried shrimp was quite delicious, and the crab cream croquette was delicious. The pork cutlet and karaage were not so different from eating at other stores. Some of the customers around me ordered sashimi and it looked delicious, so I would like to ask if I have a chance to go next time. For more information, please search for "Marukotei" + "Eating out at will".

さすがの人気店ですね。平日の11時45分頃には満席で待ちが5組程でした。しかし座席数も多く回転も良いので10分位でテーブルに座れました。 料理の方は、味も値段も納得でした。 機会が有れば是非また行きたいと思います。
It's a very popular shop, isn't it? At around 11:45 on weekdays, it was full and there were about 5 groups waiting. However, the number of seats was large and the rotation was good, so I was able to sit at the table in about 10 minutes. As for the food, I was satisfied with the taste and price. I would definitely like to go again if I have the opportunity.
早川修 on Google

蕎麦から魚・肉料理などのメニューと種類豊富です。 店内も座敷・テーブル席と多数有ります。 どの料理も満足出来るボリュームが有ります。
There is a wide variety of menus from soba to fish and meat dishes. There are many tatami mats and table seats in the store. Every dish has a satisfying volume.
てるてる坊主 on Google

またもやGoogle先生に素敵なお店を教えていただきました。 さすが高評価だけあって大満足のお店です。 私はまいたけ天ぷらそば 主人はお刺身盛り合わせ定食を注文 まいたけ天ぷらそば お料理が運ばれてきた時 あまりにも たくさんの天ぷらが付いて来て 注文を間違ってしまったのかと思った位笑 これで953円とは! 信じられない位のお値段です。 食べ切れなかったのですが 店の方が持ち帰り用のパックも持ってきてくれました。 香取神宮にお参りに行った際には必ず立ち寄りたいお店です。
Once again, Google Sensei taught me a wonderful shop. As expected, it is a very satisfying shop because it is highly evaluated. I'm Maitake Tempura Soba My husband ordered a sashimi platter set meal Maitake tempura soba When the food was brought in, too Comes with a lot of tempura I wondered if I made a mistake in my order lol This is 953 yen! It's an incredible price. I couldn't finish eating The store also brought me a takeaway pack. This is a shop you definitely want to stop by when you visit Katori Jingu.
藤崎広二 on Google

初めての訪問です。香取カントリーでゴルフした帰りに2分で行ける丸光亭に行ってきました。メニューも豊富でどれもすごいボリュームです? そして、安い? デカいお店で席数も沢山あるので人数が多くても大丈夫そうです?‍♂️ お寿司はまぁ普通でしたが、1,500円位でうどんとのセットが頼めます。フライドポテトなどの揚げ物も全て熱々で出てくるので、美味しかったです。デザートに杏仁豆腐を食べたのですが、これまた大きいのですが、すごいサッパリしていて、美味しかったです? レジ前に落花生や梅干しが売ってるのですが、安くて美味しそうでした。 また行きたいお店で、おススメです。
This is the first visit. I went to Marukotei, which can be reached in 2 minutes on the way back from playing golf in Katori Country. The menu is abundant and all are amazing volume ? And cheap ? It's a big shop and there are many seats, so it seems okay if there are many people ?‍♂️ Sushi was pretty normal, but you can order a set with udon for around 1,500 yen. All the fried foods such as french fries came out hot, so it was delicious. I ate almond tofu for dessert, which is also big, but it was really refreshing and delicious ? Peanuts and pickled plums are on sale before the cash register, but they looked cheap and delicious. I recommend it at the shop you want to go to again.
ぱん on Google

テーブルにあるメニュー表に載ってないその日のおすすめメニューが、入り口のレジ脇ボード書いてあるのでチェックするのが毎回楽しいです。 お刺身とかうどんとか色々あるけど、1番おすすめなのがエビチリです。海老大きくてぷりぷりです。 ちなみにライス大盛りは100円です。 食後に杏仁豆腐とコーヒーゼリーもおすすめです。
The recommended menu of the day that is not on the menu table on the table is written on the board next to the cash register at the entrance, so it is fun to check it every time. There are various kinds of sashimi and udon, but the most recommended one is shrimp chili. Ebi is big and plump. By the way, a large serving of rice is 100 yen. We also recommend apricot tofu and coffee jelly after meals.
中野ぴろしき on Google

佐原に来たら一度は訪問する価値あり!私は、必ず知り合いにお薦めしています? いつも満席の印象ですが、多くの店員さんが忙しく立ち働いているので、注文から提供まで、そんなに待たないと思います? レジ脇に本日のメニューが示されていますが、基本的に量は多めなので、女性やお子様は注意が必要です? 刺身系からフライ系の定食、炒めもの、麺類に至るまで、外れメニューはないと思われ、それほどクオリティが高いです?
Worth a visit once you come to Sawara! I definitely recommend it to acquaintances ? I always get the impression that it is full, but I don't think I'll have to wait that long from ordering to serving because many clerk are busy working. Today's menu is shown beside the cash register, but basically the amount is large, so women and children need to be careful ? From sashimi-based to fried-based set meals, stir-fried foods, and noodles, it seems that there is no off-the-shelf menu, and the quality is so high ?

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