
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すずきや食堂

住所 :

Ononiimachi, Ono, Tamura District, 〒963-3401 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7:30PM
Sunday 11AM–7:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–7:30PM
Thursday 11AM–7:30PM
Friday 11AM–7:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Ononiimachi, Ono, Tamura District, 〒963-3401 Fukushima,Japan
タンジマール on Google

かつ丼 990円(税込) リカちゃんキャッスルの目の前 利用する側として有難い通し営業 駐車場は他にもあるのかもしれませんがお店の前の駐車場はそんなに多くの台数は停める事は出来ません 味付けは多少濃い目に感じましたが許容範囲内ですら 美味しく頂きました、ごちそう様でした
Katsudon 990 yen (tax included) In front of Licca Castle Thank you as a user There may be other parking lots, but the parking lot in front of the store cannot park so many cars. I felt the seasoning was a little dark, but even within the acceptable range It was delicious, it was a feast
miki m on Google

It's completely different from ordinary tantanmen, but the thin noodles were delicious
ヤッホー on Google

駐車場が4台? 他にもあるのかな? 開店と同時に入ったけど、電話鳴りっぱなしで忙しいそう。 かつ丼990円注文。時間もかからず出てきていただきました。 味はむらがあり、しょっぱかったり、無味だったり。しかしそこは量で勝負でした。厚く柔らかな肉はよかった。ご飯も多く今度は減らしてもらおうかな。CPはバッチリ。リカちゃんの前にありいい場所です。 家族ずれにもお勧め。
4 parking lots? Is there anything else? I entered the store at the same time as it opened, but he seems to be busy with the phone ringing. Katsudon 990 yen order. It didn't take long for me to come out. The taste is uneven, salty or tasteless. However, there was a game in quantity. The thick and tender meat was good. I have a lot of rice, and I wonder if I can reduce it this time. CP is perfect. It's a nice place in front of Licca-chan. Recommended for families.
Takeshi Takeyasu on Google

昔懐かしの町の食堂といったお店です。 身体を動かす仕事をしている人が多いせいか、味付けはやや塩気が多めな感じ。 今回はカツ丼を食べましたが、見た目は昔ながら、味付けはお蕎麦やさんのカツ丼といった感じの懐かしい味で、ややしょっぱめでした。
It's a restaurant in a nostalgic town. The seasoning is a little salty, probably because there are many people who work to move their bodies. I ate katsudon this time, but the appearance was old-fashioned, but the seasoning was a nostalgic taste like soba noodles and san's katsudon, and it was a little salty.
ぜーたぷらす on Google

リカちゃんキャッスルへ来たついでに Googleで調べて来店…。 値段はリーズナブルで、評価も高かったので 期待していたが… たんたんめん 大盛 麺硬めで注文 開店と同時ぐらいに入店して、注文 そのあとゾクゾクとお客様が来店 しているので…おっ?人気店か? と勘違いをするぐらい 15分ぐらいすぎて着丼 出てきたものは… これが?たんたんめん?と思うもの 味もお湯で味噌を溶いただけな感じ… 麺はのびのび… 細麺で好みの細さだが いかんせん…坦々麺には あわないかなぁ… 接客はとても良く親切… それだけに味がなぁ… ラーメン で良いかも さっぱり醤油味で一番美味しいかも しれません… とにかく、出てくるのは遅いです
While I came to Licca Castle Check it out on Google and come to the store ... The price was reasonable and the evaluation was high. I was expecting ... Tantanmen Omori Noodles ordered with hard noodles Enter the store at the same time as the store opens and place an order After that, the customers came to the store Because I'm doing ... Oh? Is it a popular store? I misunderstand Donburi after about 15 minutes What came out ... This is? Tantanmen? What I think The taste is just like melting miso with hot water ... The noodles are stretchy ... It ’s thin noodles and it ’s as thin as you like. Ikansen ... For dandan noodles I wonder if ... The customer service is very good and kind ... That's why it tastes so good ... Ramen may be fine It may be the most delicious with a refreshing soy sauce flavor Maybe ... Anyway, it's slow to come out
Y T on Google

I received a heavy weight (990 yen). It is a theme park in front of Licca Castle. It seems to be popular with fire brigades. Yakitori and sashimi that are not on the menu were brought in.
けんじ on Google

平日昼間に来店し、チャーハンとメニューにはありませんがかけうどん大盛を注文しました。 うどんは甘いつゆで子供も食べやすい味で、おすすめです。 帰りに子供にチョコパイくれる優しい店員さんでした。
I came to the store during the daytime on weekdays and ordered a large serving of Kake Udon, which is not on the menu with fried rice. Udon is a sweet soup that is easy for children to eat and is recommended. It was a gentle clerk who gave me a chocolate pie on my way home.
ceiestial blue on Google

日曜日の13時過ぎ、たくさんのお客さんで賑わっていました。 ちょうど何組か出て来たので、入店したところ、とても申し訳なさそうにお店の方からご飯がなくなった為、麺のみだという説明がありました。 お腹が空いていて何でもいい感じだったのでそのまま入店。 消毒を兼ねた掃除を大変丁寧にされていました。 ラーメンは少し濃い目だったようですが、タンメンはあっさりしていて野菜たっぷりでした☆ 小さい子供がいたので、子供用の器を用意して下さったり「熱いからやけどしないでね~」と何度も声をかけて頂いたりでした。 お会計の時にもご飯がなかったことを丁寧に謝られてこちらが恐縮してしまうほど(^-^;) その後もお客さんが次々来られていたので、きっと町の食堂としてしっかり認知され、愛されているんだなと感じました。
After 13:00 on Sunday, it was crowded with many customers. Just a few pairs came out, so when I entered the store, I was very sorry that the store ran out of rice, so there was an explanation that it was only noodles. I was hungry and felt good about anything, so I entered the store as it was. Cleaning that also served as disinfection was done very carefully. It seems that the ramen was a little dark, but the tanmen was light and full of vegetables ☆ I had a small child, so he prepared a vessel for the child and asked me many times, "Don't get burned because it's hot." I was so sorry that I was politely apologized for not having rice at the time of payment (^-^;) After that, customers were coming one after another, so I felt that it was definitely recognized and loved as a cafeteria in the town.

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