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Contact 仙台頭痛脳神経クリニック

住所 :

Onoda, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0014 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.sendai-zutsu.com/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Miyagi

Onoda, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0014 Miyagi,Japan
マミー on Google

2021.10.11再診。予約なしだと受付時間を早めに切り上げる場合があるようです。詳細はHPに記載されていますので事前確認をおすすめします。 他の方の口コミ(応対が良くない等)を見て、看護師さんの対応を懸念し半分怖々と受診。受付ではとても柔和な応対をして頂けました。初回の問診で眼鏡の方に呼ばれてまたやや警戒体勢に入りましたが、まあ当然のごとく邪険にされもせず。むしろ細かく話を聞いてメモ書きされていて丁寧な印象でした(声が小さくて一回聞き直しましたけど)。 先生の診断は無駄がなく、こちらの話もきちんと聞いて頂けました。平日午後の診療時間が始まって30分弱の時間帯に行きましたが院内はとても混んでおり、それでも雑な対応にならず良い先生だなと感じました。 予約ができる時間帯には、可能なら予約して行かれた方がいいと思います。先に書いたように平日でも患者さんが多かったので。今回は予約せずに行きMRI検査もお願いしたのでそれなりに待ちましたけど、これで評価を下げるほど待たされた訳でもないので、一度のみの受診ですが星5評価です。 雑誌や漫画も綺麗に取り揃えられていますが、頭痛が酷いのにギャグマンガ日和を置く辺りSなスタッフがいるのかと思いました。笑って頭に響くわ。
2021.10.11 Return visit. If you do not make a reservation, the reception time may be rounded up earlier. Details are described on the website, so it is recommended to check in advance. Seeing the word of mouth of other people (such as poor response), I was afraid of the nurse's response and consulted half scaredly. At the reception, we received a very gentle reception. At the first interview, I was called by the glasses and got into a slightly alert position, but as a matter of course, I wasn't harassed. Rather, I listened to the story in detail and wrote a memo, which gave me a polite impression (although my voice was quiet and I listened to it once again). The teacher's diagnosis was lean and I was able to hear this story properly. I went to the hospital for less than 30 minutes after the consultation hours started on weekday afternoons, but the hospital was very crowded, and I felt that I was a good teacher without any messy response. If possible, you should make a reservation during the time when you can make a reservation. As I wrote earlier, there were many patients even on weekdays. This time I went without making an appointment and asked for an MRI examination, so I waited for it, but I didn't have to wait enough to lower the rating, so I had a one-time visit, but it was rated 5 stars. Magazines and manga are also neatly stocked, but I wondered if there was an S staff member around Gag Manga Biyori even though he had a severe headache. I laugh and it touches my head.
Bon Bon on Google

子供の偏頭痛がヒドイので受診しました。 院内は落ち着く雰囲気でとてもキレイです。看護師さんが最初に問診してくれるのですが、親身に詳しく話を聞いてくださります。 先生はテキパキとしていて、若干診察が短い様な気がしますが、こういった診療科は仕方ないのかもしれません。 MRIも撮って頂いてしばらく予防薬で様子見る事になったので、改善するといいです。
I had a medical examination because my child had a migraine headache. The hospital has a calm atmosphere and is very beautiful. The nurse will ask you a question first, but he will listen to you in detail. The teacher is very responsive and I feel that the medical examination is a little short, but such a clinical department may be unavoidable. I had an MRI taken and I had to take a look at it with preventive medicine for a while, so I hope it will improve.
ハッピーりの on Google

I go with migraines. The teacher makes an accurate diagnosis, and the nurses and receptionists are laid back, but I don't feel uncomfortable. However, there are few chairs in the waiting room, and there are many patients who are accompanied by patients (especially elderly people and people with children), so the place to sit is filled up in a blink of an eye. Bringing a small child when he has a migraine headache can be a pain to make noise, and I feel that the waiting room should be a little wider.
K m on Google

看護師さんも先生も親切です。院内は清潔感があり、とても落ち着いた雰囲気です。 急な頭痛の際は当日MRIを撮って下さいました。
Both the nurse and the teacher are kind. The hospital is clean and has a very calm atmosphere. In case of a sudden headache, he took an MRI on the day.
なる on Google

先生の診察がやや短いのと、予防薬の変更をお願いしたときに「種類はこれとこれしかない。それか新薬(ひと月に1回打つのですが1万4千円。最初の月は2本打つのでその倍の金額がかかります)」と言われました。もう少し薬の選択肢や試す機会が欲しいと思いました。数年前は、もう少し詳しい説明をして頂けた記憶なのですが、忙しくなったからでしょうか…。ただ、診断は的確かなと思います。院内はアロマの香りが漂っていて、座り心地のいいソファもあり居心地が良いです。看護師さん、受付の方も個人的には感じが良いと思います どうしても改善してほしいのは自動精算機です。これ、領収書が感熱紙で印刷されるのですが、感熱紙に印刷されるものは経年で消えますし、他のレシートに印刷されたものが領収書に移ったりします。病院の領収書は確定申告に使いますし、(社会であれ民間であれ)何かの保障を受けるときには何年も遡って(実際、私は手帳取得のために15年遡りました)「何年何月何日から診療開始しました」という証拠のために必要になることがあります。なので、領収書をずっと取っておいている人も少なからず居ます。とにかく、色々と申請をするのに必要になる重要書類なので、経年劣化で消えるのは本当に困ります。自分でコピーしなおしていますがとても手間ですし、なんとかしていただきたいと切に願います
The doctor's consultation was a little short, and when I asked him to change the preventive medicine, he said, "This is the only type. Or a new medicine (I hit it once a month, but it costs 14,000 yen. The first month is 2 It costs twice as much to hit this one) ". I wanted a little more drug choices and opportunities to try. I remember that you gave me a little more detailed explanation a few years ago, but maybe because I'm busy ... However, I think the diagnosis is accurate. The hospital has an aroma scent and is comfortable with a comfortable sofa. I personally think that the nurses and receptionists also feel good. What I really want you to improve is an automatic checkout machine. This, the receipt is printed on thermal paper, but what is printed on thermal paper disappears over time, and what is printed on other receipts is transferred to the receipt. Hospital receipts are used for tax returns, and when you get some security (whether social or private), you go back many years (in fact, I went back 15 years to get a notebook). It may be necessary for evidence that "the medical treatment started on what day of the year." Therefore, there are quite a few people who keep their receipts for a long time. Anyway, it's an important document that you need to apply for various things, so it's really troublesome to lose it due to aging. I have copied it myself, but it is very troublesome, and I sincerely hope that you will do something about it.
log n on Google

院内は落ち着いた照明で、頭痛持ちには本当に助かりました。 看護師さんのヒアリングでは症状や悩みをしっかり聞いてくださり、先生からもそれを基にしっかり解説していただけました。 雰囲気、対応ともに、とてもいい病院です。
ぽちょ。 on Google

現在中2で頭痛が酷く親と一緒に来て 診察してもらったのですが ものすごい優しいく笑わせてくれたりと とてもいいスタッフでした!! 外観も内装もとても綺麗でオシャレです。 中は暖かく換気もされています。 天井が広く、カウンター(壁側)と ソファ(真ん中)がありソファは4~6脚 あります。 壁にはテレビがついていました。 語彙力なくてすみません。 カウンターにはコンセントがあり カウンターの椅子は6~8脚くらいです。 音楽も大きいわけではなく 気分が少し上がる(?)感じで 穏やかな音楽でした。 明かり(照明)は優しい色(オレンジっぽい) をしていて眩しくないです。 お日様が窓から見えてとても暖かいです。 長町モールにも10分程(歩き)の距離 なのでとてもいい場所にあります。 駐車場も広く停めやすいと思います。 すごく最高です!!
I'm currently in 2 and have a severe headache and come with my parents I had a medical examination It makes me laugh so kindly It was a very nice staff !! The exterior and interior are very beautiful and fashionable. The inside is warm and well ventilated. The ceiling is wide and the counter (wall side) There is a sofa (middle) and there are 4 to 6 sofas. I have. There was a TV on the wall. I'm sorry I don't have vocabulary. There is an outlet at the counter There are about 6 to 8 chairs on the counter. The music isn't too big I feel a little better (?) It was gentle music. The light (lighting) is a gentle color (orange-like) I'm not dazzling. The sun can be seen from the window and it is very warm. About 10 minutes (walking) distance to Nagamachi Mall So it's in a very nice place. I think the parking lot is large and easy to park. It ’s really great! !!

9時に受付し、18番目でした。 受付の方は感じ良くて、待合室も広くてゆったりしています。 先生の診察前に看護師さんの問診がありましたが、とても丁寧に聞いて下さいました。タップリ時間をかけてお話し出来るので、不安に思っている事も全て伝えられました。 思ったより早く先生の診察に呼ばれましたが、先生も優しい印象で先に看護師さんに話をした内容を見ながら色々と質問されました。 しっかり顔を見ながら診察して頂きとても安心出来ました。 MRIを撮りましたが、技師の方も丁寧でした。 初めてのMRIで少し不安でしたが、説明等も優しく話して頂いたのでリラックスして出来ました。 受付した時はかなり混んでいる印象で待たされるのを覚悟しましたが、全てスムーズに運び2時間程かかったのですが、凄く待たされたと言う印象はありませんでした。 MRIの結果も問題なく、緊張型頭痛だとの事。 物腰柔らかな先生の丁寧な説明でかなり安心出来たので、頭痛も良くなりそうです。 思いきって行って良かったです。 オススメの病院だと思います。
We accepted at 9 o'clock and it was the 18th. The receptionist feels good and the waiting room is large and spacious. There was an interview with the nurse before the doctor's examination, but he listened very carefully. I was able to spend a lot of time talking, so I was able to convey all my concerns. I was called to see the doctor earlier than I expected, but the teacher had a gentle impression and asked me various questions while looking at what I had talked to the nurse earlier. I was very relieved to have a medical examination while looking closely at my face. I took an MRI, but the technician was also polite. I was a little worried about my first MRI, but I was able to relax because he kindly gave me explanations. At the time of reception, I was prepared to wait with the impression that it was quite crowded, but it took about 2 hours to carry everything smoothly, but I did not have the impression that I was waiting very much. There was no problem with the MRI results, and it was a tension-type headache. I was relieved by the polite explanation of the gentle teacher, so my headache seems to get better. I'm glad I went all the way. I think it is a recommended hospital.

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