
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクルショップOne

住所 :

Hironodai, Zama, 〒252-0012 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://recycle-one.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hironodai, Zama, 〒252-0012 Kanagawa,Japan
kayoko saitou on Google

買い取りお願いしました。 親切な対応でした。 店内の商品は、キレイなものばかりでした。
I asked you to buy it. It was a kind response. The products in the store were all beautiful.
小宮山茂 on Google

There are many types of bicycles-I bought a bicycle. Furniture is good and cheap.
苑田正貴 on Google

寮を出て実家に戻るのに伴い不要な1ドア冷凍庫と電子レンジとオーブントースターを買い取ってもらおうと持ち込みました。 想定していた価格より高い買取価格を提示していただき大変満足です。 店員の方の対応も非常に良かったです。
As I left the dormitory and returned to my parents' house, I brought in an unnecessary 1-door freezer, microwave oven, and toaster oven to buy. We are very happy to offer you a higher purchase price than you expected. The correspondence of the clerk was also very good.
匿名激励応援 on Google

The appearance of the older sister at the time of product reception was wonderful. ? → ?? The thanks for seeing off my brother at the time of delivery at a later date were wonderful. ? → ?? When I passed, there was a free product offer. ? → ?? Please do your best. ??
AKI on Google

エアコンを購入しました。 18年製で比較的新しく、整備も行き届いており、新品と遜色ありません。 8月の多忙な時期にも関わらず、即日可能な取付業者を紹介してくださり、またその業者さんも作業に間違いありませんでした。 フランチャイズ店にはない親切さ・丁寧さは、ご夫婦で経営される小さなお店ならではだと思います。 リユース品ですので多少の擦り傷などお気になさらない方なら、ここの商品に間違いはないかと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I bought an air conditioner. Made in 18 and relatively new, well-maintained and comparable to a new one. In spite of the busy period in August, he introduced me to an installation company that can be used on the same day, and that company was sure to work. I think that the kindness and politeness that a franchise store does not have can only be found in a small shop run by a couple. It's a reused product, so if you don't mind some scratches, I think there is no mistake in this product. Thank you very much.
伊藤晶彦 on Google

一人暮らしのための白物家電を買いました。わけありの物がちょうどあってとても安かったです。 ¥5000以上買うと90分MT軽トラを貸していただけるということだったのですが、営業時間内に帰着間に合うかギリギリでした。にもかかわらずお借しいただき、かつとても親身になって接客していただきました。感謝しかありません。また近くに来たら立ち寄ろうと思います。
I bought white goods for living alone. It was very cheap because there was something that had a reason. It was said that if you buy more than ¥ 5,000, you can lend a 90-minute MT light truck, but it was barely possible to return within business hours. Nevertheless, I borrowed it and was very kind to serve customers. I'm just grateful. I will stop by when I come near again.
T-B T-B on Google

店内もきれいだし、品物の手入れもよく出来ている風に感じました。 無理に買わせようというような事もなく、また品物にデメリットがある場合も事細かく記載してあり、その気配りには頭が下がる思いです。 あと経営されてるご夫婦の対応が丁寧でとても良かった。 奥さん旦那さん共々とても素敵な方でこれからもここで買い物をしたいなと思いました。
I felt that the inside of the store was clean and the items were well maintained. There is no such thing as forcing me to buy it, and even if there are disadvantages to the item, it is described in detail, and I think that I am sick of the attention. Also, the correspondence of the couple who is managed was polite and very good. My wife and husband are both very nice people and I wanted to continue shopping here.
TKO 251 on Google

The other day, I bought an air conditioner and a range board, and I think it is a very conscientious shop with kind and polite response.

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