Pizza&Bar・Barba - Yuzawa

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pizza&Bar・Barba

住所 :

Omotemachi, Yuzawa, 〒012-0827 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888777
Postal code : 012-0827
街 : Akita

Omotemachi, Yuzawa, 〒012-0827 Akita,Japan
EIR on Google

しばたのどか on Google

I go to home every time. delicious!
mi kako on Google

とっても美味しくてリーズナブルでした!釜で焼かれたピザ最高でした。お通しの生ハムも美味しかったですー( ^∀^)
It was very delicious and reasonable! The pizza baked in the kettle was the best. The prosciutto ham was also delicious (ー)
もなこ on Google

If you eat pizza here, pizza elsewhere will be "something different ..." There is also a combination of sake and eichelle. Some sake is not on the menu depending on the day. The clerk's reception is pleasant, and I really want to go more if there is no other favorite store.
まちこ on Google

オープンした直後くらいに行ったが二度と行かないと思ったお店だった。 店の目玉というピザを頼んでもなかなか出てこない。店員にまだかと言うと、キッチンのスタッフはめんどくさそうな顔をしたのが見えた。たぶん忘れていたのだろう。 団体客にはせっせと料理を運んでいたが、そうでない客にはあまり目を向けてない印象。 久しぶりに不快な思いをした店だった。
I went there just after opening, but I thought it would never go again. Even if I ask for a pizza, the centerpiece of the store, it doesn't come out easily. To the store clerk, the kitchen staff looked awkward. Probably forgot. Impressed with group customers, but they didn't pay much attention to other customers. It was a store that felt uncomfortable after a long time.
県南Y子 on Google

数年前からあったお店なのに、ピザ大好きなのに、なぜか今年になって初めて行きすぐにお店のファンになりました! まずお店の人。すごく感じがいい。美味しいもの作ってくれそうな風貌! お料理はそこここに少しひねりの効いた工夫がされており美味。 メニューにないものでも「こんな感じなのありますか?」とか「おススメのものありますか?」と、とりあえず聞いてみるべし。 一品一品の盛りも多めだと思います。コスパ良し。 お料理もさることながらワインもなかなかの充実。 頼んだお料理に合うワインを見繕ってくれます。そしてそれがとっても美味しくリーズナブル。 宴会も一度お願いしましたが、ボリュームも味も大満足。盛り付けがとても繊細で美しい。
It's been a shop for several years, but I love pizza, but for some reason I went there for the first time this year and soon became a fan of the shop! First of all, the shop staff. It feels really good. Appearance that seems to make delicious things! The food is delicious with a little twist. Even if it's not on the menu, you should ask "Do you have something like this?" Or "Do you have any recommendations?" I think that there are a lot of items one by one. Cospa is good. Not only the food but also the wine is quite substantial. They will look over the wine that matches the dish you ordered. And it is very delicious and reasonably priced. I asked for a banquet once, but I was very satisfied with the volume and taste. The arrangement is very delicate and beautiful.
渡部みゆき on Google

お料理、オシャレで美味しかったぁ~♪ コース料理と飲み放題でしたが、お酒の苦手な私にも有り難い、美味しいソフトドリンクもありました!(マンゴージュースオススメです) 主人はムール貝の酒蒸しにハマり、私は初の蜂蜜がけピザを、美味しく戴きました( ゚Д゚)ウマー 癖の強いブルーチーズピザに、甘いハチミツがこんなに合うなんて! 驚きと感動です。(賛否分かれるかと思いますが) 駐車場が分かりずらいのが苦でしたが、基本お酒を楽しみに行くのならば関係ないかな、と。 次は私も他の料理やお酒を楽しみに行きたいです。またリピしたいと思いました♡ パスタも美味しかったので、ランチとかもやって欲しいな~( *´艸)
The food was fashionable and delicious~♪ It was a course meal and all-you-can-drink, but I also had a delicious soft drink, which I appreciate because I am not good at drinking! (Recommended mango juice) My husband was addicted to steaming mussels, and I received the first honey-covered pizza deliciously (゚Д゚) How sweet sweet honey goes with this addictive blue cheese pizza! I'm surprised and moved. (I think there are pros and cons) It was hard for me to understand the parking lot, but I wonder if it's relevant if I go for basic sake. Next time I also want to enjoy other dishes and sake. I wanted to repeat again ♡ The pasta was also delicious, so I want you to have lunch, too~ (*´艸)
高橋智紀 on Google

You can enjoy various types of pizza. The taste was delicious and the atmosphere was good in a private room. I'm really happy that there is a very delicious pizza shop nearby. I will go to eat again in the store or take out.

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