Omoshiroyama-Kōgen Station - Yamagata

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Contact Omoshiroyama-Kōgen Station

住所 :

Yamadera, Yamagata, 999-3301, Japan

Postal code : 999-3301

Yamadera, Yamagata, 999-3301, Japan
内山哲 on Google

It is a station on the Senyama Line and is counted as one of the so-called "hikyo station". One train from Sendai Station can be reached in about 1 hour, and the number of trains is reasonable, so it is also an easy-to-visit "hikkyo station". Visited in January 2017. According to Wikipedia, it is usually an unmanned station, but during ski seasons and mountaineering seasons, station staff will make temporary ticket gates. However, when I visited, the ski resort did not seem to be open, and there was no temporary ticket gate, so it was an unmanned station. It's in the mountains, especially in winter, the air is clear, and if you can endure even the cold, it's a very quiet and calm station. There is a toilet in a place slightly higher than the home and waiting room, and it seems that the maintenance is properly maintained even in the midwinter season of January when I visited. There may be a fixed number of people. Nobody showed up for about two hours when I stayed.
魔法少女さくら on Google

JR仙山線の、宮城山形県境にある仙山トンネルの、山形県側の出口を出てすぐのところにある駅。周囲に人家はごくわずかで、秘境駅にも挙げられています。 駅までは林道が通じているものの、冬は除雪がされないため列車以外の交通手段がなくなります。また雪のない季節でも、仙台方面へ抜けられる道路はありません。 駅のすぐ近くにスキー場があり、列車でしか来られないスキー場として有名でしたが、ここ最近営業はしていない様子で、リフト乗り場までの間も全く除雪されていませんでした。
A station just outside the Yamagata prefecture exit of the Senzan tunnel on the Miyagi Yamagata border on the JR Senzan Line. There are very few people in the surrounding area, and it is listed at the Hidden Station. Although the forest road leads to the station, there is no transportation other than trains because the snow is not removed in winter. Even in the snow-free season, there is no road to Sendai. There was a ski resort in the immediate vicinity of the station, and it was famous as a ski resort that can only be reached by train. However, it seems that it has not been operating recently, and no snow was removed until the lift platform.
Yuuki Komata on Google

I visited in the middle of summer by car to see the nearby waterfall. There was a feeling of unexplored region.
mac noritetsu on Google

It is a station on the Senzan Line, which is located after leaving a long tunnel when coming from Sendai. Is there anyone who uses it at such a snowy station? When I was watching, several people got off.
松村幹夫 on Google

JR Senzan Line station. Unmanned station and unexplored station. There is almost no surrounding area. There are many wonderful views. You can go by car, but the roads are narrow and there are many curves.
Azali Othman on Google

Did a hiked here.
Ai on Google

The is one station before Yamadera. Was tempted to just get off at this station as it was snowing heavily and covered in white! Not adventurous enough to do that as the next train was one hour later. But good enough to take a few shots before train door closed. The station is at higher altitude compared with the rest along the line. We were excited to see this heavy snow as we were from tropical. The scenery change quickly once we reached Yamadera where snow started to melt.
Ceco23 on Google

This is the station for the trailhead for Omoshiroyama tracking Saturday, October 17th,2020 it was my first time to have a chance to visit here. I would say it was breathtaking. Here I will share my experience for those who would like to visit. There are two main spot for the starting this trial. The easiest one would be just next to the station (Omoshiroyama-Kogen station). You can come here by train from Sendai. I arrived at around 8:30 and parked my car near the station. There is a bathroom and some wending machines if you like to use it. The trial goes in two directions at the station. One side is short but worth to go there. There is a waterfall and a space (just space) where you can enjoy cooking ‘nabe’. It was hard to find the trial head of the other direction since the map wasn’t clear. Just go back to the station and move up from the stairs and cross the bridge. You will see a small entrance on your left. Walk down from the narrow path. You will reach the river in 2-3 minutes. Then just follow the path until the end. The whole trial was very narrow and slippery. Make sure that your shoes are suitable for this. The scenery is spectacular. Have a good camera with you. Don’t drop it though. Watch your steps. I mean it. Specially after a rainy day. There are many wooden bridges where you will cross the river a lot. This will give you chance to take very good pictures. The fall colors wasn’t on the peak but I think after a week it will be better. At the end of the the path you will see the parking lot for the other hand. You can either return from the river path or just follow the car road which will take about 20 min. to get back to the station. There is also a Cosmos flower ? field nearby. The peak season is early October or end of September. It is for free. You can take some beautiful photos. If you would like to push yourself more than you can go to Yamadera which takes 10 mins by train and 20 min by car. Alternatively you can hike up to the Omoshiroyama Overall it was an amazing experience. I post lots of videos and photos. If you think this comment is helpful than don’t forget to click on thumbs up ?

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