Omigawajoyama Park - Katori

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Omigawajoyama Park

住所 :

4780-1 Omigawa, Katori, Chiba 289-0313, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 289-0313
Webサイト :

4780-1 Omigawa, Katori, Chiba 289-0313, Japan
kouichi akiyama on Google

ちょっと 時間調整 駐車場に行くまでの道は 狭いけど 駐車場は 広いです ウッドの階段を のぼると 大音声 三波春夫の歌w 昭和か!w 桜はまだですね?
A little Time adjustment The way to the parking lot It's narrow Parking lot Wide Wood stairs Climb Loud voice Haruo Minami's song w Showa! W The cherry blossoms aren't there yet ?
RIN* on Google

まだ つぼみ です✿ また 今度行きます! 出店とかありましたけど〜多分土日だけかも しれませんね! 【駐車場】 上の駐車場 少ないのであと 車体低い車は 駐車場出るとき 前の道路に顔下こするので 下の駐車場がおすすめです! 【トイレ】 上の駐車場と下の駐車場にあります 上の森中もトイレ有りますが、、、 おすすめしませんね〜(笑) ☆ゆっくり外をながめたい人はおすすめスポットです!
It's still a bud ✿ I will go again next time! There was a store opening, but maybe only on Saturdays and Sundays Maybe! 【parking】 There are few parking lots above, so cars with low bodies When I leave the parking lot, I rub my face down on the road in front of me The parking lot below is recommended! 【toilet】 Located in the upper and lower parking lots There is also a toilet in the forest above, but ... I don't recommend it ~ (laughs) ☆ Recommended spot for those who want to look out slowly!
佐藤康廣 on Google

初めて、行って来ましたよ?話しには聞いていたけど、良い所だねぇ?千葉県では2番目の桜の名所なんだってねぇ?第2駐車場に車を置き、200段と案内板に書かれた木製の階段を上って行きました?実際には、200段にはちょっと足りなかったけどね?天満様から見る眺望は、最高だね?ちょっと曇っていたので、海までは見えなかったけど、小見川や波崎の町並み、そして鹿島工場群の煙突、利根川の流れ等が、一望の下に見おろすことができたんだよ?快晴だったら、もっと良く見えたんだろうね。 桜(染井吉野)は満開で、ちょうど散り始めでしたよ?これからは、躑躅や八重桜、紫陽花などが楽しめそうだね?花いっぱいの城山公園でした。
I went there for the first time ? I heard about it, but it's a good place ? It's the second cherry blossom spot in Chiba prefecture ? I put a car in the second parking lot and it is written on the information board with 200 steps I went up the wooden stairs ? Actually, it was a little short of 200 steps ? The view from Tenma-sama is the best ? It was a little cloudy so I could not see the sea However, I could see the streets of Omigawa and Hasaki, the chimneys of the Kashima factories, the flow of the Tone River, etc. under a panoramic view ? If it was fine, it would have looked better. The cherry blossoms (Yoshino cherry tree) were in full bloom and just started to fall ? From now on, it seems that you can enjoy azaleas, double cherry blossoms, hydrangeas, etc. ? It was Shiroyama Park full of flowers.
Edo Friendy on Google

Good job
수막새 on Google

Very good!
Ashley Ng on Google

A nice stop for driver with kids
Heru Nagashima on Google

Chiba ken. This park ist very nice. Every old people or child come to here to plays.the place is very wide. very suitable for gymnastics.
Isonia on Google

Simple but nice park. You can enjoy with children as well. It's beautiful in fall, but it's even more beautiful in spring.

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