振袖専門店 谷屋呉服店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 振袖専門店 谷屋呉服店

住所 :

Omigawa, Katori, 〒289-0313 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878889
Webサイト : https://taniya-kimono.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Omigawa, Katori, 〒289-0313 Chiba,Japan
keiko yamaguchi on Google

綺麗なスタジオで明るいスタッフさんと撮影が出来て楽しく記念撮影が出来ました! ありがとうございました?
I was able to take a picture with the bright staff in a beautiful studio and enjoyed taking a commemorative photo! Thank you ?
moon on Google

妹の前撮りで利用させて頂きました。 スタッフの皆さんがとても優しくて、一緒にいた私まで楽しくなりまりました。 撮影技術もとても素晴らしく、どれもお気に入りの写真ばかりで、削るのが勿体ないくらいでした♡ 素敵な時間をありがとうございました☆
I used it for my sister's pre-shooting. The staff were very kind and it made me happy to be with me. The shooting technique was also very good, and all of them were my favorite photos, so it was a waste to cut them ♡ Thank you for a wonderful time ☆
もりきみこ on Google

息子と娘の七五三の写真を撮っていただきました。 かわいいお着物がたくさんあり、着物選びが楽しかったです。 子供たちは着物を着るのが初めてで、娘は髪の毛を結ぶのが嫌いなので、心配なことだらけでしたが、スタッフの方が優しく楽しくスムーズにしてくださって、グズることなく撮影が出来ました。 娘は大変可愛く、息子は凛々しく撮っていただき、とても満足しています。 誠心誠意尽くしてくださったスタッフの皆様に大変感謝しています。 娘の次回の七五三も谷屋さんにお願いしたいと思っています。 本当にありがとうございました。
I had you take a picture of my son and daughter Shichigosan. There were a lot of cute kimonos, and it was fun to choose a kimono. The kids were new to wearing kimono and my daughter hated tying her hair, so I was worried about it, but the staff were kind, fun and smooth, and I was able to shoot without any mess. .. My daughter is very cute and my son is very happy with the dignified shooting. I am very grateful to all the staff for their sincere efforts. I would like to ask Mr. Taniya for my daughter's next Shichigosan. I'm really thankful to you.
miho on Google

今日は大変お世話になりました。 みなさんとても親切で、楽しく撮影することができました。 すてきな写真を沢山撮っていただいたので、どれも捨てがたく、アルバム選びは苦労しました。 お支払いされる親御様は覚悟しておいた方がいいです(笑) 今日は長い時間、ありがとうございました。
Thank you very much for your help today. Everyone was very kind and I enjoyed shooting. I had a lot of nice pictures taken, so I couldn't throw them away and had a hard time choosing an album. Parents who will be paid should be prepared (laughs) Thank you for a long time today.
さかなさん on Google

着付けもヘアメイクも丁寧にやっていただきました! 撮影中も、皆さん盛り上げてくださって楽しく撮影できました!ありがとうございました!♡
The dressing and hair making were done carefully! Even during the shooting, everyone was excited and I enjoyed shooting! thank you! ♡
名無しちゃん on Google

The dressing, hair makeup, and photos are the worst. Did the amateur do it all? It's like that. The dressing was not the same length and there were wrinkles. The finish of the hair and makeup was completely different from the one shown in the photo, and the part I asked not to mess with was tampered with and the finish was strange. It was taken by a young woman who didn't know if she was a professional. I was surprised to see that I sold a high-priced album of 500,000 even though it was an amateur-level photo. The shop staff are also very familiar with the taste, and are you friends with XX? I tought. I want you to remember that you are a customer. I wish I hadn't taken the previous shot at Taniya. I regret it.
山口紀子 on Google

着物選びも、前撮りも、とっても明るくて親切で、充実した時間を過ごせました。ありがとうございました(^ー^) また何かあったら、お世話になりたいです!!!
The kimono selection and pre-shooting were very bright and kind, and I had a fulfilling time. Thank you (^ ー ^) If anything happens again, I would like to take care of you! !! !!
ます実 on Google

着物選びから、着付けヘアメイク、写真撮り、写真選びを私達に寄り添ってすすめて下さいました。 スタッフの方々も皆さん親切でとてもいい時間を過ごすことができました。谷屋さんにして良かったです。 出来上がりがとても楽しみです。ありがとうございました!
He recommended us to choose a kimono, make a dress, take a photo, and choose a photo. The staff were all kind and had a very good time. It was good to be Mr. Taniya. I'm really looking forward to the completion. thank you!

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