ペテモ動物病院明石 - Akashi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ペテモ動物病院明石

住所 :

Okubocho Yurinokidori, Akashi, 〒674-0068 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 674-0068
Webサイト : https://ah.aeonpet.com/hospitals/akashi/
街 : Hyogo

Okubocho Yurinokidori, Akashi, 〒674-0068 Hyogo,Japan
柳瀬瑛子 on Google

It is a reliable hospital that has been taken care of since 6 babies for decades.
炭矢昌徳 on Google

皆さん優しいスタッフの方達と先生ですよぉ~。 ペットショップも感じの良いスタッフの方達ばかりです。 お勧めですよぉ~。
Everyone is kind staff and teachers. The pet shop is also full of pleasant staff. I recommend it.
ゆうりち on Google

This is a good animal hospital. When I went to another veterinary hospital, I was extremely frightened and angry, so I gave up thinking that it was impossible for me to see the doctor anymore (I wonder if I am older and burdensome). Well, of course, I don't like it, but everyone treats me with love. I don't like it, but I didn't feel that much, and the examination and treatment were smooth. Although consultation and treatment of animals is always a matter of money, it was nice to be able to propose various options and choose, and if you tell that you will not do it, you will also acknowledge the intention and take care until the end really became. It is the ideal veterinary hospital where pets form a family atmosphere.
ちょちゃ on Google

医師の方々や看護師の方々 スタッフの皆さん 本当に親切で丁寧な診察・対応で 何より 動物や飼い主の気持ちを1番に思ってくれ ペット扱いではなく 子供を扱うのと同じように接してくれ その子の性格にあった 診察・検査をしてくれ 安心して任せられます。 検査結果も分かりやすく丁寧に説明してくれ 親身に対応をしてくれる 飼い主さんや動物さんに寄り添ってくれる病院です。 誕生月には 写真を撮ってプレゼントしてくれます(診察室前にも飾ってくれます)。
Doctors and nurses Staff All of you are really kind and politely look at and respond to me First of all, think of the feelings of animals and their owners. I will leave it with peace of mind to perform a medical examination and examination that suits my personality. This is a hospital that will give close contact to the owners and animals who will explain the test results in an easy-to-understand manner. In the month of birth, they will take a photo and give it as a gift (it will also be displayed in front of the examination room).
ちくまま on Google

とても親切で丁寧に診てくれます。受付の方々も優しくて安心できます。 でも、最近先生の交代が多すぎてがっかりな面もあり、交代できていた女性の先生は初めてみるから特に思い入れもないようで物のように抱えて行ったように見えました。これからは先生の勤務表を見て受診します。
He is very kind and polite. The receptionists are also kind and reassured. However, I was disappointed because there were too many replacements recently, and the female teacher who was able to replace it seemed like I was holding it as if it was something I didn't have any particular feelings about because I saw it for the first time. From now on, I will see the teacher's work schedule and have a medical examination.
ゆか on Google

The dog's waiting room and the cat's waiting room are separated. It's convenient because both the pet shop and trimming are on the same floor ?
のぶ(nobussk) on Google

Thank you for your accurate medical treatment and kind advice early in the new year. It was very helpful.
M G on Google

昨年から初めて猫を飼い始め、日々粗相に悩まされたり食事の欲求が激しかったり不安なことが多く、ネットで検索やいろんなペットショップ・病院にお伺いしたのですが改善せず、、 ですが、ここの先生に助言を頂けたおかげで粗相もおねだりも一切なくなりました! 膀胱炎などを心配していたので、安心しました! 次も必ずここの先生にお願いする予定です!
I started to keep a cat for the first time from last year, and I often suffer from rough conditions and have a strong desire to eat every day, so I searched online and visited various pet shops and hospitals, but it did not improve. However, thanks to the advice of the teacher here, I have no more ill-mannered or begging! I was worried about cystitis, so I was relieved! I will definitely ask the teacher here next time!

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