うさぎ専門店とかふぇ もふのいえ - Akashi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact うさぎ専門店とかふぇ もふのいえ

住所 :

Okubocho Ekimae, Akashi, 〒674-0058 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 674-0058
Webサイト : https://www.mofunoie.com/
街 : Hyogo

Okubocho Ekimae, Akashi, 〒674-0058 Hyogo,Japan
高谷雛乃(水風香) on Google

It's a very nice store. Usagi is cute and the clerk's response is very good, and the atmosphere of the shop is also very good. I'm already buying a rabbit, so I'm happy to have a shop I go to.
K K on Google

換毛期?もあって、毛の短いうさぎが気持ち良かった。 2人で1時間のカフェは ドリンク込みで3000円だった。 近所に?️あり。
Hair change period? Partly because of that, the rabbit with short hair was comfortable. The one-hour cafe for two people was 3000 yen including drinks. There is ?️ in the neighborhood.
石渡裕子 on Google

癒やしが欲しくて初めてウサギカフェに行きました!かわいいくて仔ウサギを第一号でお迎えしました!経験がありましたが1から丁寧にお世話からしつけの説明をしてくれてわからないときも、丁寧に対応してくれるので、すごいいお店です! こんなすごいいぉ店でまた初めてのロップちゃんお迎えできることになって幸せです^_^
I went to the rabbit cafe for the first time because I wanted healing! I welcomed a cute little rabbit in the first issue! I had experience, but even when I do not understand because he carefully explained the discipline from 1 It's a great shop because it responds politely! I'm happy to be able to welcome Ropp-chan for the first time at such a great store ^ _ ^
古馬英米太朗 on Google

The rabbit staff are also cute, and the human staff are also kind. Lipi is confirmed !!
藤井かりん on Google

A postcard arrived at my house around the end of December even though I couldn't tell my address. It looks like a shop run by a former staff member of Marron, a rabbit specialty shop. It seems that personal information was taken out from the store where I used to work. There was an apology from Marron, but there was no apology from this shop. Looking at the word-of-mouth, there are other people who have written the same thing. If you file a complaint, you will be punished for the leakage of personal information at this time. If you do not apologize, we will also take legal action. It is a shop where you can easily take out your personal information. I'm afraid that if I buy Usa-chan here, my personal information will be leaked, so I don't feel like buying Usa-chan either.
たかみー on Google

初めてうさぎカフェに来ましたが、うさぎスタッフの方々ともふもふできる素敵な空間で、とても癒されました。囲いの中に入って触れ合ったり、スタッフさんに声をかけたら膝の上で抱っこもさせてもらえました。 定期的にふれあいスペースの掃除もされており清潔感があって良かったです。横並びのカウンターにはアクリル板が置いてあったり、入口やカウンターにも消毒が設置されていたので感染対策もとられており安心しました。 ドリンクは「るびーあい」「るびーあいどほわいと」の2種類を頼みましたが、どちらもとても美味しかったです。もふもふが不足してきたらまた行きたいと思います。
I came to the Rabbit Cafe for the first time, and I was very healed in a wonderful space where I could hang out with the rabbit staff. When I went inside the enclosure and touched it, and when I called out to the staff, I was allowed to hug it on my lap. It was good that the contact space was cleaned regularly and there was a sense of cleanliness. Acrylic boards were placed on the side-by-side counters, and disinfection was installed at the entrance and counters, so I was relieved that infection countermeasures were taken. I ordered two types of drinks, "Rubi Ai" and "Rubi Aido Howaiito", both of which were very delicious. I would like to go again if I run out of mofumofu.
大塚花 on Google

動物のカフェは初めて行きましたが、当たりのお店でした♡ 個性豊かな可愛いうさぎスタッフがたくさん居て、時間が過ぎるのがあっという間でした! 店員さんも話しやすく愛想の良い方ばかりで、もちろんカフェのドリンクも美味しいです♪(私のおすすめドリンクは“るびーあいどほわいと”です☺︎) うさぎ用品もしっかり取り揃えられていたり、子うさぎの販売もされているので、うさぎを飼ってる人でもそうでない人でも充分に楽しめるお店だと思います?‍♀️ 最近こちらのお店で子うさぎちゃんをお迎えし、うさぎを飼うのは久しぶりで不安でしたが、店員さんの飼育の説明がしっかりしており、本当に信頼できるお店だなと思いました? また近々寄らせていただきます☺︎♡
I went to the animal cafe for the first time, but it was a hit shop ♡ There were a lot of cute rabbit staff with a lot of individuality, and the time passed in no time! The clerk is also easy to talk to and friendly, and of course the drinks at the cafe are delicious ♪ (My recommended drink is "Rubi Aido Howaito" ☺︎) Rabbit supplies are well stocked and baby rabbits are on sale, so I think it's a shop that both owners and non-rabbit owners can fully enjoy ?‍♀️ I recently welcomed a baby rabbit at this shop, and I was worried about keeping a rabbit for the first time in a while, but the clerk's explanation of breeding was solid and I thought that it was a really reliable shop ? I will come back soon ☺︎ ♡
リナレナマハロ on Google

うさぎの?グルーミングや爪切り等でいつもお世話になっています。 従業員の方がうさぎ?にたくさん声かけをしながらお手入れしてくださるので、うさぎも飼い主の私も安心して任せられます。 カフェのメニューは、うさぎにちなんだ飲み物があり、選ぶのも楽しいです☺️ 従業員の方は、とてもうさぎ?に精通していて、丁寧に相談に乗ってくれますし、フード・用品・グッズも多く揃っており、まさに「うさぎの専門店」です? うさぎ?と私の癒しの場所になってます❣️
Rabbit ? I am always indebted to grooming and nail clippers. Employees take care of the rabbit ? while talking to them a lot, so both the rabbit and myself, the owner, can rest assured. The cafe menu has drinks associated with rabbits, and it's fun to choose ☺️ Employees are very familiar with rabbits ?, they are polite to consult with us, and they have a lot of food, supplies, and goods, so it is truly a "rabbit specialty store" ? It's a healing place for rabbits ? and me ❣️

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