御菓子処朝日堂 - Akashi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 御菓子処朝日堂

住所 :

Okubocho Ekimae, Akashi, 〒674-0058 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 674-0058
街 : Hyogo

Okubocho Ekimae, Akashi, 〒674-0058 Hyogo,Japan
じゅうりょう on Google

みたらし団子好きな親父にお土産。 帰りに渋滞にはまり 一本頂いたら美味しかったので同乗者にも... 買った2パック3人で食べちゃいました 親父すまんm(_ _)m
Souvenirs for my father who likes Mitarashi dumplings. I got stuck in a traffic jam on the way back and it was delicious when I got one, so it was also for passengers ... I bought and ate it with 2 packs 3 people Father Summan m(_ _)m
ひろちゃん on Google

Japanese sweets here. No matter what you eat, the rice cakes are delicious ? ❗ at the earliest ? The rice cakes sell out after noon.
木村知史 on Google

みたらし団子安定の美味さ コスパも最高です。
Mitarashi dumplings Stable deliciousness Cospa is also the best.
777 AM on Google

Speaking of Hyogo Mitarashi dumplings, the impression is that this is the store. It's sweet and salty, and the dumplings are soft. It is also good to put it in the refrigerator and have a chewy texture. All the clerk feels good.
くまきち on Google

所用で大久保まで。モーニング食べた後におやつを購入する為にこちらにお邪魔しました。 何度か伺っております。毎回みたらし団子しか買って無いです。こちらのみたらしは団子がちゃんとモチモチしてるのと、たれがあっさりしてるのでとっても好きです。5本入りで販売されてますが、事前に連絡すると、5本じゃなくても作ってくださるそうです。 いつも美味しいみたらしありがとうございます! ごちそうさまでしたー(*´∀`*) (2019.9再訪) ここのみたらしは定期的に食べたくなる。
Necessary to Okubo. I visited here to buy a snack after eating Morning. I have asked you several times. I only bought Mitarashi dango every time. I really like this mikoshi because the dumplings are really moist and the sauce is light. It is sold in five, but if you contact us in advance, it seems that you can make it even if it is not five. Thank you for always delicious! Thank you for the feast (* ´∀ ` *) (Revisit 2019.9) I want to eat regularly here.
吉川健太 on Google

みたらし団子が、柔らかくて美味しかった。 ミカサのあんこも、とても上品な甘さで美味しかったです。
The mitarashi dumplings were soft and delicious. Mikasa's bean paste was also very elegantly sweet and delicious.
くりこ on Google

夫婦揃って朝日堂の『パイ饅頭』が大のお気に入り。実家への土産に家族分買って行きますが、餡子の味にうるさい祖母が「甘くないなぁ〜(褒め言葉)美味しいわぁ。」と大絶賛。本当、さっぱりした甘さでいくつでもいける感じです。笑 みんなにオススメしたいと思い、口コミ書かせてもらいました^_^あと豆大福の豆福も美味しいですよ〜! これからも末永く続いて欲しいお店のひとつです。
Asahido's "Pie Manju" is a big favorite for all the couples. I buy a souvenir for my family as a souvenir for my parents' house, but my grandmother, who is noisy about the taste of red bean paste, said, "It's not sweet (praise) It's delicious." Really, it feels like you can go as many as you like with a refreshing sweetness. Lol I wanted to recommend it to everyone, so I wrote a word of mouth ^ _ ^ Also, Mame Daifuku's Mame Fuku is delicious! It is one of the shops that I want you to continue for a long time.
rin Ri on Google

みんな大好きなみたらし団子? 安いし食べやすくパクパク食べてしまう パーキングはないので最寄りのパーキングに停めていかないといけません。 みたらし団子は大人気なので予約しておくのがベターです✨
Everyone's favorite Mitarashi dango ? It's cheap and easy to eat There is no parking, so you have to park at the nearest parking lot. Mitarashi dumplings are very popular, so it's better to make a reservation ✨

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