謁播神社 - Okazaki

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 謁播神社

住所 :

Okazaki, 〒444-2112 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 444-2112
街 : Aichi

Okazaki, 〒444-2112 Aichi,Japan
ゆっくり考える on Google

オレオレ俺だよぉ〜 on Google

一年前に呼ばれ参拝して半年した時に神社が見える道を通ったら、たまには来て❗️ って言われた?
When I was called a year ago and worshiped for half a year, I was told to come ❗️ once in a while when I passed the road where I could see the shrine ?
dtoto194 on Google

The site is a large and solemn shrine. I did not know much about this shrine, but the height of the tree surrounding the shrine was high and it seemed to be a Shinto shrine that seems to be historical.
n8888n on Google

あつわじんじゃ。 川の向こうで百々(どうど)を見守っています。
It's hot. I'm watching over the other side of the river.
Yasuhiro on Google

Shikinai shrine located along the river where the tributary of the Yahagi River in Okazaki City flows
hidekiyo mikawa on Google

鳥居と社殿の間に、岡崎城の念仏堂赤門を移築したと伝わる朱色の「戌亥の門」が建つ(出典:新編岩津町史、岡崎城跡整備基本計画 平成 28 年度改訂版)
Between the torii gate and the shrine, there is a vermilion "Gate of the 戌 亥" that is said to have relocated the Akamon of Okazaki Castle (Source: New Iwazu Town History, Okazaki Castle Ruins Maintenance Basic Plan 2016 Revised Edition)
伊邪那岐の三ッ帯 on Google

平安時代に編さんされた神名帳「延喜式」に掲載されている神社、いわゆる式内社の一つです。創建年は不明ですが、非常に古くからこの地に存在しているそうで、千年超の歴史を有します。 主祭神は知波夜命(ちはやのみこと)で、物部氏の祖に連なる方が当時この地を治め、開拓されたことへの感謝からこの神社が創建されたんだとか。物部氏は西三河地方に一大勢力を築き上げた旧国造に連なる家系だそうで、西三河の神社には物部氏を祀る神社が沢山あります。謁播神社もその一つ、ということですね。
It is one of the so-called Shikinai shrines listed in the Engi-shiki, a Shinto shrine edited during the Heian period. The year of its foundation is unknown, but it seems to have existed in this area for a very long time, and has a history of over a thousand years. The main deity is Chihaya Mikoto, and it is said that this shrine was built in gratitude for the fact that the people who belonged to the ancestors of the Mononobe clan ruled this land at that time and cultivated it. Mr. Mononobe is said to be a family lined up with the former Kuni no miyatsu that built a large force in the Nishimikawa region, and there are many shrines enshrining Mr. Mononobe at the Nishimikawa shrine. Audience Shrine is one of them, isn't it?
プラハの休日 on Google

川沿いに立地する神社。 周辺はとても静かなエリアになっている。 決して大きな神社ではないが、訪れると静かに自分と向き合える、そんな場所に感じた。
A shrine located along the river. The surrounding area is very quiet. It's not a big shrine, but I felt it was a place where I could quietly face myself when I visited.

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