サンエキのリフォーム - Atsugi

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンエキのリフォーム

住所 :

Okata, Atsugi, 〒243-0021 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 243-0021
Webサイト : https://saneki.co.jp/
街 : Kanagawa

Okata, Atsugi, 〒243-0021 Kanagawa,Japan
瀬浦靖幸 on Google

At the time of measures against water leaks in the toilet, the manufacturer stopped providing parts, but they ordered similar products and took measures against water leaks. Other vendors said they needed to replace the toilet! I was able to take measures at a very low price! Thank you very much!
1955 JINGU on Google

外壁塗装に続き、二回目のサンエキさんへの仕事の依頼でした。母の退院に合わせ、部屋の模様替え時にシロアリ被害を発見。早急な処置が必要なため、とりあえずサンエキさんに連絡したところ、そこからのフットワークが凄く、シロアリ対処、防蟻、畳部のフローリング化、壁の部分補修、壁紙張替えまで、こちらの事情に合わせ、とても迅速に対応してもらえました。仕事の品質も高く本当に助かりました。 今回もありがとうございました。
Following the painting of the outer wall, it was the second request for work to Mr. Saneki. When my mother was discharged from the hospital, I found termite damage when I changed the room. Since immediate treatment is required, I contacted Mr. Saneki for the time being, and the footwork from there was amazing, termite countermeasures, ant prevention, flooring of tatami mats, partial wall repair, wallpaper replacement, etc. They responded very quickly. The quality of the work was also high and it was really helpful. Thank you again for this time.
苺檸檬 on Google

I asked for the remodeling of the bathroom, which has remained the same since the new construction. It was a minimum request with only the necessary functions, but the sales person in charge listened to me well and gave me explanations and advice many times. The bathroom was completed as I expected, but I had some troubles after it was completed, but he was willing and prompt to respond to my offer. I would like to say that the company is based on the daily work of such wonderful employees. I would like to thank you. If you have any remodeling, I would definitely like to ask.
今関信子 on Google

25年築いろいろ不具合が出ていました。今回サンエキさんにたくさんメンテナンスを御願いしました。 気持ち良く過ごせています。 気軽に相談できる業者に出会えたことよかったです。
It was built 25 years ago and had various problems. I asked Mr. Saneki for a lot of maintenance this time. I am having a good time. I'm glad that I was able to meet a company that I could feel free to consult with.
マイマイ on Google

祖父宅の階段のカーペットを張り替えてもらいましたが、事前に訪問し見積もりを出していただき、その際も丁寧な対応だったと母と2人で話しました。 カーペットの張り替え当日も、時間通りに始まり半日で張り替えを終えてもらい、ありがたかったです。
I asked my grandfather to replace the carpet on the stairs, but I visited him in advance and asked him to give me an estimate, and he and my mother told me that it was a polite response. On the day of the carpet replacement, I was grateful that the carpet replacement started on time and was completed in half a day.
かさいひろみ on Google

トイレの詰まりの緊急工事をお願いしました。 土曜日でしたのですぐに対応してもらえるか心配でしたが、素早く動いて下さり本当に助かりました。高齢の母も感謝しております。 サンエキさんには以前お風呂のリフォームや 緊急の手すりの取り付けなどで大変お世話になっていてその時の対応も大変良かったです。 今回のような緊急の時にすぐに対応して貰えるというのは本当に助かります。 これからも宜しくお願いします。
I asked for urgent work to clog the toilet. It was Saturday, so I was worried if I could get a response right away, but it was really helpful to move quickly. I am also grateful to my elderly mother. For Saneki-san, I used to remodel the bath I was indebted to the emergency handrail installation, and the response at that time was also very good. It is really helpful to be able to respond immediately in an emergency like this one. Thank you for your continued support.
mm&mm on Google

エコキュートが壊れてお湯が使えなくなり相談をしました。担当をしてくださった営業の方、状況の確認をしてくださった職人の方どちらも丁寧にわかり易く、交換、修理両方について説明をしてくださいました。結果、新しいものへの交換をお願いすることにしました。 コロナ禍の部品不足で発注後商品が届くまで1か月以上かかるとの事でしたが、元々サンエキさんはガス屋さんだったとのことで、応急でガス給湯器を接続、すぐにお湯を使えるように対処してくださいました。 結局、新しいエコキュートが届くまで1月半かかりましたが、その間使ったガス料金のみ支払い、ガス給湯器の貸出、設置、撤去についてはサービスで行ってくださいました。 真冬の寒い時季だったので迅速な対応に感謝でした。 今回、営業の方、水道、ガス、それぞれの職人さんが担当してくださいましたが、皆さん作業も説明も丁寧で、コロナ禍での現場や時間への配慮も行き届いていました。 家の不具合はなるべく無いほうが良いですが、何かあった時はまたサンエキさんに相談したいと思います。
I consulted because EcoCute broke and I couldn't use hot water. Both the sales person in charge and the craftsman who checked the situation were polite and easy to understand, and explained both replacement and repair. As a result, I decided to ask for a new one. It was said that it would take more than a month for the product to arrive after ordering due to a shortage of parts for Corona, but since Mr. Saneki was originally a gas shop, he connected the gas water heater as an emergency and can use hot water immediately. Please deal with it. After all, it took January and a half to receive the new EcoCute, but during that time I paid only for the gas used, and the service provided me with the rental, installation, and removal of the gas water heater. It was a cold season in the middle of winter, so I was grateful for the prompt response. This time, the sales staff, water crew, and gas craftsmen were in charge of each, but everyone was polite in their work and explanations, and they were careful about the site and time at Corona. It is better not to have any problems with your house, but if something goes wrong, I would like to talk to Mr. Saneki again.
alphard 2332 on Google

サンエキさんには、いつもお世話になっています。 担当者の山野辺様には、親身になって何でも相談できるので、大変助かっております。今回は、レンジフードとコンロの交換ですが、過去に給湯器、外壁塗装、洗面台と全て満足する仕上がりです。今後、外構工事の予定も入ってます。職人さんも礼儀正しく、安心してお任せできます。是非、一度お見積もりを取って見てください。的確なアドバイスとご提案を頂けますよ。追記:外構担当の稲葉様、手すりの設置とベランダの塗装ありがとうございました。満足いく仕上がりです!
I am always indebted to Mr. Saneki. I am very grateful to Mr. Yamanobe, who is in charge, because I can talk to him about anything. This time, I will replace the range hood and the stove, but in the past I was satisfied with the water heater, the exterior wall painting, and the wash basin. There are plans for exterior construction in the future. The craftsmen are also polite and can leave it to us with confidence. Please get a quote once. You can get accurate advice and suggestions. Postscript: Thank you to Mr. Inaba, who is in charge of the exterior, for installing the handrail and painting the balcony. It's a satisfying finish!

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