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Contact 伊深城跡(後庁城跡)

住所 :

Okadaibuka, Matsumoto, 〒390-0314 Nagano,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Nagano

Okadaibuka, Matsumoto, 〒390-0314 Nagano,Japan
YO KO on Google

MY SR on Google

澤柳秀利 on Google

M ooH on Google

Ideal for mountaineering training. It takes about 20 minutes one way, but it will be a fairly good load on a road that is surprisingly rewarding to walk. The view from the top is not so good, but you can enjoy the atmosphere of Yamashiro.
竹下半兵衛 on Google

標高912m。駐車場に縄張図付きの説明板、階段ありの遊歩道など整備されてる。 主郭裏の堀切がドーンとデカイ♪ 連続堀切もよく残ってる。 春は桜が良さそうなトコ(*´∀`)♪
Altitude 912m. The parking lot has an explanation board with a territory map and a promenade with stairs. Horikiri behind the main enclosure is Dawn and big ♪ Continuous Horikiri also remains well. Toko (* ´∀`) ♪ where cherry blossoms look good in spring
源頼親 on Google

信濃・伊深城跡(後庁城跡) 山城:(916m/200m) 歴代城主:岡田氏(後庁氏)・井深氏 築城年代は定かではない。伝承によれば、平安時代末期の保元年間(1156年~1159年)に岡田冠者源親義によって築かれたと伝えられる。 室町時代には岡田氏の末裔の後庁氏(三村氏)が小笠原氏に属して在城していた。天文19年(1550年)武田氏が松本平に侵攻して小笠原氏を攻めた際、林城などとともに自落したが、武田氏に降った稲倉城主赤沢氏によって攻略されたとも云われる。その後、洗馬郷妙義山城主三村長親の嫡男長行は、叔父にあたる岡田伊深城主で洗馬郷をも管掌していた後庁城主の後庁出羽守久親の養嗣子となって後庁を相続し、これを名字とした。長行は、天正十年(1582)六月、当時、深志(松本市)回復を目論んでいた小笠原貞慶より、後庁の名字相続と洗馬城堀廻三千貫文の知行約束を受け、さらに、その後すぐ、その忠節を賞されて小笠原家の奉行人に列せられた。小笠原家を裏切った父三村長親と異なり、長行は貞慶に忠勤を励んだことがうかがえる 現在城跡には土塁や堀切のほか、一部ではあるものの石垣の遺構を確認することができます。登城口は若宮八幡社にあり、登山道が整備されています。 慶弘寺公園の駐車場に車を停め、慶弘寺公園登山口から伊深城跡へ向かう。約20分で登頂できる。帰りは若宮八幡宮登山道を使い下る。
Shinano / Ifuka Castle Ruins (Gogo Castle Ruins) Yamashiro: (916m / 200m) Successive castle owners: Mr. Okada (Mr. Gocho), Mr. Ibuka The age of the castle is uncertain. According to folklore, it was built by Okada Kansha Genji during the Hogen rebellion (1156-1159) at the end of the Heian period. During the Muromachi period, Mr. Okada's descendant, Mr. Mimura, belonged to Mr. Ogasawara and was in the castle. When Mr. Takeda invaded Matsumotodaira and attacked Mr. Ogasawara in 1550, he fell himself along with Hayashi Castle, but it is said that he was captured by Mr. Akazawa, the owner of Inakura Castle who fell on Mr. Takeda. After that, the chief son of Mimura, the lord of Myogisan Shrine, became the uncle of the lord of Okadaibuka, who was also in charge of the lord of the castle, and became the adopted son of Morihisa Dewa, the lord of the castle. This was the surname. In June 1582, Nagayuki received a promise from Sadayoshi Ogasawara, who was planning to recover Fukashi (Matsumoto City) at that time, to inherit the surname of the post-agency and Seba Castle Horimaru 3,000 kanbun. Immediately after that, he was awarded the loyalty and was listed as a magistrate of the Ogasawara family. Unlike his father, Mimura Nagachika, who betrayed the Ogasawara clan, it can be seen that Nagayuki encouraged Jokei to work loyally. At present, in addition to the earthworks and Horikiri, you can see the remains of Ishigaki, although it is a part of the castle ruins. The entrance to the castle is located at Wakamiya Hachiman Shrine, and a mountain trail is maintained. Park your car in the parking lot of Yoshihirotera Park and head toward the site of Ifuka Castle from the trailhead of Yoshihirotera Park. You can reach the summit in about 20 minutes. On the way back, use the Wakamiya Hachimangu mountain trail.

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