追分宿 分去れの道標

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 追分宿 分去れの道標

住所 :

Oiwake, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0115 Nagano,Japan

Webサイト : http://kazeno.info/karuizawa/8-shi/8-shi-1-03.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Nagano

Oiwake, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0115 Nagano,Japan
seichi ayabe on Google

The junction of Nakasendo and Hokkoku Highway!
K-ta on Google

中山道と北國街道分岐点 宿場町の面舵はない 風情がある。ある。ある。
Nakasendo and Hokkoku Highway junction There is no starboard in the post town There is a taste. is there. is there.
松雄楊 on Google

It is a junction between the former Nakasendo and the former Hokkoku Highway. For those who walk on the highway, the place where the road intersects is a place where you can stand a little.
佐藤恵子 on Google

分去れの道標「右、従是北国街道 左、従是中山道」
The signpost of the distant "Right, Sokoku Kitakoku Road left, Souzen Nakasendo"
massa nemo on Google

The people who came and went at the time stood at the crossroads, thinking that they might have parted with each other's masters here while wishing for peace and peace.
がんこ on Google

Maybe there is an interesting bargain? These children are cats owned by the owner. I can't see the child in the back, but he seems to be a protected cat.
玉上利文 様 on Google

2019年4月10日、日本列島は『春』。 しかし軽井沢追分宿は今日は雪となりました。早朝から降り始めた『雪』は国道18号線沿いを雪化粧しました。昨日は群馬県横川の鉄道博物館近くの桜並木は、桜が満開でしたが、今日は一転、最高気温1℃、最低気温-2℃と凄く寒くなりました。国道は時速50kmの速度で徐行していました。 2019/04/10 14:28:09
April 10, 2019, Japan is "spring". However, the Karuizawa Oyori lodging has snowed today. "Snow," which began to fall early in the morning, snow-dressed along Route 18. Yesterday, cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, but cherry blossom trees were in full bloom near Yokogawa Railway Museum in Gunma Prefecture, but today it turned cold with a maximum temperature of 1 ° C and a minimum temperature of -2 ° C. The national road was traveling at a speed of 50 km / h. 2019/04/10 14:28:09
玉屋のこーちゃん on Google

現在でも交通の要所としてかなりの交通量がある国道18号線の傍らに、旧街道の道標が在ります。 ♪バスを降りれば カラマツ林~ と唄った『兄弟ディユオ・狩人』の『コスモス街道』 ♪ 右は越後へ行く北の道 左は木曽まで行く中仙道 続いてる コスモスの道が~ のまさにその場所です。(ただしコスモスは………バス停も) 旧中仙道時代の石碑などが並んでいます。 只駐車場が在りませんので、近くのコンビニ(ちゃんと買い物してね)もしくはコンビニ向かいの『中仙道資料館』(ちゃんと見学してね)の利用をお勧めします。
There is a signpost of the old highway next to National Highway 18, which has a considerable traffic volume as a key point of transportation. ♪If you get off the bus, the larch forest~ "Cosmos Road" of "Brother Diyu Hunter" ♪ On the right is the north road to Echigo, on the left is the Nakasendo road to Kiso, and the cosmos road that follows is the very location. (However, at Cosmos.........also at the bus stop) Stone monuments of the former Nakasendo era are lined up. Since there is no parking lot, we recommend using a nearby convenience store (shop properly) or the "Nakasendo Museum" (look carefully) opposite the convenience store.

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