こだわり唐揚げ から正

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact こだわり唐揚げ から正

住所 :

Ohanajaya, Katsushika City, 〒124-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88897
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/karasho1171
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–9PM
Sunday 10:30AM–9PM
Monday 10:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–9PM
Thursday 10:30AM–9PM
Friday 10:30AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Ohanajaya, Katsushika City, 〒124-0003 Tokyo,Japan
山崎五月 on Google

駅のホームからも見える駅前の唐揚げ屋さんで、真新しい綺麗なお店でした! 15時頃行ったからか、5分ほどの待ち時間で買えました! お味は醤油か塩麹でしたので、醤油をチョイスしてジューシーめとっても美味しかったです(^^) また行きたいお店でした!
It was a brand new and beautiful fried chicken shop in front of the station that you can see from the platform of the station! I went there around 15:00, so I could buy it with a waiting time of about 5 minutes! The taste was soy sauce or salted jiuqu, so I chose soy sauce and it was juicy and very delicious (^^) It was a shop I wanted to visit again!
坂井麻喜 on Google

とにかく、予想異常の美味しさ? モモ肉は薄い部分がでないよう丸くして衣をつけてあるので中まで柔らかく、ジューシー? ムネ肉は、パサパサしてるかと思いきや、麹に漬け込み、しっとり柔らかで旨味抜群? 素材に合わせたこだわりの美味しさを感じました‼️ 15時頃と食事時を外しましたがやっぱり少し並びました? でも、丁寧な対応で分かりやすかった? 並ぶ価値あり✨ また行きたいです?
Anyway, the deliciousness of the unexpected taste ? The thigh meat is rounded and battered so that there are no thin parts, so it is soft to the inside and juicy ? I thought that the breast meat was dry, soaked in Jiuqu, moist and tender and excellent in umami ? I felt the deliciousness of the commitment to the material! ️ I missed the meal time around 15:00, but after all I lined up a little ? However, it was easy to understand with a polite response ? Worth lining up ✨ I want to go again ?
重田和夫 on Google

料理が大好きで色んな料理を作っています で、自分の作った唐揚げと唐揚げ専門店と言われるお店の唐揚げ どちらが美味しいのか気になって初めて購入してみました 評価 唐揚げ 味がボヤけていて ハッキリしない 地鶏なんでしょうが その良さが出ていない 恐らく2度揚げしていないと思われるくらい衣の湿っぽさサクサク感なし まぁ20点 評価 ナンコツの唐揚げ 油切りされてなくて ナンコツの油漬け状態 まとめ揚げはいいですが油の温度が低いのか 手間を惜しんだのか 衣と衣がくっついていて最悪 ナンコツの唐揚げを買って 買わなきゃ良かったと初めて思った ナンコツの唐揚げ… 売るような食べ物じゃない タダでもいらない 不味くて3分の2は捨てました -200点 総評 唐揚げ専門店とはこの程度? 買う価値なし
I love cooking and make various dishes So, I bought it for the first time because I was wondering which one was better, the fried chicken I made or the fried chicken from a restaurant called fried chicken specialty store. Evaluation fried chicken The taste is blurry and not clear It ’s probably a local chicken, but its goodness has not come out. The batter is not so moist and crispy that it probably hasn't been fried twice. Well 20 points Evaluation Deep-fried chicken It's not drained and it's soaked in oil Summary Fried food is good, but is the oil temperature low? Did you spare time? The batter and the batter were stuck together, and at worst I thought I should have bought the fried chicken of Nankotsu. It's not food to sell I don't need it for free It was so bad that I threw away two-thirds -200 points General comment What is a fried chicken specialty store? Not worth buying
レン on Google

からあげ専門店という割には肉はパサパサ、脂身もない、衣もしなしな、味もイマイチ。 胸肉はもちろん、モモ肉でさえ硬い。ジューシーさのかけらもない。 おまけに高いし、これでからあげ専門店を名乗る気が知れない。 家で作った方が何十倍も美味しいので買うのはおすすめしない。
Although it is a karaage specialty store, the meat is dry, there is no fat, there is no batter, and the taste is not good. Not only breast meat, but even thigh meat is hard. There is no piece of juiciness. Besides, it's expensive, and I don't feel like calling myself a fried chicken specialty store. I don't recommend buying it because it's dozens of times more delicious to make at home.
hiroharu sakmaki on Google

夜の6時頃に伺いましたが、店員さんの雰囲気、対応はあまり良くない印象を受けました。 こだわりと書いてあったので、大分期待をして、娘の誕生日に買っていったのですが、肉は固く、衣は口触りが荒く油の匂いが強い。肉自体の味が弱く、調味料で誤魔化しているように感じられました。 こだわりというのなら、揚げる油の交換頻度、衣や肉自体には気を遣って頂きたいというのが、正直な所です。 私は勿論、家族にも大不評でした。 これでは、リピートは絶対にしないし、知人にはおすすめできません。
I visited around 6 pm, and I got the impression that the atmosphere and response of the clerk was not very good. It was written that I was particular about it, so I bought it on my daughter's birthday with great expectations, but the meat is hard, the clothes are rough to the touch, and the smell of oil is strong. The taste of the meat itself was weak, and I felt that it was deceived by the seasoning. To be honest, I would like you to pay attention to the frequency of frying oil changes and the clothes and meat itself. Of course, I was very unpopular with my family. This will never repeat and is not recommended for acquaintances.
ラブラドール on Google

オープンから4回、醤油ニンニク味と醤油味の2種類を買いました。 こだわり唐揚げというだけあってファミレスとかコンビニの唐揚げ等よりかは断然美味いです 薄衣だけどカリカリ お肉は箸で切れるくらいの柔らかさ 醤油ニンニク味はニンニクがかなり強調された味でお酒のおつまみに丁度いい 醤油味は意外と薄味で、ニンニク食べた後は物足りない感じ。でも、お弁当とか匂い気になるときにいいかも 味は美味しいのですが、15時ごろ〜夜の夕飯時はとても混雑していて5分ほど待つことがあります 唐揚げの袋詰め→計量→会計→全て別々の人がやっているので呼吸が噛み合ってないです。 それから、接客は全体的に気の抜けたメリハリのない感じなのが気になります 味は美味しいのです! ただ、混んでる時は利用しません すぐ隣のマックとファミマで妥協してしまいます
I bought two kinds of soy sauce garlic flavor and soy sauce flavor four times since the opening. Because it's fried chicken, it's definitely better than fried chicken at a family restaurant or a convenience store. Light clothes but crunchy Meat is soft enough to be cut with chopsticks The soy sauce garlic taste is a taste that emphasizes garlic and is just right for a snack of sake The soy sauce taste is surprisingly light, and it feels unsatisfactory after eating garlic. But it may be good when you are worried about lunch boxes or smells The taste is delicious, but it is very crowded from around 15:00 to dinner at night and you may have to wait for about 5 minutes. Deep-fried chicken bagging → weighing → accounting → all are done by different people, so breathing does not mesh. Also, I'm worried that the customer service is totally uncluttered and unsharp. The taste is delicious! However, I do not use it when it is crowded I will compromise with the Mac and FamilyMart next door
Emi Waki on Google

さっぱりだけどジューシーで美味しい。 油ギトギトや衣が多い唐揚げとは違う。 ちょっと薄味なので、何かタレを足しても良い。 私はそのままで十分。
It's refreshing but juicy and delicious. It's different from fried chicken, which has a lot of oil and batter. It's a little light, so you can add some sauce. I'm fine as it is.
おんちゃん on Google

散歩の帰りに寄りました。完全に持ち帰りの専門のようです。4種類程の味付けの唐揚げが頂けます。 パックに入っているものを頂きました。 味は柔らかく、美味しかったです。大きさもゴロゴロしていてボリュームとしても良かったです。 既に冷たくなっていたので、次は暖かいのを頂けたらなと思います。
I stopped by on the way home from the walk. It seems to be a complete take-out specialty. You can enjoy 4 kinds of seasoned fried chicken. I received what is in the pack. The taste was soft and delicious. The size was also rugged and it was good as a volume. It was already cold, so I hope I can get warm next time.

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