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Contact 小平スマイル歯科クリニック

住所 :

Ogawahigashicho, Kodaira, 〒187-0031 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://kodaira-smile-dc.com/
街 : Tokyo

Ogawahigashicho, Kodaira, 〒187-0031 Tokyo,Japan
諸橋弘 on Google

先日被せ物が取れてしまったので予約していきました。 取れてしまった原因や歯の状況をレントゲンと写真でしっかりと説明していただき、納得して治療できました。 白い被せ物にしましたが、噛み心地もまったく違和感なく食べれます。 他の歯も治療をお願いしようとおもいます。
I made a reservation because the cover was removed the other day. I was able to convince myself that I was able to treat it by explaining the cause of the removal and the condition of my teeth with X-rays and photographs. I made it a white cover, but I can eat it without any discomfort. I would like to ask for treatment for other teeth as well.
Kenta Gorai on Google

急に歯が痛み、ウェブで予約できるためこちらの歯科医院を受診しました。 病院も綺麗ですし先生もとても丁寧で優しい感じで非常に安心できます。 始めにレントゲンを撮りそこからどこが悪いのか一つ一つ丁寧に説明をしてくれてとても安心して治療を始めることができました。 今も通院中ですが、今後もしっかり通って歯を直していきたいと思います
My tooth suddenly hurts and I can make an appointment on the web, so I visited this dental clinic. The hospital is clean and the teachers are very polite and kind, so you can rest assured. First of all, I took an X-ray and explained carefully what was wrong with it one by one, and I was able to start treatment with a lot of peace of mind. I'm still in the hospital now, but I would like to continue to go through it and fix my teeth.
Acht Sieben on Google

イオンフードスタイル小平店(旧ダイエー)の2階にある歯科医院。平日なかなか病院に行けないので、日曜日もやっているこちらにはお世話になっております。 通院していて不満なところは今のところ無いです。
A dental clinic on the 2nd floor of the Aeon Food Style Kodaira store (formerly Daiei). I can't go to the hospital on weekdays, so I'm indebted to this one, which is also on Sundays. I haven't been dissatisfied with going to the hospital so far.
金沢智子 on Google

定期検診で歯のお掃除で3ヶ月に1回通っています。 歯科衛生士さんは、今の口腔の状態を丁寧に説明してくれて優しかったです。施術も丁寧で歯茎に傷が付くこともなく上手でした。 医師はテキパキとした印象の方で、質問すると分かりやすく答えてくれます。以前虫歯の治療もやっていただいたことがありますが、上手でした! ネット予約ができるところがいいです。
I go to the regular checkup once every three months to clean my teeth. The dental hygienist was kind enough to explain the current condition of the oral cavity carefully. The treatment was also polite and I was good without damaging my gums. The doctor has a cheerful impression, and when you ask a question, he will answer in an easy-to-understand manner. I had a dental caries treatment before, but I was good at it! I like the place where you can make online reservations.
雷神 on Google

詰め物が取れて虫歯も気になったので家から近いこちらの歯科に通院開始しました。 新しい医院なので医院内はとても綺麗です。 私を担当してくれる医師はとても丁寧で虫歯の状況等しっかり説明してくれます。 虫歯が進行してる歯の治療は麻酔使ったのですが表面麻酔してからなので全く痛みを感じなかったです。 予約すれば待ち時間なく診察出来ます。 いい歯医者さんだと思います。
I got stuffed and was worried about tooth decay, so I started going to this dentist near my house. Since it is a new clinic, the inside of the clinic is very beautiful. The doctor in charge of me is very polite and will explain the situation of tooth decay. I used anesthesia to treat the tooth with advanced cavities, but I didn't feel any pain because it was after surface anesthesia. If you make a reservation, you can see the doctor without waiting. I think he is a good dentist.
まねき猫 on Google

冠が取れたので通院したが、何にも状況説明無しに、何度も上部の消毒?だけで通ってと言われた。その間、仮歯をしていたのですが、ある日仮歯ごと折れたので、通院したが、大してレントゲン取るでもなく、その後、型を取って新しい冠を作ってもらった。しかし、歯科助手がその冠を削って調整までした。削りすぎた…隣の歯と隙間ある状態で歯科医が装着した。 後日、痛みが出て、他の歯科に行ったら、歯根に膿が溜まっているとの事。根管治療がしてあるから、上部の消毒なんて意味がないのに、なぜ何回も通院したのかと言われた。しかも、根が曲がっているから、治療できる歯科は少ないとの事。 抗生剤で炎症をおさえたが、治療出来ないなら素直に言ってほしい。
I went to the hospital because the crown was removed, but did I disinfect the upper part many times without explaining the situation? I was told to just go through. During that time, I had a provisional tooth, but one day I broke the provisional tooth, so I went to the hospital, but I didn't take a lot of X-rays, and after that, I took a mold and had a new crown made. However, the dental assistant scraped the crown and even adjusted it. I sharpened it too much ... The dentist put it on with a gap between it and the next tooth. Later, when I went to another dentistry because of pain, I heard that pus had accumulated in the roots. I was told why I went to the hospital so many times even though there was no point in disinfecting the upper part because I had a root canal treatment. Moreover, because the roots are bent, there are few dentistry that can be treated. I used antibiotics to control the inflammation, but if you can't treat it, please tell me honestly.
内野正 on Google

痛みがでたので電話したところ、すぐに対応していただきました。 レントゲンで悪いところを丁寧に説明していただき、納得して治療を受けることができました。 今までで一番いい歯医者だと思います。 今後もしっかり通いたいです。
I was in pain, so I called and he responded immediately. I was able to be convinced that I was able to receive treatment after carefully explaining the bad points with an X-ray. I think he is the best dentist ever. I want to continue to attend.
rsh zeni on Google

※低評価に対して,コメント下の方で回答もしてます 大学生です.虫歯で根本から折れた歯2本,神経まで終わってしまった親知らずと奥歯を携えて通っていました.まだ治療が終わってから2年ほどですから何とも言えませんが,虫歯だらけの人が現状を変えたい場合はお勧めできます.ここではあまり抜くことはないです.抜くのは治療しずらい親知らずぐらいだと思います. 自分の治療は,神経まで終わった親知らずを抜き,右上の犬歯と横の二本(メタル)と左下奥歯(ジルコニア)をかぶせ物?しました.正直これは抜くしかないと思っていましたが,残してくれました.痛みもなく大丈夫そうです. 1週間に1回のペースで治療を行い,だいたい一ヶ月半ほどで一本(二本並んでるなら二本同時)治療してもらいました.費用は,レントゲンや消毒,治療に毎回500~1000円ぐらいかかります.そし最後のかぶせ物に数千円ぐらいです.これで歯1本.ジルコニア(白い)なら5~7万(歯1本)掛かります. 現状の説明,行う治療の説明,今後の治療計画の説明と,説明はしてくれます.してくれなくても聞けばしてくれるでしょう. 分かりずらい矯正手法もしているそうです. 引っ越してしまい,通えなくなりましたが,正直ここでずっと治療したかったと思っています. 費用が保険適用ないなら安い(1万位) 予約が取りやすい(平日の夕方,一週間後の土日はおそらく毎回とれる) 治療はしっかりとしてくれる(治療後に痛い,変といったことがない) 治療が丁寧(説明もしてくれる,麻酔もしっかりとしてくれる) 以上のことから星は5つにしました. もっと丁寧な所や,安い所,早い所があるかもしれませんが・・・ ※低評価に対して 冠が取れて通院したが,説明もなしに意味のない消毒ばかり・・・=自分がどうしたいか「抜きたくない」「抜いてインプラント」「早い治療」等をしっかり伝えるといいかもしれません.間違っていたら申し訳ありませんが,「絶対に抜きたくない」という要望を叶えようとしてくれていてたのかもしれません・・・ 口コミの見返りにギフト券=聞き逃しただけかもしれませんが半年以上通いましたが.そのようなステマ行為はありませんでした.ギフト券の存在も知りません.予約について=予約は治療が終わるとだいたい「次の予約は一週間位開けてほしいんですが,いつ頃にしますか?」と聞かれるので「今日と同じく来週の土曜の夕方で」といって予約が取れました.もちろん前日とかに「明日(土曜)予約したいんですが」と電話しても取れないです.一週間前に連絡しましょう. 治療が荒っぽい=メインの男性の方が二人いるのでその差かもしれません.土曜の方はとりあえずいい人でした.
* We also respond to low ratings at the bottom of the comments. I'm a college student. I went with my wisdom teeth and back teeth, which had two broken teeth from the root due to tooth decay and the nerves. It's been about two years since the treatment was over, so I can't say anything, but I recommend it if you have a lot of cavities and want to change the status quo. I don't really pull out here. I think it's only wisdom teeth that are difficult to treat. My treatment is to remove the wisdom tooth that has finished to the nerves and cover it with the upper right canine, the side two (metal) and the lower left back tooth (zirconia)? Did. To be honest, I thought I had to pull it out, but he left it. It seems to be okay without pain. I was treated once a week, and I was treated with one (or two at the same time if two are lined up) in about a month and a half. The cost is about 500 to 1000 yen for X-ray, disinfection, and treatment each time. And it costs about several thousand yen for the last cover. This is one tooth. Zirconia (white) costs 50,000 to 70,000 (one tooth). They will explain the current situation, the treatment to be performed, and the future treatment plan. Even if you don't do it, you will hear it. It seems that he also uses a correction method that is difficult to understand. I moved and couldn't attend, but honestly I've always wanted to be treated here. If the cost is not covered by insurance, it is cheap (about 10,000) Easy to make reservations (weekday evenings, probably every Saturday and Sunday a week later) The treatment is solid (no pain or strangeness after treatment) Treatment is polite (explains, anesthesia is also solid) From the above, we have set the number of stars to five. There may be more polite, cheaper, and faster places ... * For low evaluation I took off my crown and went to the hospital, but there was no explanation and only meaningless disinfection ... = It may be good to tell me what I want to do, "I don't want to pull it out," "Implants pulled out," "quick treatment," etc. .. I'm sorry if I made a mistake, but it may have been trying to fulfill the request "I definitely don't want to pull it out" ... In return for the word of mouth, the gift certificate = I may have missed it, but I went there for more than half a year. There was no such act of stemming. I don't even know the existence of gift certificates. About reservations = When the treatment is over, you will be asked "I want you to open the next reservation for about a week, but when do you want to do it?" I made a reservation. Of course, I can't get it even if I call "I want to make a reservation tomorrow (Saturday)" the day before. Let's get in touch a week in advance. Rough treatment = There are two main men, so it may be the difference. Saturday was a good person for the time being.

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