無制限飲み放題 個室居酒屋 うまいもん酒場 二代目轍(わだち) 盛岡大通店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 無制限飲み放題 個室居酒屋 うまいもん酒場 二代目轍(わだち) 盛岡大通店

住所 :

Odori, Morioka, 〒020-0022 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001153341/
Opening hours :
Saturday 4PM–5AM
Sunday 4PM–12AM
Monday 4PM–1AM
Tuesday 4PM–1AM
Wednesday 4PM–1AM
Thursday 4PM–1AM
Friday 4PM–5AM
街 : Iwate

Odori, Morioka, 〒020-0022 Iwate,Japan
みや on Google

It can't be helped because it's a busy time, but I made a reservation for all-you-can-drink for 2 hours, and after asking for the second cup, the drink didn't come for 1 hour. I left the store shortly after. (I asked if I could change it to a single item, but I couldn't confirm what wasn't delivered unless I took the time to confirm it, and I couldn't do it because it would make other customers wait. I paid the all-you-can-drink amount.) I hope it helps.
紀洋稲垣 on Google

飲み放題で使いました。ビールはもちろんその他の種類も豊富で良かったです。 飲み放題がある店の料理はあまり美味しくないイメージだったんですが、酒も料理も普通に美味しかった。 宴会等でまた使いたいと思いました。
I used it for all-you-can-drink. It was good that there were many other types of beer as well. I had the impression that the food at the restaurant with all-you-can-drink was not very delicious, but the sake and food were usually delicious. I wanted to use it again at banquets.
1of number5 on Google

正直、星0です。絶対にお勧めできません。 私達は週末に、10数名で食べ飲み放題150分のコースを利用しました。(4350円)(内訳3850円(コース料金)+500円(週末料金)) 自分たちが不満だった部分を挙げていきます。 ・飲み物が、2杯目から来ない。来ても30分に一回くるか来ないかで、1時間かかる事もあった。店員に聞いたら、なんも言わずサラッと出して来やがったし、店員八回目ぐらいにやっとくるし…(因みに、念押しして「すぐお願いします」って言ったら1分くらいでくるし… ・料理が1時間以上待たないとこない。(店のルールとして、最初にある皿のいずれかが空にならないと次を頼めない。)枝豆頼んで1時間30待ったのは初めてでした。そして、めちゃくちゃ塩かけすぎです。常識の範疇を超える塩の量でビビりました。料理を頼んでも、150分しかないのに一品60分ペースとかだったので、一人あたり、二品来るか来ないかでしたね。 ・週末料金取るのは良いけど、客に満足に提供出来ないなら、週末料金取るなよ…なんなら安くしろよ…って思いました。 ・オーダーミス多すぎて、収拾つかない。頼んでない、酒来たりするし…料理は頼んでも来ないし…(一番酷かったのが、鍋3つ頼んでるのに1つしか来ないし、2つ足りませんっていっても1つ持ってきて、「ラストオーダーなので無理です」とかわけわからん事言ってくるし…ラストオーダー前に頼んでるのに、それかよって思いましたね。 他にも沢山あったと思いますが、今回はこれらが、深く印象に残りました。というか、店がキャパオーバーしてんのに、客入れすぎて、客の要望に答えれてないだけだと思いました。自分たち以外からも、「料理来なくね?」などの声が聞こえてきました。 食べ飲み放題で、150分も有れば十分楽しめると思って来たのですが、帰る頃には皆「酷かった」という始末… 居酒屋を楽しめた感じはしませんでした。最後全員シラフになってるレベルでしたし… 自分達はもう、来ることはないでしょう… 参考になった方は、「役に立った」ボタンよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
To be honest, it is 0 stars. I definitely do not recommend it. We took a 150-minute all-you-can-eat-and-drink course for a dozen people over the weekend. (4350 yen) (Breakdown 3850 yen (course fee) + 500 yen (weekend fee)) I will list the parts that we were dissatisfied with. ・ Drinks do not come from the second cup. Even if it came, it sometimes took an hour depending on whether it came once every 30 minutes or not. When I asked the clerk, he came out without saying anything, and finally came around the 8th time of the clerk ... (By the way, if you remind me and say "please immediately", it will come in about 1 minute. … ・ I have to wait for more than an hour to cook. (As a rule of the store, you can't ask for the next one unless one of the first dishes is empty.) It was the first time I asked for edamame and waited for 1 hour and 30 minutes. And it's too salty. I was scared by the amount of salt that was beyond the scope of common sense. Even if I asked for food, it was only 150 minutes, but the pace was 60 minutes per dish, so I wondered if two dishes would come or not per person. ・ It's okay to charge for the weekend, but if you can't provide it to your customers satisfactorily, don't charge for the weekend ... what should I do? ・ There are too many order mistakes and it is out of control. I didn't ask, I got sake ... I didn't come even if I asked for food ... (The worst thing was that I ordered 3 pots but only 1 came, and even if I didn't have 2, I brought one Then, he said "I can't do it because it's the last order" ... I was asking before the last order, but I thought that was the reason. I think there were many others, but this time I was deeply impressed. Or rather, I thought that the store was overcapacity, but there were too many customers and I couldn't meet the customer's request. I heard voices from people other than ourselves, such as "Don't you come to cook?" I thought that all-you-can-eat and drink would be enough if I had 150 minutes, but by the time I got home, everyone said it was terrible ... I didn't feel like I enjoyed the izakaya. At the end, everyone was at the level of being shirafu ... We won't come anymore ... If you find it helpful, thank you for the "useful" button m (_ _) m
Kimiちゃん on Google

友人と行きました! 友人も私もお酒を結構飲むので飲み放題にしましたが、結構コスパよかったです。 お刺身の5点盛りは人数分とかで頼めるのでいいなと思いました。身も分厚く食べ応えがありました〜
I went with a friend! My friends and I drink a lot of alcohol, so we had all-you-can-drink, but the cost performance was pretty good. I thought it would be nice to be able to order 5 pieces of sashimi for each person. The body was thick and there was a response to eating ~
斎藤有紀 on Google

I used it because I had the opportunity to gather with my classmates. With an all-you-can-drink coupon, you can use it for 2 hours for 1000 yen, and I was surprised because there were many types of drinks! The price range was low, so once the corona settled down, I wanted to use it with a large number of people! By the way, the food was pretty good
近藤春樹 on Google

Used for entertainment. There was also a smoking area, so I was able to relax slowly. The food was very delicious and the all-you-can-drink was reasonably priced. If it is this quality in this price range, I thought that COSPA is good.
林穂乃果 on Google

メニューがリニューアルしたと インスタで拝見し、伺いました! 新メニューから、お刺身盛・なめろう・鉢まぜポテトサラダ・チキン南蛮を注文しましたが、どれも美味しかったです! お刺身は人数分で頼めるのが嬉しいポイントでしたし、ポテトサラダは自分で混ぜる新しいスタイルで楽しく、自分好みにできたのでよかったです☆ 今回は2人であまり食べられなかったので、 また伺いたいと思います♪
When the menu was renewed I saw it on Instagram and visited it! From the new menu, I ordered sashimi, namero, potted potato salad, and chicken nanban, all of which were delicious! It was a nice point to order sashimi for the number of people, and I'm glad that the potato salad was fun with a new style of mixing by myself and I could make it my own taste ☆ This time we couldn't eat much, so I would like to ask again ♪
しーましーま on Google

年末にコースで利用しました! やはり、時期もあり店員さんがとても忙しそうでドリンクを少々待つ事もありましたが、とても愛想が良い店員さんばかりで、あまり気になりませんでした。まだ来ていないものを言ってみても、すごく申し訳無さそうにしていらっしゃいましたし、すぐ持ってきてくださいました。すごく学生時代のバイトを思い出しました。笑 年末ってみんなバイトの人達は出なかったり人数少なくて大変だったなぁと。。笑 コースのご飯も少し遅いなぁと感じましたが、内容盛りだくさんでしたし美味しかったです! 写真は下手ですが、、笑
I used it in the course at the end of the year! After all, there was a time when the clerk seemed to be very busy and I sometimes waited for a drink, but all the clerk was very friendly and I didn't care much. Even if I said something that hadn't come yet, he was very sorry and brought it to me immediately. I really remembered my part-time job when I was a student. Lol At the end of the year, there weren't many part-time workers, and the number of people was small, so it was difficult. .. Lol I felt that the rice on the course was a little late, but it was full of content and delicious! I'm not good at photography, but lol

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