Obunejibiinkoka Clinic - Kamakura

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Obunejibiinkoka Clinic

住所 :

森ビル 2階 2 Chome-18-24 Ofuna, Kamakura, Kanagawa 247-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 247-0056
Webサイト : https://ofuna-entclinic.jp/

森ビル 2階 2 Chome-18-24 Ofuna, Kamakura, Kanagawa 247-0056, Japan
おもち on Google

先生が優しい雰囲気で質問やお薬の相談がしやすかったです。 ネット予約ができて待ち時間が少なくすぐ近くのタイムズさんと提携して下さってるので1時間以内でしたら駐車場代もかかりませんでした。 決済もキャッシュレスに対応していて現金以外にSuicaなどが使えてとてもありがたいです。 院内も綺麗でどの点をとっても、とても通いやすくいい耳鼻科だなぁとおもいました。 自身が軽度の診察でお伺いしたのでお医者様の腕の良さ?などはわからないので☆5つと迷いましたが4つにしておきました。
It was easy for the teacher to ask questions and discuss medicines in a friendly atmosphere. I was able to make online reservations, and there was little waiting time, so I was affiliated with the nearby Times, so if it was within an hour, there was no parking fee. Payment is also cashless, and I am very grateful that Suica etc. can be used in addition to cash. The hospital is clean and I thought it was a good otolaryngologist because it was very easy to go to. Since I visited him for a mild medical examination, is the doctor's skill good? I don't know such things, so I was at a loss with 5 ☆, but I set it to 4.
Orange Apple on Google

I went to another otolaryngology department, but the symptoms did not heal at all, so I visited this Ofuna otolaryngology department, which has good reviews. I had my nose examined with a camera and took a picture to explain the situation. It was very easy to understand and explained carefully. My symptoms have improved considerably since I was prescribed the medicine, and now I can spend almost no problems every day. I'm really glad I came here. The waiting room and examination room are large and very clean. I think it's easy for small children to attend.
. . . yoko on Google

口コミ通りの先生で、きちんと目を見て話を聞いたり説明して下さり、処置も丁寧にして下さったので、子供も痛くなく、しっかりお話も聞けて良かったです。 私は花粉症があるのですが、こちらに来てからまだ病院に行っていないので、今度は私も是非お世話になりたいと思いました。 受付にいた方は、お会計してくれた方が、笑顔があって優しい対応で良かったです。 またよろしくお願いいたします。
The teacher, as per the word-of-mouth, listened to and explained the story with my eyes, and treated me carefully, so it was good that my child didn't hurt and I was able to listen to the story. I have hay fever, but I haven't been to the hospital since I came here, so I would love to take care of it this time. For those who were at the reception, it was good that the person who made the payment was smiling and kind. I look forward to working with you again.
9696 Kuromame on Google

喉の違和感が気になり、咽喉科にお世話になったことが無かったので、Webで口コミの評価が高いことから診察して頂きました。 ネットで簡単に予約でき、30分前にメールが来るので、待ち時間もなく直ぐに診療して頂けました。受付の方を始め皆さまが丁寧な対応で、院内も清潔で非常に綺麗です。 鼻から内視鏡を入れる検査をして、丁寧に写真でご説明頂きました。喉の病気は初めてで不安だったのですが、分かり易く優しく症状を教えて頂けたので、不安が軽減されて本当によかったです。 処方された薬で様子を見ることになりましたが、ご相談してよかったです。
I was worried about the discomfort in my throat, and I had never been taken care of by the throat department, so I had a medical examination because the reviews were highly evaluated on the Web. I could easily make a reservation online and received an e-mail 30 minutes in advance, so I was able to receive medical treatment immediately without waiting. Everyone, including the receptionist, is polite and the hospital is clean and very clean. We inspected to insert an endoscope through the nose and carefully explained it with a photograph. It was my first time to have a throat illness and I was worried, but I was really glad that my anxiety was alleviated because I was able to teach the symptoms in an easy-to-understand and gentle manner. I was supposed to see the situation with the prescribed medicine, but I'm glad to consult with you.
River_ Cape on Google

難治性皮膚疾患で大学病院に入院して以降というもの、後鼻漏感(鼻汁が酷く喉に垂れ込む感じ)がとれず遷延しており、ハッキリとした原因は未だによく分かりません。年齢のせいもあると先生から伺ったので。 色々、自身で鼻うがい等、日々やれる限りのことはしておりましたが、どうしてもこの気持ちの悪さがとれず、色々とネットの口コミ等を参考に診察を受けました。クリニック森 の脇からエレベーターで入ります。 丁寧にお話を聞いて頂き、親身になって病状に向き合ってくださいました。 先生がゆっくりとお話を聞いてくださるのが、何よりありがたく、また、色々と症状の緩和に向けてアドバイスも下さり、本当に助かっております。 処方して頂いたお薬も効いているようで以前のような不快感は本当に少なくなりました。もう少し続けて通うつもりでおります。 院内もとても綺麗で清潔感ある印象です。 受付の方、看護師さんも対応が丁寧で、安心しました。 受付時、当日の体温を聞かれるので、予め測定して行かれるとスムーズかと思います。測定していなくても体温計貸し出して下さいます。 ネット予約も出来るので、混雑具合などが分かります。そろそろ順番かなというタイミングで私は院内に入っております、このご時世なので。(勿論、予約無しでも受け付けて頂けます。)
Since I was admitted to a university hospital due to an intractable skin disease, I have been unable to get rid of post-nasal drip (a feeling of nasal discharge dripping into my throat) and it has been prolonged, and the exact cause is still unknown. I heard from the teacher that it was because of my age. I did everything I could do every day, such as nasal irrigation, but I couldn't get rid of this discomfort, so I was examined by referring to various online reviews. Enter by elevator from the side of the clinic forest. He listened to me carefully and was kind enough to deal with my medical condition. I am grateful that the teacher listens to me slowly, and I am really grateful for the advice I have given to alleviate the symptoms. The medicine I prescribed seems to be working, and the discomfort I had before was really reduced. I plan to continue going for a while. The inside of the hospital is also very beautiful and has a feeling of cleanliness. The receptionist and the nurses were also polite and relieved. At the reception, you will be asked for the temperature of the day, so I think it will be smooth if you measure it in advance. Please lend me a thermometer even if you haven't measured it. You can also make online reservations, so you can see how crowded it is. I'm in the hospital when it's about time to turn, because it's this time. (Of course, you can accept without reservation.)
マルタカ on Google

耳や喉の違和感が気になっていたため受診しました。 先生は画像を使い丁寧にわかりやすく説明して下さり、本当に感謝しかありません。 自分の知る耳鼻咽喉科のイメージが良い意味で変わりました。 また不調の際は必ず先生に診て頂きたいです。
I visited the clinic because I was worried about the discomfort in my ears and throat. The teacher explained it in an easy-to-understand manner using images, and I am really grateful. The image of otolaryngology that I know has changed in a good way. Also, if you have any problems, please be sure to see your teacher.
GS KYO on Google

My child recently had a nosebleed and had a medical examination. The teacher looks kindly and well. The nurses are all kind and close. The hospital is also clean and beautiful. The word of mouth was good, so it's a little far from my house, but I'm glad I had a medical examination here ♪
としくんらんど on Google

耳鳴りで受診しました。 病院内はとても明るく清潔で、スタッフの方も親切丁寧に接して頂きました。 予約順(ネット)による診察のため、病院内では密にならずコロナ感染対策(換気)も施されています。 診察においては、親切丁寧に説明して頂き、現状に沿った薬を処方してもらいました。 現在、数日経過しましたが、少しばかり症状が緩和されてきたように感じられます。 長く付き合っていけそうなクリニックです。 ※耳鳴りで気付いたこと 血圧が高いときに発症(自覚)している可能性がある。 上が140以上の場合に発症しやすい。 病院で処方してもらった血流をよくする薬の効果により 一次的に血圧が下がり、症状が緩和したのではないかと 推測できる。 ※血圧が高くないか測定することをお勧めします。
I had a medical examination with tinnitus. The inside of the hospital was very bright and clean, and the staff were kind and polite. Because of the appointment order (online), the hospital is not crowded and corona infection control (ventilation) is taken. At the medical examination, I was kindly and politely explained, and I was asked to prescribe medicines according to the current situation. It's been a few days now, but it feels like the symptoms have alleviated a little. It's a clinic where you can go out for a long time. * What I noticed from tinnitus It may be onset (awareness) when blood pressure is high. It tends to occur when the top is 140 or more. Due to the effect of medicines prescribed at the hospital to improve blood flow I suspect that my blood pressure has dropped temporarily and my symptoms have alleviated. I can guess. * It is recommended to measure if your blood pressure is high.

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