
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和牛苑

住所 :

Oba, Kasukabe, 〒344-0021 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.wagyuuen.com/
街 : Saitama

Oba, Kasukabe, 〒344-0021 Saitama,Japan
YuSuKe on Google

武里では知る人ぞ知る焼肉店です。駅からも近く、駐車場は駅前パーキングに停めれます。 席数がそんなに多くないのでお店に確認してからが良いと思います。
Takesato is a yakiniku restaurant known to those in the know. It is close to the station and the parking lot can be parked in front of the station. The number of seats is not so large, so I think it's best to check with the store.
原田弘樹 on Google

金曜の夜に訪問。 非常においしい焼肉屋さん! 味付けは韓国的な感じです。 値段高くも安くもなくといった感じですね。
Visited on Friday night. Very delicious yakiniku restaurant! The seasoning is Korean. It's neither expensive nor cheap.
黒猫まる on Google

Although I do not post too much a word of mouth, it is delicious that I can not stay without recommending eating and walking around famous shops as a hobby student! Tan salt, carbi, loin, halami, mino, hormone ... There are various, but anyway it is delicious! Homemade sauce and kimchi were also amazing quality. If you live near you, you are envious. Also we will bother you.
雷禅 on Google

古民家風の焼肉屋さんです。お値段はそれなりに張りますが、特別な日に食べたくなるお店です。上タン、ロース、ホルモンやレバー等の内臓類も美味しいです。こじんまりとしたお店なので、行く前には毎回席の確認の電話をして行きますが、週末は予約で満席の事もしばしば。いつも混雑してるイメージなので、早めに電話していますが、予約取れなくてへそ曲げちゃう方はオススメ出来ないかもです。お気に入りの店なのであまり混雑して欲しく無いですが...。こんな事書いたら怒られちゃうかな( ˊᵕˋ ;)?
It is an old folk house style yakiniku restaurant. The price is reasonable, but it's a restaurant you'll want to eat on a special day. The internal organs such as beef tongue, loin, hormones and liver are also delicious. It's a small shop, so I call to confirm my seat every time I go, but on weekends I often make reservations and it's full. It's always crowded, so I'm calling early, but I may not recommend it to those who can't make a reservation and bend their belly button. I don't want it to be too crowded because it's my favorite shop ... I might get angry if I write something like this (ˊᵕˋ;) ?
橘遊摩 on Google

外見も内装も民芸居酒屋みたいだが、実際には地域の昔ながらの焼肉屋。 肉の質はとても良いので美味いことは美味いのだが、種類が少ない。一頭買いとかではないせいか、内臓系はほぼなく、トッピングもない。 酒の種類もあまりない。スタンダードな肉の質に特化しすぎていて、多品目を否定したスタイルになっている。 そして和牛だからか、価格がかなり高い。肉質が良いから仕方ないとは言え、コストパフォーマンスは非常に悪いといえる。 致命的なのはテグタンがあるので注文してみたら、実際にはカルビスープの肉抜き、というおよそ韓国料理を真っ向から否定したものが提供された。 片田舎の地域密着型だから赦されているのだろうが、まともな料理店なら恥ずかしくてメニューから消すような話だろう。 どうせ味がわからないだろうからと慢心しているのだろうが、牛肉と鱈の違いくらいはさすがにわかる。 そして「大邸湯」と「大口湯」の違いも理解している。だとしたら、野菜たっぷりとかの説明文の前に書いておくことあるだろ、と思わざるをえない。 だいたい「大邸湯だから」と言い張るなら別にそれでもいいが、それならとろみもなければ肉がほぼ入ってないとかどうなんだろう、って話になるわけで。 これからも私のような嫌な客ではない、優しい方々に支えられて続けていけたらいいですね、と思う。
The exterior and interior look like a folk art izakaya, but it's actually a traditional yakiniku restaurant in the area. The quality of the meat is so good that it is delicious, but there are few types. Probably because it is not buying one, there is almost no internal organs and no toppings. There are not many types of sake. It is a style that denies many items because it specializes in standard meat quality too much. And probably because it's Japanese beef, the price is quite high. Although it can not be helped because the meat quality is good, it can be said that the cost performance is very poor. The fatal thing is Tegtan, so when I ordered it, I was offered something that was a direct denial of Korean food, which was actually meatless rib soup. It may be forgiven because it is a community-based restaurant in the countryside, but it would be embarrassing to remove it from the menu at a decent restaurant. I'm proud that I don't know the taste anyway, but I can tell the difference between beef and cod. I also understand the difference between "Oyayu" and "Oguchiyu". If so, I have to think that I should write it before the explanation such as plenty of vegetables. Generally, if you insist that it's a mansion hot water, that's fine, but if it's not thick, it's probably because there's almost no meat in it. I hope I can continue to be supported by kind people who are not unpleasant customers like me.
宮崎祐二 on Google

特上じゃなくて普通のロースが最高に美味い❗️1250円だったら安い? サーロイン 250グラム3500円は僕には油っぽかったです?
Ordinary loin is the best, not the special ❗️ 1250 yen is cheap ? Sirloin 250 grams 3500 yen was oily to me ?
Isa T on Google

駅から近いし車でも駅前ロータリーのコインパーキングがあるので行きやすいお店です。 何故だか解らないのですが看板が外れてたので少し戸惑いました。 ロースも質が良くタレも濃過ぎないので、幾らでも食べれる気がします 上タン塩も厚切りなのに軟らかくて酒のお供に最高でした! 他にもミノやホルモン、クッパ等頂きましたが普通です 勝手なイメージですが、家族で腹一杯食べるお店と言うより、気の合う仲間と少し良い肉とお酒を楽しむお店だと感じました
It is easy to reach because it is close to the station and there is a coin parking lot in front of the station even if you drive. I don't know why, but I was a little confused because the signboard was off. The loin is of good quality and the sauce is not too thick, so I feel like I can eat as much as I want. Even though the beef tongue salt was thickly sliced, it was soft and was the best companion for sake! I also received mino, hormones, bowser, etc., but it is normal. It's a selfish image, but I felt that it was a restaurant where you can enjoy a little good meat and sake with your friends, rather than a restaurant where you can eat full with your family.
小関真美 on Google

レバーはここのしか食べられません❗ ロースの塩、絶品です? サッと炙るだけでいただけます? お肉もとっても美味しいのですが、店主ご夫妻の人柄がとっても良くって、20年以上のお付き合いです‼️
Liver can only be eaten here ❗ Loin salt is excellent ? Just roast it quickly ? The meat is delicious, but the owner and his wife have a very good personality and have been with us for over 20 years! ️

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