奥明日香天空展望台 - Takaichi District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奥明日香天空展望台

住所 :

Nyudani, Asuka, Takaichi District, 〒634-0125 Nara,Japan

Postal code : 634-0125
街 : Nara

Nyudani, Asuka, Takaichi District, 〒634-0125 Nara,Japan
雲外蒼天123 on Google

Mt. Kongo, Mt. Katsuragi, Mt. Nijo. You can see well from Gojo City to Kashiba City. With free binoculars, you can see Abeno Harukas big. You can see the ruins of Takatori Castle slightly above the valley (you can't see the stone walls). Looking at the "memorial graffiti book" on the observatory, there were records of people walking from the stone stage and parents and children climbing on bicycles. Everything was fun and I wrote a soliloquy. You can park your car to the observatory and walk about 600m, but the wonderful scenery will blow you away. Please try climbing on a sunny day. When the cherry blossoms are in bloom, it's Taoyuan Township. The observatory is small, so let's casually move the place when the next person comes. If you use a motorcycle, you can come right under the observatory, but please run quietly.
kan mak on Google

The sky observatory has an image of a 360-degree view, but you can only see 120 to 150 degrees in the west and northwest angles. The north, east and south are surrounded by mountains with higher altitudes than here. No matter what, you can't just call it the sky. It must be a place overlooking from heaven. The view from the city and the passing pass that you don't have to bother to get stuck. It's a place that I attached because there was a panoramic view behind the shrine's office. Disappointed Asuka, yesterday incense. Past incense.
夏喜多らっこ on Google

The road to get here was steep. I feel like I can sleep well with my nerves. (Lol)
Hiroshi Okawa on Google

There is no private parking lot or parking lot, so it is about 400m on foot after parking in the "Iriya district parking space" on the way.
〇ぶろんこ on Google

Located in the precincts of Oniho Shrine, the view is good. You can see Mt. Nijo and Mt. Katsuragi in the distance. There are also free binoculars. There is also a notebook that people who stop by can write freely, so it will be a memorable one.
ベラガシラ on Google

駐車場からかなり急な坂を登ります。 トイレはありません。石舞台周辺で済ましておいた方がよろしいかと。 登るのに少し大変ですが、天空への道のりとして楽しめると思います。
Climb a fairly steep slope from the parking lot. There is no toilet. I wonder if it's better to finish around the stone stage. It's a little difficult to climb, but I think you can enjoy it as a way to the sky.
華凜 on Google

山に呑み込まれるかと思うくらい山が⛰?迫ってきました。失礼だけど、山しか⛰ないこの山に来るのは私たちだけでしょ。と思っていたら、続々とバイク?の方たちが。皆さん景色を楽しみに来られた様です。駐車場から約500メートル歩くと山頂に。山頂までの景色も「おばあちゃん?家に帰って来た〜?」って感じです。のどかだ〜。 山頂から見る景色は「残したい日本の風景」ですね。 駐車場までの道沿いには綺麗な小川が流れていて、「知る人ぞ知る。知ってる人はラッキー?」という感じのちょーど、子どもを安全に遊ばせられる大きさと水の綺麗さでした。数家族がテントを張って水遊びをしてました
The mountain is approaching ⛰? so much that I think it will be swallowed by the mountain. Excuse me, but we are the only ones to come to this mountain, which has only mountains. If you think, motorcycles ? one after another. Everyone seems to have come to look forward to the scenery. Walk about 500 meters from the parking lot to the top of the mountain. The view to the top of the mountain is like "Grandma ? I'm back home ~ ?". It's peaceful ~. The scenery seen from the top of the mountain is "the scenery of Japan that you want to keep". A beautiful stream runs along the road to the parking lot, and it feels like "People who know it. Those who know it are lucky ?", but it was big enough for children to play safely and the water was beautiful. .. Several families set up tents and played in the water
Hitoshi Hasegawa on Google

ロードバイクで登ったので一番上まで登れたが、車の場合は500mほど下の駐車場に置いて歩いてかなりの急坂を登っていかなければならない 展望台は広くなく、西側だけが開けていて見晴らしが良い 行楽地でよく見かける100円を入れて使う望遠鏡が無料で使えるので天気が良くて見通しが良ければアベノハルカスを見ることが出来るようだ 訪れたときは天気は良かったがPM2.5の影響なのか見通しは悪く、金剛山や葛城山はボンヤリとしか見えなかったのが残念だった
Since I climbed on a road bike, I could climb to the top, but in the case of a car, I have to put it in the parking lot about 500 m below and walk up a fairly steep slope. The observatory is not wide, only the west side is open and the view is good You can use the telescope that you often see in resorts for 100 yen for free, so if the weather is good and the outlook is good, you can see Abeno Harukas. When I visited, the weather was good, but the outlook was poor, probably because of PM2.5, and it was a pity that I could only see Mt. Kongo and Mt. Katsuragi.

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