そば処 水車(くるまや)

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処 水車(くるまや)

住所 :

Numakoshi, Aizubange, Kawanuma District, 〒969-6512 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Numakoshi, Aizubange, Kawanuma District, 〒969-6512 Fukushima,Japan
にゃんにゃん on Google

When I got to my seat and asked for an order, I asked him to wait for a while, but he said he had no choice but to have tempura. .. Because of that, it didn't feel as delicious as everyone's evaluation.
手塚和浩 on Google

再訪。何故かと言うと、大好きだから。 特盛り(三人前)も、平日のみ新設されていた。 相変わらず美味い。
Revisited. Because I love it. A special serving (for three people) was also newly established only on weekdays. It's still delicious.
ジョナサンフェルナンド on Google

福島県内の蕎麦屋を求めて 来店しました。 小さな集落の中にポツンとあるため 初見さんはビックリすると思います。 天ざる蕎麦を注文しました。 量が多いのも選べるようです。 見た目はおそうめんそのもの。 最重要蕎麦評価項目の香りは期待できない と、確信しました。 喉越しは最高に良いのですが なんせ香りが皆無。 まだ、福島県内では私好みの 蕎麦に出会えてません。
In search of a soba restaurant in Fukushima Prefecture I came to the store. Because there is a pop in a small village I think Hatsumi will be surprised. I ordered Tenzaru Soba. It seems that you can also choose a large amount. It looks like somen noodles. The aroma of the most important soba evaluation item cannot be expected I was convinced. The throat is the best There is no scent. Still my favorite in Fukushima prefecture I can't meet soba.
食べ歩き―料理人 on Google

味も美味しく頂きました。 少々コスパ的にお高めかと思いました
The taste was delicious. I thought it was a little expensive in terms of cost performance
加納浩示 on Google

The second time I visited the restaurant two years ago, the taste and atmosphere did not change and it felt good. The difficulty is that you are 500km away from your house.
aki t. on Google

I ate a large serving of Tenzaru. It's a little expensive! ?? The amount of soba is large.
k S on Google

蕎麦は十割だけを食べて育ったので此方の様な蕎麦は口に合いません。そうめんの様に細く蕎麦の味もなければ香りもない…。二八蕎麦の味…。でもそんな蕎麦でも美味しいと感じる人達がいる事を知りましたので口コミは書き直させて頂きました。 只10割でもない蕎麦に水蕎麦を提供するのは間違ってると思う! 店内は隣近所のおばちゃんが手伝ってる感じでアットホームな感じと言えば聞こえはいいけど村の手伝いみたいな雰囲気です。なので店員の教育は出来てません。 天ざるの値段は高めでした。
Soba is grown by eating only 100%, so soba like this one doesn't taste good. It's thin like somen noodles and has no soba taste or aroma. The taste of 28 buckwheat noodles ... However, I learned that there are people who find such soba delicious, so I rewrote the word of mouth. I think it is wrong to provide water soba for soba that is not only 100%! The inside of the store is like helping an aunt in the neighborhood, and although it sounds good to say that it feels at home, it feels like helping a village. So I can't educate the clerk. The price of Tenzaru was high.
Sanae T on Google

Cold soba noodles made from 100% buckwheat flour, very good!

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