地粉十割 手打そば処 観音茶屋

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 地粉十割 手打そば処 観音茶屋

住所 :

Nozawa, Nishiaizu, Yama District, 〒969-4406 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.nct.ne.jp/kannon/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Nozawa, Nishiaizu, Yama District, 〒969-4406 Fukushima,Japan
アイヅアイ on Google

口コミにひかれて土曜日(2020/9/5)、11時の開店直後に伺いました。道路から少し下ったところに古民家利用のお店があります。入るとすぐに囲炉裏があり、中はかなり広いです。竹林に囲まれ、いい雰囲気です。もり蕎麦と焼き団子をお願いしました。お蕎麦は十分香りが感じられ、たれも私好みの甘めです。お団子ひと串、おっきいです!味噌だれ少し濃いめですが、おいしかったです。ご主人とのお話も楽しませていただきました。新蕎麦は11月からということで、また行きます。近くの道の駅でも食べられるそうですが、こちらの方がゆっくり色々楽しめそうです。 2020/11/20、楽しみにしていた新蕎麦を食べに行きました。薪ストーブの炎がいい感じです。静かで暖かくて、ガラス戸の外の竹林を見てずっと過ごしたいくらいです。蕎麦の香り、天婦羅それぞれの素材のふわふわ、カリカリ、ホクホクした食感に満足して帰ってきました。真冬は 近くの道の駅でしか食べられないそうです。やはり、本店?!のあの雰囲気の中で食べるのが一番でしょうね。 2022/4/8、冬季休業明けのお店に行ってきました。4/1から開けたそうです。相変わらずお蕎麦の香り、こし、冷たさ、締まり具合が良く、春の開店を待って伺った甲斐がありました。かわいらしい若いフキノトウの天婦羅は外はカリカリ、中はふわふわで、本当においしかったです。昼前からどんどんお客さんが入ってきました。ごちそうさまでした。
I visited the store on Saturday (September 5, 2020) immediately after the store opened at 11:00 because of word of mouth. There is a shop for old folk houses just down the road. As soon as you enter, there is a hearth, and the inside is quite large. Surrounded by bamboo grove, it has a nice atmosphere. I asked for Mori soba and grilled dumplings. The soba has a good aroma, and the sauce is my favorite sweetness. One skewer of dumplings is big! The miso sauce was a little dark, but it was delicious. I also enjoyed talking with my husband. New soba will be back in November. It seems that you can eat it at the nearby roadside station, but it seems that you can enjoy various things more slowly here. On 2020/11/20, I went to eat the new soba that I was looking forward to. The flame of the wood stove is nice. It's quiet and warm, and I want to spend a lot of time looking at the bamboo grove outside the glass door. I am satisfied with the scent of buckwheat noodles, the fluffy, crispy, and chewy texture of each tempura material. Midwinter It seems that you can only eat at the nearby roadside station. After all, the main store? !! It's best to eat in that atmosphere. On April 8, 2022, I went to a shop after the winter holidays. It seems that it opened from 4/1. As usual, the aroma, stiffness, coldness, and tightness of the soba noodles were good, and it was worth the wait for the store to open in the spring. The cute young tempura of Fukinoto was crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, and it was really delicious. More and more customers came in from before noon. Thank you for the meal.
森和彦 on Google

It is a soba restaurant with a simple feeling that stands quietly next to Nyohoji Kannon. There is a wood stove and a hearth end, so it's very healing. The soba noodles, which are both chewy and fragrant, are also delicious. The soup is a little sweet, but I liked it.
松田康彦 on Google

It doesn't matter if it's delicious! I forgot that I should have ordered after waiting for an hour and a half. What was it? ⁉️ People who entered the store after us are eating 3 groups ahead ❗ I don't want to go to such a store again! ‼ ️It's the first time in my work experience! ️I'm sorry for the store's grandma, is there such a store that the owner doesn't even apologize for? ️ A fun day drive is an interesting end! ️
l s on Google

It was my first time to visit the neighboring prefecture on weekdays. He politely guided me to "the seat of my choice" and enjoyed the fire of the fireplace and the nature outside the window at the seat near the fireplace. It was September, but the fireplace was set on fire because it was a little chilly. I had tempura soba, but the soba was very beautiful and the tempura was crispy. The amount of soba and tempura was plentiful enough to make me happy. The soup stock was soup stock and it went well with soba noodles. He was a very kind husband who also took care of the accompanying dog. I'm talking with my family to come back again.
sadab 2 on Google

平日の14時前に訪問しました。 駐車場から小路を下った店内は、薪ストーブ・囲炉裏・竹林・小さな池?があり、カエルの鳴き声が聞こえ癒される時間が訪れます❗️ オーダーは、天ぷらそば大盛(冷)、連れ2人は普通盛!(温も有ります) 天ぷらは塩でいただくタイプで、揚げたてサクサク??️✨各素材もホクホク・ふわふわに仕上がり good?です❗️ そばは10割で、香り良く甘味が有りますね?コシも良く歯応え喉越しが抜群‼️美味しい♥️ 浸けダレは甘味が有、山葵と葱が旨味を倍増させます❗ ご馳走様でした? 新そばと山菜の季節にリピしたいです。 店を出る際に店主さんが見送りに来てくれて、気さくに話かけてくださいました! 有難う??️?
I visited before 14:00 on weekdays. Inside the store down the alley from the parking lot is a wood stove, hearth, bamboo grove, small pond? There will be a time when you can hear the frog's bark and be healed ❗️ The order is tempura soba large serving (cold), and two companions are normal serving! (There is also warmth) Tempura is a type of salt that is freshly fried and crispy ??️✨ Each material is also fluffy and fluffy and good ? ❗️ Soba is 100%, and it has a nice fragrance and sweetness. ️ Delicious ♥ ️ The soaked sauce has a sweet taste, and the wasabi and green onions double the umami ❗ It was a treat ? I want to repeat the season of new soba and edible wild plants. When I left the store, the owner came to see me off and talked to me kindly! Thank you ??️?
ふなふな on Google

11月 新そば 靴を脱いで店内に入る。思っていたより広い。てんぷらそば。天ぷらそばを注文する人は多かった。出てくるのは時間がかかった。そばをかむと歯ごたえと風味があり、おいしかった。
November Shinsoba Take off your shoes and enter the store. Wider than I expected. Tempura soba. Many people ordered tempura soba. It took time to come out. When I chewed the buckwheat, it was chewy and flavorful, and it was delicious.
jun jun_jun_ on Google

混むのを予測して開店時に伺い新蕎麦頂きました✨いやぁ〜うまい?古民家風の建物内には囲炉裏や暖炉があり雰囲気? ご主人、奥さんもとても気さくな方で居心地最高? またリピートしたいお蕎麦屋さんです?
I expected it to be crowded and asked for new soba noodles at the time of opening ✨ No, it's delicious ? There is a hearth and a fireplace in the old folk house style building ? My husband and wife are also very friendly and comfortable ? It's a soba restaurant that I want to repeat again ?
小川智男 on Google

高遠蕎麦大盛りいただきました 写真の通り雰囲気の有るお店で、とても丁重なご主人、好感度、高です 茹でが絶品、好みです。今度は新蕎麦で食べたい‼️駐車場向かいには、ここと北海道にしか展示されていない歴戦のラッセル車が佇んでいましたよ❣️
I had a large serving of Takato soba As you can see in the picture, the restaurant has an atmosphere, and it has a very polite husband, good taste, and high quality. Boiled is excellent and I like it. I want to eat with new soba this time! ️ Opposite the parking lot, there was a veteran wedge plow that was exhibited only here and in Hokkaido ❣️

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