Norden - Funabashi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Norden

住所 :

6 Chome-5-1 Yakuendai, Funabashi, Chiba 274-0077, Japan

Postal code : 274-0077

6 Chome-5-1 Yakuendai, Funabashi, Chiba 274-0077, Japan
Yuuri S on Google

Delicious homemade bread shop. The price is reasonable, and it feels like a lot. There is no eat-in space. We also sell baked goods such as rusk
おじょこ on Google

今まで他の石窯パンに行ってましたが こちらに久々に行ったら美味しくて 鞍替えしよっかなーと思いました。 アンパンマンのチョコパンが美味しい。 子供も大喜びしてたし、お土産にも喜ばれそう。 クリームパンがおすすめですよ!
I used to go to other stone oven bread It ’s delicious when I go here after a long time I thought I should change the saddle. Anpanman's chocolate bread is delicious. The kids were overjoyed and they would be happy with the souvenirs. Cream bun is recommended!
Mi Su on Google

Delicious……! !! I think there are many breads that have a simple taste and can be eaten by small children. However, there are also authentic bakeries that adults can enjoy! I love cinnamon rolls, but this cinnamon roll was a delicious cinnamon roll that makes you want to match it with bitter coffee. I will go again. The little girl clerk was very cute!
K ISA on Google

道路の方まで、甘いかおりが漂ってきて、ついつい中にはいってしまいました。 お腹もすいていたので、もう、どれもみんな食べたい!ところでしたが、この四点を購入。 今月おすすめの、ダブルショコラ?ごめんなさい、なまえがうろおぼえです。チョコレートクリームがたっぷりで、大満足でした。
A sweet scent drifted to the road, and I just went inside. I was hungry, so I want to eat all! By the way, I bought these four points. ―― Double chocolate recommended this month? I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the name. I was very satisfied with the plenty of chocolate cream.
kt on Google

It's okay to be close to my house, but it didn't suit my taste because there seemed to be a lot of light bread. If you like hard and chunky bread, another store may be a good choice. The customer service and the atmosphere of the store are good.
chan na on Google

小さなまちのパン屋さんです。 ベビーカーより抱っこひもでいくのが◎。 チーパス提示でポイントが2倍つきます。 店内はコンパクトですが、どれも美味しい。定期的に新作(毎年恒例のものも)が出ているので飽きません。 お惣菜系では緑黄色野菜の豆腐ハンバーガーがおすすめ。野菜もたくさん入っていて子どもにも食べさせやすく助かっています。 おやつ系ですと、甘さ控えめボーロやドーナツ、小ぶりのアップルパイなど子ども向けも充実。 大人は季節の果物(みかん、いちご、マンゴーなど)のパイが甘すぎず(クリームはあっさり系)大好きです。 こちらのおやつパンは胃もたれしません! スタッフさんはおじさま、おばさまでやられているようです。 お二人共、子連れに優しく気軽に立ち寄れます。 長く続いてほしいお店です。 【2022年2月追記】 緑黄色野菜の豆腐ハンバーガーがなくなってしまったようです。残念です。
It's a bakery in a small town. It is ◎ to go with a carrying strap rather than a stroller. You will get double points when you show your Chipas. The inside of the store is compact, but they are all delicious. New works (including annual ones) are released regularly, so I never get tired of it. For side dishes, we recommend the tofu hamburger, which is a green-yellow vegetable. It also contains a lot of vegetables, which makes it easy for children to eat. For snacks, there are plenty of children's items such as bolo, donuts, and small apple pies that are less sweet. Adults love seasonal fruit (mandarin oranges, strawberries, mangoes, etc.) pies that are not too sweet (the cream is light). This snack bread does not cause stomach upset! The staff seems to have been killed by uncle and aunt. Both of you can drop in easily and kindly with your children. It is a shop that I want you to continue for a long time. [Updated in February 2022] It seems that the tofu hamburger of green and yellow vegetables is gone. I'm sorry.
遠藤広正 on Google

船橋市の新京成線「薬園台」駅から、西友がある方へ178mの場所に2007年12月25日開業した焼きたてパン屋さんの個店です。 「心と体にやさしいパン」をモットーに、店主こだわりの材料を使い、富士山の溶岩窯で毎日1つ1つ丁寧にふんわりと焼き上げているとの事。 特にカレーパンのカレーや、クリームパンのカスタードクリームなどは自家製のものを使っているらしく、この店自慢のオススメ人気パンなのですが・・・ 今回は人気ナンバーワンのカレーパン(180円+税)と、ナンバー2のメロンパン(160円+税)、そして飲物に伊藤園の紙パック入りリンゴジュース(100円+税)を購入。 やっぱり焼き立てパンは美味しいですよね・・・先ずは「軽さ」が全然違う! 基本「ふんわり」しているけれど、単に柔らかいだけでなく、しっかりと生地の伸びと「しっとり感」もあって、既製品とは別格だという事が1口食べただけで解りますね。 普段は津田沼パルコ地下に出品された、こちらのお店のパンを半額購入ばかりしてゴメンナサイ♪
This is a private store of a freshly baked bakery that opened on December 25, 2007, 178m from Seiyu Station on the Shin-Keisei Line in Funabashi City to the direction of Seiyu. With the motto "Bread that is kind to the mind and body," the shop owner's special ingredients are used, and each one is carefully and softly baked in a lava kiln on Mt. Fuji every day. Especially the curry of curry bread and custard cream of cream bun seem to use homemade ones, so it is a recommended popular bread that this shop is proud of ... This time, I bought the most popular curry bread (180 yen + tax), the number 2 melon bread (160 yen + tax), and Itoen's paper-packed apple juice (100 yen + tax) for drinks. After all, freshly baked bread is delicious, isn't it? First of all, the "lightness" is completely different! Although it is basically "fluffy", it is not only soft, but also has a firm stretch of the dough and a "moist feeling", so you can see that it is different from ready-made products just by eating a bite. I'm sorry to buy the bread from this shop, which was usually exhibited in the basement of Tsudanuma Parco, at half price.
Tristan Sill on Google

A good bakery with prices which are comparable to other bakeries. Some unique breads can be found here, and the pond in the park across the street allows for some fine eating.

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