香港旬彩 朋 (中華料理) - Akashi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 香港旬彩 朋 (中華料理)

住所 :

Nonoue, Akashi, 〒673-0017 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 673-0017
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Nonoue, Akashi, 〒673-0017 Hyogo,Japan
大迎文子 on Google

The cooking course was delicious, but the shop was a little cold, and the people at the shop didn't smile! ️
あこ on Google

春巻きが美味しかった! ですが、若めのメンツで行ったからか、店員さんがとても高圧的な態度に感じました。個室に案内してもらったのはいいものの…なんだか落ち着きませんでした。
The spring rolls were delicious! However, I felt that the clerk had a very high-pressure attitude, probably because I went there with young men. It was nice to be guided to a private room, but ... I wasn't calm.
食いしん坊万歳(GRX130) on Google

美味しい中華がいただけます('◇')ゞ 個人的には「朋~特製玉子春巻き」は外せません! 「いろいろ野菜のさっぱり炒め、海鮮のあつあつ土鍋おこげ」は妻のお気に入りでいつも変わらぬ塩加減が絶妙です!
You can have delicious Chinese food ('◇')ゞ Personally, I can't remove "Tomo-special egg spring roll"! "Fried various vegetables, hot seafood hot pot Okokoge" is my wife's favorite, and the saltiness is always the same!
Shohei Tanaka on Google

よく贔屓にさせて貰っているお店です。 値段も手頃でランチによく使っています。 西明石界隈の中華料理屋さんでは個人的にはオススメの一店です。 ランチが、色々な品を食べれて美味しくて、海老マヨがとてもお気に入りです。水餃子も美味しいし、天津も。
It is a shop that is often favored. The price is reasonable and I often use it for lunch. It is a recommended restaurant personally in the Chinese restaurant near Nishiakashi. Lunch is delicious, eating various items, and I really like shrimp mayo. The dumplings are delicious, and the Tianjin.
くまきち on Google

I used it for lunch. The main choice was lunch, and this time we chose "Marumaru sweet and sour pork". I chose porridge this time because I could choose rice or porridge. Salad, soup, today's dish, main dish, rice, and drink are included, and ¥ 1,000 including tax is a great deal! The "main round Maruma vinegared pork" was fried with the meat rounded, so it was softer and tastier than the raw meat. The overall taste was gentle, and the shop was comfortable and friendly (* ´∇` *)
m m on Google

久しぶりの中華、美味しかったです。 写真のほかに貝柱のお粥食べましたが、すごく美味しかったです。 唐揚げも柔らかくてまた食べたい。 お値段はお昼の方がお得なのかな。 夜はお昼の半量になるものもありました。 唐揚げや酢豚、貝柱のお粥はまた食べたいので行きたいです。
It's been a long time since the Chinese food was delicious. I ate the porridge of the scallop in addition to the picture, but it was very delicious. The fried chicken is also soft and I want to eat it again. Is the price better for lunch? Some nights were half as much as lunch. I want to go to fried chicken, sweet and sour pork, and porridge made of scallop again.
デブレパ on Google

お友達カップルとディナー。彼女のおすすめで訪問。お腹が空いてたので、気分で色々オーダーした。彼女のオススメの野菜炒め、めちゃ美味しい。どれも美味しかったけど、点心があちゃ〜?熱いの分かってるから、皮に切れ込み入れて肉汁出して。さースープすするぞ〜! ん?全く熱くない。熱いどころかぬるい。味も ん?って感じ。皆同感。でも、他は美味しくいただきました。お酒の種類も多く、選ぶのも楽しい☺️
Dinner with a couple of friends. A visit by her recommendation. I was hungry, so I ordered in my mood. Stir fried vegetables recommended by her, very delicious. It was delicious, but I knew that it was so hot, so I put some cuts in the skin and put out the meat juice. I'm going to do some soup! It's not hot at all. It's not hot and it's warm. Is it taste? I feel like that. Everyone agrees. But the others were delicious. There are many types of liquor and it is fun to choose
Yuk K.N on Google

For lunch when you want a little extravagance. The deliciousness and volume of cospa satisfaction. It makes me happy when cute dishes on beautiful porcelain are lined up on the table. The service is good, and it's easy to spend a relaxing Chinese coordination in the store.

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