Nojima - Tsuchiura

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nojima

住所 :

イオンモール土浦 367番 1F Kamitakatsu, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 300-0811
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

イオンモール土浦 367番 1F Kamitakatsu, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0811, Japan
安田恵美 on Google

HITACHIのヘルシーシェフ(電子レンジ)を購入しました。使っていたレンジが不調になったためノジマへ見に行ったのですが担当してくれたスタッフさんの説明が分かりやすくて使い勝手もいいレンジを紹介してくれました。 色々料理のレパートリーも増えそうなので使うのが楽しみです!車までレンジを運んでくれたのも嬉しかったです。ありがとうございました!またノジマに行きます!
I bought a healthy chef (microwave oven) from HITACHI. I went to Nojima to see the range I was using because it wasn't working properly, but the staff in charge introduced me to a range that was easy to understand and easy to use. I'm looking forward to using it as the repertoire of various dishes is likely to increase! I was happy that he brought the range to the car. thank you! I will go to Nojima again!
藤田幸雄 on Google

I went looking for a laptop. I looked around the exhibits, but I couldn't understand the difference between them. To ask the clerk who was by the side. We asked them to answer detailed questions carefully and consult with us about loans. Thank you for providing various plans. Thank you for responding without dislike. I would like to continue to attend. Thank you Mr. Shikaki ?
松下修也 on Google

家電を買いにきました。配送無料で設置は有料と言っていました。 他のお店を見てきて、ノジマにしようと再来店したところ、配送有料とのことでした。 店員によって言ってることが違うなんて信用出来ません。再来店も無駄足になりました。 二度と利用したくありません。 イオンにも来たくなくなる程不快に感じました。
I came to buy home appliances. He said that the delivery is free and the installation is charged. When I visited another store and came back to try to make it Nojima, it was said that there was a charge for delivery. I can't trust that what the clerk says is different. Returning to the store was also a waste. I don't want to use it again. I felt so uncomfortable that I didn't want to come to Aeon.
eiji tamatsukuri on Google

元旦に洗濯機を購入しました。 1月8日に配送、設置をお願いして1週間が経ちましたが、いまのところ順調に作動しております。約9年使用した洗濯機の経年劣化(モーターからの異音)による買い替えです。 ノジマオリジナルモデル5kg縦型を選びました。 1. 標準使用水量が約80リットルの節水タイプ(他の同型は120リットル が多い) 2.標準的なモデルより高さが低く設計されていてドラムが大きいた め洗濯物の出し入れがしやすい。 3.音が静か。→ 洗濯機のモーター音は昔からうるさいものだと思 っていましたが、この機種の静かな作動音には驚きました。 機種選定→配送設置料→在庫確認→ノジマアプリ登録→配送設置予定日决定→保証内容説明→配送業者からの連絡時間確認→料金支払。 この一連の流れがとてもスムーズで、親切丁寧な対応をしていただき ありがとうございました。担当してくれた冨島さんに感謝します。 いままで、家電量販店やホームセンターで生活家電を購入してきましたが、今回の購入に感じたノジマさんの接客対応は素晴らしく、新年早々 気持ちいい買い物ができました。繰り返しますが、ここまで親切丁寧な対応をしてくれたお店はノジマさんだけです。 この先、電子レンジと冷蔵庫が買い替えの時期が近づいています。 冨島さん、その時はまたお世話になります。よろしくお願いします。 長文失礼いたしました。
I bought a washing machine on New Year's Day. It's been a week since I asked for delivery and installation on January 8, but it's working fine so far. It is a replacement by purchase due to aged deterioration (abnormal noise from the motor) of the washing machine that has been used for about 9 years. I chose Nojima original model 5kg vertical type. 1. Water-saving type with standard water consumption of about 80 liters (120 liters for other types of the same type) (Many) 2. Designed to be lower in height than the standard model and had a larger drum Therefore, it is easy to put in and take out the laundry. 3. 3. The sound is quiet. → I think the motor noise of the washing machine has always been noisy. However, I was surprised at the quiet operation sound of this model. Model selection → Delivery installation fee → Inventory check → Nojima application registration → Delivery installation schedule decision → Guarantee content explanation → Contact time confirmation from the delivery company → Fee payment. This series of flow is very smooth, and you are kind and polite. Thank you very much. I would like to thank Mr. Tomishima for taking charge. Until now, I have purchased home appliances at home electronics stores and home improvement stores, but Nojima's customer service that I felt with this purchase was wonderful, and it was early in the new year. I was able to shop comfortably. Again, Nojima is the only shop that has been so kind and polite. In the future, it is almost time to replace the microwave oven and refrigerator. Mr. Tomishima, thank you again for your help at that time. Thank you. Excuse me for the long message.
姫華 on Google

Tsuguihito Amino on Google

good prices and great service with friendly attendants
Mohamed W Negm on Google

Thank you so much for continuous help. I appreciate your friendly treat!
Don Futaba on Google

If you are in a pinch at the mall to get small electronics, this is great. I feel that the selection of larger appliances is better at other places simply because of the size of this location. Still, conveniently located at the mall, this place has been pretty useful for me. I have not compared prices between stores, so I cannot comment on that.

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