Nogyoya Owari - Inazawa

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nogyoya Owari

住所 :

Washio-13-2 Heiwacho, Inazawa, Aichi 490-1305, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 490-1305
Webサイト :

Washio-13-2 Heiwacho, Inazawa, Aichi 490-1305, Japan
一男大宮 on Google

I think it's good to use agricultural equipment for seeds and agriculture.
小粥重男 on Google

接客マナーが大変良いでした。 道具の修理の知識もなかなかのものでした。 草刈り機やチェンソーも何でも即対応 たすかりました!
The service manner was very good. The knowledge of repairing tools was quite good. Immediate support for mowers and chainsaws It saved me!
犬飼明彦 on Google

Polite capacity, very good.
大ちゃん on Google

店員さんの接客は問題無いし、品揃えは良かった。でも、気になる点があった。 プラグトレーとポットの間に葉が挟まり折れてるのがあった。胡瓜の苗は、他の苗につるが絡み付いてたり、茎が折れてたりしてた。
There was no problem with the customer service of the clerk, and the product lineup was good. But there was something I was worried about. There was a leaf caught between the plug tray and the pot and it was broken. The gourd seedlings had vines entwined with other seedlings and had broken stems.
渡邊理恵子 on Google

There are not so many kinds of flowers, but they are good value.
市來正博 on Google

ホームセンターの園芸売場を数件まわっても、お気に入りがなかったので来店しました! と、昨年口コミ書きましたが 今年も やはり近場のホームセンター3件程回っても納得出来ず、遠くても来て正解でした。 数量と種類多く満足です。
I visited the gardening department of the home improvement store because I didn't have any favorites! I wrote a word of mouth last year, but I wasn't convinced even if I visited three nearby home improvement stores this year, and even if I came far away, the answer was correct. I am satisfied with the quantity and variety.
すみっちょ暮らし on Google

The clerk was a kind person and taught me various things.
I Ito on Google

地元のプロ農家と園芸愛好家のお店と言う感じです。 売り場は段差が多く、カートが無い(台車はあります)ので、弱者には、とても不便で、そこが改善されれば☆4はつけたい所です。 店の展示は、昭和的で、店名に似つかわしく、とても良い雰囲気です。 農業機材の横に、駄菓子!(喜
It's like a shop for local professional farmers and gardening enthusiasts. The sales floor has many steps and there is no cart (there is a dolly), so it is very inconvenient for the weak, and if that is improved, I would like to add ☆ 4. The store's exhibits are Showa-era, similar to the store name, and have a very nice atmosphere. Next to the agricultural equipment, candy! (Happiness

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