
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ニュー栄

住所 :

Noda, Katori, 〒289-0314 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878889
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Noda, Katori, 〒289-0314 Chiba,Japan
渡部篤 on Google

2ヶ月に1度 母親の薬をもらいに石橋医院というところへ母親を連れて行くんですがその時に昼間ニュー栄さんへ食事に行きます。 自分は揚げたてのアジフライと麻婆定食をよく食べます❗ それと小見川町の名物でカレーラーメンとカレー焼きそばがあるのを去年 知りまして両方食べましたが個人的にはカレーラーメンが大好きです? 具は玉ねぎの刻んだのと挽肉がタップリとナルトが2つですが美味しいですよ☺️ 車の運転じゃなければ酒が飲みたくなりますよ? テイクアウトでポテトフライやメンチとか唐揚げ・餃子を頼んだりもします。 若い夫婦の店主さんも優しい雰囲気で良いですよ?
Once every two months, I take my mother to Ishibashi Clinic to get her medicine, but at that time I go to eat at New Sakae in the daytime. I often eat freshly fried Aji fry and mapo tofu ❗ Last year I learned that there are curry ramen and curry fried noodles, which are specialties of Omigawa town, and I ate both, but I personally love curry ramen ? The ingredients are chopped onions, minced meat and Naruto, but they are delicious ☺️ If you're not driving a car, you'll want to drink ? At takeout, I also order potato fries, minced meat, fried chicken, and dumplings. The owner of a young couple is also nice with a gentle atmosphere ?
路地裏の少年02 on Google

開店時間を待って入店する客が3人。地元の町中華って感じのお店。 小見川名物のカレーラーメン(650円税込)と半チャーハンをいただく。少々モッタリ気味のスープが美味い。 再訪してカツ丼クラブリサーチに徹した。 日替わりメニューに〆サバやカツオ刺し身(各650円税込)などもあるが、飲酒率は高いのか?
There are three customers who wait for the opening time to enter the store. A shop that feels like Chinese food in the local town. We will have Omigawa's specialty curry ramen (650 yen including tax) and half fried rice. The slightly moist soup is delicious. I revisited and devoted myself to Katsudon club research. The daily menu includes mackerel and bonito sashimi (650 yen each including tax), but is the drunk rate high?
田舎のタッキー on Google

Curry fried noodles & hamukatsu was delicious
abu yuji on Google

開店当初から、来店している店です。 小見川に、昔あった力根食堂のラーメンの味を残す最後のお店です。 親父さんが経営していた、栄食堂が閉店してしまったので、がっかりしています。 久しぶりのネギチャーシュー麺です。 前は、呑んだ後の締めによく食べてました。 カレーラーメン、カレー焼きそばがオリジナリティがあり旨いと思います。 ただ食堂メニューの焼肉定食やレバニラ、肉ニラ、炒め物がおすすめです。 ラーメンは和風の味で、力根は蕎麦もあったので、その流れでしょうか。 広華と並ぶ小見川の味です。 店長夫婦はまだ若いので、これからも長く味わえそうです。 美味しく、スープを飲み干して ご馳走さまでした。 美味しかったです?
It is a store that has been visited since the opening. This is the last restaurant in Omigawa that retains the taste of ramen from the old Rikine Shokudo. I'm disappointed because the Eishokudo, which my father ran, has closed. It's been a long time since I've had green onion pork noodles. Before, I used to eat it after drinking. I think curry ramen and curry fried noodles are original and delicious. However, we recommend the grilled meat set meal, levanilla, meat leeks, and stir-fried foods on the cafeteria menu. The ramen has a Japanese taste, and the roots have soba, so I wonder if that is the flow. It is the taste of Omigawa along with Hiroka. The manager and his wife are still young, so it looks like they will be able to enjoy it for a long time. Delicious, drink the soup It was a feast. It was delicious ?
福間浩之(佐倉大王) on Google

カレー焼きそば。 千葉県香取市の小見川地区はカレー焼きそばの文化があって、しかも2つの流派がある。元祖の一つのさかえ食堂(閉店)の流れを組むというニュー栄をようやく訪問。 店内に座りカウターに座るなり、メニューをろくに見ずにカレー焼きそば850円を頼む。 若い店主と奥さん?。店主は寡黙に鍋を振るう。カレーが漂い暫く待って運ばれる。 カレー汁の中にストレートの細目の傷められた麺。上には青のり、紅生姜。焼きそばを炒めてからスープを加え、最後にカレー粉を加えるらしく、スープはカレーとソースの味が混じる。酸味の効いたソースとカレー。ほのかな魚介の味。癖になる味。旨いな〜。 以前に、もう一つの流れのカレー焼きそばを出すの華蓮(投稿済)にも行ったが、カレースープだくの焼きそばという店は共通しているが、かなり趣きは異なる。どちらも甲乙付けがたい。 この店はカレーラーメンも名物らしく、汁だくのカレー焼きそばとカレーラーメンの違いが気になる。再訪して確かめねばと思いつつ、ごちそう様でした。
Curry fried noodles. The Omigawa district of Katori City, Chiba Prefecture, has a culture of curry fried noodles, and there are two schools. I finally visited New Sakae to form the flow of one of the original Sakae restaurants (closed). As soon as I sit in the store and sit on the couter, I ask for 850 yen for curry fried noodles without looking at the menu. Young shopkeeper and wife? .. The shopkeeper silently shakes the pot. The curry drifts and is carried after waiting for a while. Straight, finely damaged noodles in curry soup. On the top are green laver and pickled ginger. It seems that the soup is added after frying the yakisoba, and the curry powder is added at the end. The soup mixes the taste of curry and sauce. Sour sauce and curry. A faint taste of seafood. A addictive taste. It ’s delicious. Previously, I went to Hua Ren (posted), which serves another type of curry fried noodles, but the store called curry soup fried noodles is common, but the taste is quite different. Both are difficult to attach. Curry ramen seems to be a specialty at this shop, and I'm curious about the difference between curry fried noodles and curry ramen. It was a feast, thinking that I should visit again and check it.
銚子屋 佐原店(銚子屋) on Google

初めての小見川カレー焼きそば文化を体験 すぐ近くの高校通ってたのに知んなかったあ? とっても具が多くて ソースの酸味が鼻めどを劈くざんす。うまい! 数年に1度食べたくなるかもしれない味だ! 気になった唐揚げ定食も堪能。 味噌汁も上手です 具が旬の物で季節感抜群 間違え無い美味?
Experience the first Omigawa curry yakisoba culture I didn't know even though I went to a high school nearby ? Very ingredients that is most of the source sour dialysance piercing nose prospect. good! It's a taste you might want to eat once every few years! Enjoy the fried chicken set meal that you are interested in. Miso soup is also good. The ingredients are seasonal and have a great sense of the season. Delicious without mistake ?
kazu K. on Google

買い物に行くときに寄ってみました。。 地元の方に愛されてるお店です。 ヤキソバは細麺で少し濃い目の味付けです。 餃子も美味しかったです。 ご馳走さまでした。
I stopped by when I went shopping. .. It is a shop loved by the locals. Yakisoba is a thin noodle with a slightly strong flavor. The dumplings were also delicious. It was a feast.
ジャルダンピエール on Google

There is a shop just outside the city of Omigawa. I had a set meal with stir-fried meat and vegetables. The vegetables are well-balanced with bean sprouts, onions, Chinese cabbage yellow vegetables, and green and yellow vegetables such as Japanese mustard spinach and green peppers. Pork is also thick shoulder meat and has a very strong taste and is delicious. The ingredients are fried quickly at high temperature, the vegetables are crispy, and the meat is well cooked, making it very fragrant and delicious. I'm sure the owner has a solid background in Chinese food. Stir-fried vegetables that I make is a professional skill because of the difference in cloud mud. I'm sure that fried rice is also delicious. This time, stir-fried offal is also intriguing. It seems to be strong in meat dishes, so if you want meat, this is the place. There is a lot of rice, and the hungry person is perfect. It's a shop where a friendly couple is getting along well, and it makes me feel at home. I think it's a good store that offers good service casually, without decorating, like the poppy that blooms in the field. Other customers seemed to be very comfortable and smiling. The price is reasonable and it is like a treasure of Omigawa. Finding a store like this makes me feel a little happy.

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