グラマシーニューヨーク 小田急新宿店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact グラマシーニューヨーク 小田急新宿店

住所 :

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Webサイト : https://www.gramercy-newyork.com/
街 : Tokyo

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan
Lili Papai on Google

初めて食べました。 えーと、凄く普通でした。 勿論不味いわけではなく普通に美味しいですが、生クリームにフレッシュ感があるとか、果物がみずみずしくて凄く美味しいとか、リキュールやバニラが香るとか、そういったものは全く無いです。 多分もう買わないです。
It's the first time I ate it. Well, it was very normal. Of course, it's not unpleasant and it's usually delicious, but there's no such thing as fresh cream, fresh fruit and very delicious, liqueur or vanilla scent. Maybe I won't buy it anymore.
うみ on Google

すごくケーキが美味しい。 フルーツ系、クリーム系、チョコレート系、どれもはずれがないです。 誕生日や、とっておきの来客がある時に利用させてもらってます。 あと持ち帰り用の袋が案外丈夫で利便性が高いので気に入ってます。
The cake is really delicious. Fruit-based, cream-based, and chocolate-based are all perfect. I use it on my birthday or when I have a special visitor. I also like the take-out bag because it is surprisingly durable and convenient.
佐藤洋子 on Google

チーズケーキとアップルパイが好きだけど、店員はお客さんが多くても並ぶよう案内しないし、とにかく時間がかかるし、接客態度もよくない。 食べたい気持ちとひどい接客を天秤にかけてどうしても食べたいときだけ買う。
I like cheese cake and apple pie, the clerk do not guide so as to align at most is the audience, to take anyway time, not good customer service attitude. Buy the feelings and terrible customer service that want to eat only when you want to eat just over the balance.
kun hiro on Google

【更新しました】グラマシーニューヨークの焼き菓子?はヴィタメールと並んで会社買いでも間違いのないです。人気のお店です。ケーキ類もとても美味しいです。 必ずしも在庫があるとは限りませんが、こちらの杏仁豆腐も個人的にはとても好きです。 又、黒の紙袋に高級感がありますね?
[Updated] Gramercy New York's baked goods ? can be bought by the company along with Wittamer. It is a popular shop. The cakes are also very delicious. It's not always in stock, but I personally like this almond tofu. Also, the black paper bag has a luxurious feel ?
Gon Suke on Google

I took a little time to settle for about 3-4 minutes, but during that time, another female clerk glared at me with a terrible appearance, which made me feel very unpleasant. It's the first time I've lived for about half a century and I've been glared at so much with a great appearance. I don't want to add a single star. Others have also written in word of mouth, but I think that the female clerk with this worst-cased shortcut hair is probably the same clerk. It was so terrible and I felt very uncomfortable, so I reviewed it for the first time. If Odakyu and this head office do not properly educate such clerk, this one clerk will have a negative image as a whole. Please take this reality seriously and improve your response in the future. I will never use this store again. The most popular cheesecake also tasted at the same level as the cheap boxed cheesecake of an unnamed brand that has a long shelf life, which is common in local SA souvenir shops, and the taste was not worth the price. ..
taka h. on Google

テイクアウトて美味しくいただきました。 甘い物が得意でない人にもちょうど良いサイズ感。
It was delicious to take out. A feeling of size that is just right for people who are not good at sweets.
トントン0024 on Google

2021年5月17日(月)〜 20時まで営業しているので助かります。 ニューヨークチーズケーキ×2個=1,080円 ニューヨークナイツ1個=540円 どのケーキも安心して美味しく頂けるお店です。
From Monday, May 17, 2021 It's open until 20:00, so it's helpful. New work cheesecake x 2 = 1,080 yen 1 New York Knight = 540 yen It is a shop where you can enjoy all the cakes with peace of mind.
1 1 on Google

チーズケーキを購入しましたが甘すぎてワンカット食べ終える前に気持ち悪くなり甘すぎて喉がイガっとするくらいです。 好みの問題かもしれませんが甘すぎないチーズケーキが好きなので残念でした。 連れもチーズケーキが好きなので2つ買いましたがシナモンが苦手で食べられませんでした。 なめらかさや口溶けは好みでした。
I bought a cheesecake, but it was so sweet that I felt uncomfortable before I finished eating one-cut film and it was so sweet that my throat was irritated. It may be a matter of taste, but I was disappointed because I like cheesecake that is not too sweet. My companion also likes cheesecake, so I bought two, but I wasn't good at cinnamon and couldn't eat it. I liked the smoothness and melting in the mouth.

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