苦楽園口駅 - Nishinomiya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 苦楽園口駅

住所 :

Nishinomiya, Hyogo,Japan

街 : Hyogo

Nishinomiya, Hyogo,Japan
Mr S on Google

Nishinomiya Garden was used several times at the beginning of the opening, but it is usually delicious and I think it is just right to eat while shopping
D on Google

Toshi T on Google

梅田行き神戸線への乗り継ぎでいつも電車まで走らされます。帰りも同じです。たった30秒早く発車すればいいだけなのに。特に高齢者がバタバタと走らされるのを見て、いつも残念に思います。運営側はそれを見ても何とも思わないのでしょうか?トイレも古くて汚いし自転車駐輪場もいっぱいで定期購入まで約1年半待たされました。屋根も無いし。 高級エリアと言われてますが、インフラが昭和の時代からほとんど更新されていないのが残念です。
I always run to the train when I transfer to the Kobe Line bound for Umeda. The return is the same. I just had to leave 30 seconds early. It's always a shame to see older people run fluttering, especially. What does the management think of it? The toilets are old and dirty, and there are many bicycle parking lots, so it took about a year and a half to get a regular purchase. There is no roof. It's said to be a high-class area, but it's a shame that the infrastructure hasn't been updated since the Showa era.
Takanto on Google

枝振りの良い桜がとても綺麗? お花見客の往来が多いにもかかわらず、自治の良さを感じるクリーンな川沿い。素晴らしい。
Cherry blossoms with good branches are very beautiful A clean riverside that feels good self-government despite the frequent traffic of flower-seekers. Great.
凛々 on Google

朝晩の通勤時間 周辺に 山肌まで マンションや住宅街が乱立して ホームから溢れそうな人混み。年々 ひどくなるし疲れる
To the mountain surface around the morning and evening commuting time A crowd of condominiums and residential areas that are likely to overflow from the home. It gets worse and tired year by year
丸尾彰彦 on Google

苦楽園駅から歩いて どこまでも続くような幻想的な 桜と川の共演に言葉を失い レトロな、こほろぎ橋と ここだけの夙川舞桜も楽しめました。
Walking from Korakuen Station Fantastic that lasts forever Lost words in the co-starring of Sakura and the river With a retro Kohorogi Bridge I also enjoyed Mai Sakura Shukugawa only here.
鉄道Jリーグプロ野球好き on Google

桜が有名な夙川公園の最寄り駅で、甲陽園線唯一の途中駅。 日中は1時間辺り6本で10分おきの運行。 朝晩は通勤通学客、サクラの時期は花見客で混雑するが、サクラの時期以外の日中はノンビリしている。
The closest station to Shukugawa Park, which is famous for its cherry blossoms, and the only station on the Koyoen Line. During the day, 6 trains run every 10 minutes per hour. It is crowded with commuters in the morning and evening, and cherry blossom viewing during the cherry blossom season, but it is not busy during the daytime except during the cherry blossom season.
Kz Oku on Google

春の桜の季節は混み合います。 夙川沿いの桜並木が綺麗です。 苦楽園口駅から夙川駅まで歩くのがおすすめです。
The cherry blossom season in spring is crowded. The row of cherry blossom trees along the Shukugawa River is beautiful. It is recommended to walk from Korakuenguchi Station to Shukugawa Station.

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