スポーツクラブ アクトス 岐阜島

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スポーツクラブ アクトス 岐阜島

住所 :

Nishinakajima, 〒502-0916 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889788
Webサイト : https://sc1.axtos.com/shop/gifushima
街 : Gifu

Nishinakajima, 〒502-0916 Gifu,Japan
杉原満 on Google

I use it almost every day, but the mask is tough. Please think of some good way.
グルメ・デフォアグラ on Google

フリーウエイトの所に常連グループがたむろしている。偉そうにし過ぎ。 こんな所で粋がってるなと言いたい。 それとは変わってスタッフさんの雰囲気はいい感じです。 会員さん全員に怪我やクセをきちんと聞いてくれてプログラムを作ってくれます。 ダンススタジオとプール、バイクやトレッドミル設備は結構良いと思います。 シャワールームも綺麗です。ただロッカールームが隣とキチキチ。まあそこはご愛嬌ですね。 スイミングスクールの先生は実績のある人らしくおすすめらしいです。
A regular group is hanging out at the free weights. Too good. I want to say that you are smart in such places. On the contrary, the atmosphere of the staff is good. He / she listens to all members for injuries and habits and makes a program. I think the dance studio and pool, bikes and treadmill facilities are quite good. The shower room is also beautiful. However, the locker room is right next door. Well, that's pretty. It seems that swimming school teachers are recommended as people with a proven track record.
koc T.Ka3 on Google

転勤するまで通っていました。 建て替えられてからコートも綺麗になり、冷暖房も効くので快適でした。 また戻ったら通いたいです。
I went there until I was transferred. After the rebuilding, the coat became beautiful and the air conditioning was effective, so it was comfortable. I want to go back again.
口コミ記録用 on Google

改装したこともあり、ロビー、ジム内、更衣室、プールなど全て清潔感があります。 ジムの器具は重りの変更が簡単ですし、全身の筋肉が鍛えられるので良かったです。 ランニングマシーンはテレビ付きとテレビ無しがあります。 スタジオも多様なジャンルの体操ができるので楽しみながら運動ができます。 ただ今はコロナ対策で人数制限をしていることもあり、30分ぐらい前から整理券を配っていて、早く並ばないと満員になってレッスンを受けることができません。 並ぶ時間が無駄だと感じます。 コロナ対策のため、器具を使用した後は自分でアルコール消毒を毎回行わなければいけないので大変ですが、今のご時世仕方ありません。 残念な点は、会員費が高いこと。 会員のコース変更や休会手続きなどでも、やたらとお金を取られる。 最高の環境でトレーニングやダイエットをしたい方にはおすすめですが、こだわりがなく、とにかく痩せれれば良いという方は、もっと安いジムはありますよ。
Due to the renovation, the lobby, gym, changing rooms and pool are all clean. I'm glad that the gym equipment is easy to change weights and trains the muscles of the whole body. There are two types of running machines, one with a TV and the other without a TV. The studio can also do various genres of gymnastics, so you can enjoy exercising. However, due to the fact that the number of people is limited due to corona measures, we have been handing out numbered tickets about 30 minutes ago, and if we do not line up early, we will not be able to take lessons. I feel that the time to line up is wasted. As a measure against corona, it is difficult because you have to disinfect yourself with alcohol every time after using the equipment, but it is unavoidable now. Unfortunately, the membership fee is high. Even if you change the course of a member or take a leave of absence, you can get a lot of money. It is recommended for those who want to train and diet in the best environment, but for those who are not particular about it and just want to lose weight, there are cheaper gyms available.
Yasuhiro Asano on Google

コンクリート造りの屋内なので、空調も照明も常に稼動。年寄りには有り難い環境です。 但し、大きな不満があります。照明の配光が悪く、ムラが大きすぎる。最も明るいのは、ベースラインの外側。ボールが通過しないエリアを明るくするのは何の為なんだよ?
Since it is indoors made of concrete, air conditioning and lighting are always in operation. It is a nice environment for the elderly. However, I have a big complaint. The lighting distribution is poor and the unevenness is too large. The brightest is outside the baseline. What is the reason for brightening the area where the ball does not pass?
onigiri sake on Google

2022年3月12日午後に利用しました。16:30ごろに浴場を利用しましたが、その際大声で笑いながら会話する老人3〜4名(1.身長の低いリーダー的な短髪老害 2.1.よりヒョロ長い一人では何もできない小心者老害、3.4.は記憶にも残らないデブ糞老害フレンズ)がおりました。お一人の勇気ある方が注意しましたが、何のその係員が注意しようが浴室を出たロッカールームでずーっと大声で愚痴りあっておりました。大変不愉快でした。私の倍以上生きていてこのような自分の行いを恥じれない傷の舐め合いをする愚かな人間がいることがとても苦痛でした。おそらく雰囲気的にスタッフもそこまで介入できないのか、老害軍団はこれからも出禁にはならないと思われます。午後に行かれる方は気をつけてください。そして老害軍団が金輪際出禁になることを願います。 最後に、勇気を出して注意していただいた紳士の方にあらためて感謝いたします。ありがとうございました。
This review was written 2022 years March 12 afternoon. But I took advantage of baths in around 16:30 At that time the old man three or four people to talk while laughing out loud (1. low leader of Short Rogai stature 2.1. Than Hyoro can not do anything in the long one person ALARMED Rogai, 3.4. was cage is fat shit Rogai Friends) it does not remain in memory. A person with the courage of one person care has been taken, but what of the attendant tries to attention but had been each other Guchiri all the time in a loud voice in the locker room leaving the bathroom. Very it was unpleasant. Stupid human beings to the mutual licking of such your not ashamed to do scratch that was very painful to have to be alive my more than doubled. Perhaps can not atmosphere to intervention until there is also staff, it seems that Rogai corps should not be in the future also Dekin. Please be careful those who go in the afternoon. And we hope that Rogai corps is till doomsday Dekin. Finally, we thank again towards the gentleman who note courage. Thank you very much.
Yuki Fujii on Google

Good Staff
林笑里 on Google

Nice gym that was renovated a few years ago. The staff seems to have a high turnover rate, but there's usually one or two people there who speak English, which is great. There's three types of memberships. A daytime membership (you can only come in the daytime), evening membership (only in evenings) and full membership where you can go anytime. For free weights they have dumbbells, bench press, and I think a squat rack but it's the kind where the bar is fixed into the rack. They have a variety of weight machines, treadmills, stationary bike, recumbent bike, elliptical, stair master and cross trainers. They also have a gym. The bathrooms are fantastic with lockers, hair dryers, showers, and even a tradition Japanese style public bath type area.

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